Coop vs CC

My god guys it wouldn’t even be close (especially with men’s ball). Look, I’m a huge CC fan but she’s never had anyone anywhere near the athleticism of Cooper defend her. Coop could get any shot he wanted on offense.
I am as big of a CC fan there is right now, but this is preposterous. Cooper just physically tested off the charts for NFL cornerbacks and was a prolific dunker in high school. If this was a game of horse, of course I would give the nod to CC. But in a game of actual basketball? Come on.
1 on 1 CC would be hard pressed to get a shot off. Let alone an open look. She would not come close to being able to get past him if trying to drive to the basket. Defensively she could not stop him and he could take her to the basket absolutely any time he wishes. He is too big, too strong, too fast, and whatever else you want to add. He is considered to be a high end athlete for the NFL - not for an every day dude. Now if it was simply a shooting contest - CC every day of the week.
I am as big of a CC fan there is right now, but this is preposterous. Cooper just physically tested off the charts for NFL cornerbacks and was a prolific dunker in high school. If this was a game of horse, of course I would give the nod to CC. But in a game of actual basketball? Come on.
He reminds me of former Purdue hoop star a while back, Chris Kramer. Similar hair cut, athleticism, and swole.
Silly comparison, but it is worth it to note that Cooper, from a defensive standpoint, could probably play Division I college basketball and be fine. He' s an elite athlete. Hell, he could run track for that matter. There aren't many athletes like him.

I'd also guess that she would kick his ass in a 3 point shooting contest using a women's ball. No question.

I remember watching some video of Catilin in high school and I commented that she would be able to start and play well on most boys high school teams in Iowa. A few people took offense to that statement. I think I was correct.
He reminds me of former Purdue hoop star a while back, Chris Kramer. Similar hair cut, athleticism, and swole.
I mean this in the nicest way possible... If anyone on here thinks that Caitlin would beat Cooper 1v1 in basketball I guarantee you did not play basketball further than the high school level.

She legitimately might not score outside of a heaved fadeaway 3-pointer.
Silly comparison, but it is worth it to note that Cooper, from a defensive standpoint, could probably play Division I college basketball and be fine. He' s an elite athlete. Hell, he could run track for that matter. There aren't many athletes like him.

I'd also guess that she would kick his ass in a 3 point shooting contest using a women's ball. No question.

I remember watching some video of Catilin in high school and I commented that she would be able to start and play well on most boys high school teams in Iowa. A few people took offense to that statement. I think I was correct.
Not at 6 foot 120 lb.s which she was in high school. She might play on a small rural team, but not at the upper levels.
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Biology and genetics always win out at the end of the day. I love CC but CD is being modest.
Coop would win easily in a straight up game. It's just a reality. However, as was said earlier, if it was a game of twenty one and CC has the ball first, she could beat him but she would have to make them all and not miss. He would post her up and pretty much make easy shot after easy shot or burn right by her. Dude was a baller in highschool that could've been a legitimate D-1 prospect.
Coop is being modest. With his athleticism and vertical it really wouldn't be a contest in a true 1-1. Even Caitlin has said by around the 6th grade she couldn't compete with the boys.

A 3pt contest or a game of horse (that couldn't include dunks)? I'm taking the lady.
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Silly comparison, but it is worth it to note that Cooper, from a defensive standpoint, could probably play Division I college basketball and be fine. He' s an elite athlete. Hell, he could run track for that matter. There aren't many athletes like him.

I'd also guess that she would kick his ass in a 3 point shooting contest using a women's ball. No question.

I remember watching some video of Catilin in high school and I commented that she would be able to start and play well on most boys high school teams in Iowa. A few people took offense to that statement. I think I was correct.
I would add baseball into this as well. I umpired Cooper a handful of times when he did play high school baseball. He was a great player and he threw 90 plus on the mound. This is a sport he didn’t put much time in and he still made it look easy.

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