Cop Unloads Can of Pepper Spray on Man Having Stroke


HB All-American
Dec 25, 2005
"A Fredericksburg police officer recently resigned, following claims of police brutality, a video released on Saturday shows the incident in which the officer tasers and pepper-sprays an innocent black man suffering from a medical emergency, before forcing him to the ground next to his car which ran over the man's foot."

"A Fredericksburg police officer recently resigned, following claims of police brutality, a video released on Saturday shows the incident in which the officer tasers and pepper-sprays an innocent black man suffering from a medical emergency, before forcing him to the ground next to his car which ran over the man's foot."

There are about 900,000 police is this country. Some are screw ups.
"Git out da car."

"We ain't playen."

"right now or I'm gonna ****en smoke ya."

"Git yer ****en hands back."


That guy should be fired for what he did to the language not to mention his over-the-top reaction. He was not even the first on the scene. He arrived as a back-up and then bullied his way into taking over.

I understand that polish is not easy to find when you are looking for people to hire into these positions, but still ... couldn't he have been taught how to interact with regular people?


Unless you are used to hearing terms such as "****en Smoke" in your everyday conversation, you are going to have to process what is being said and that can take a second or two ... even if you are not having a heart attack.

My hunch is that the word combination "****en smoke" is hardly ever used beyond the confines of a trailer park or perhaps the ghetto. You could tell by looking at him that the gentleman who was pepper sprayed was from a higher caste than was the police officer. It is not surprising that he hesitated momentarily when the policeman started raving about smoke and such nonsense.

The police should utilize a more universal vocabulary ... along with a bit more courtesy in this instance.


Out of curiosity, would anyone on this board have hired that guy for anything? Would you put him front of a customer? Would you have made him a member of a working group or hired him into a department that involved interaction with others?
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