Cosmic breakthrough: Physicists detect gravitational waves from violent black-hole merger


HB King
May 29, 2001
Scientists announced Thursday that, after decades of effort, they have succeeded in detecting gravitational waves from the violent merging of two black holes in deep space. The detection was hailed as a triumph for a controversial, exquisitely crafted, billion-dollar physics experiment and as confirmation of a key prediction of Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.

It may inaugurate a new era of astronomy in which gravitational waves are tools for studying the most mysterious and exotic objects in the universe.

From 'natural place' to gravitational waves: Gravity in 90 seconds

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From Aristotle to Einstein, the world's greatest minds have long theorized about gravity. Here are the highlights, and where the study of gravity is headed next. (Gillian Brockell,Joel Achenbach/TWP)
Some of the scientists who gathered at the National Press Club for the announcement had spent decades conceiving and constructing the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO).

“For me, this was really my dream. It’s the golden signal for me," said Alessandra Buonanno, who started working on the problem of gravitational waves as a postdoctoral student in 2000 and is now a theoretical physicist at Germany's Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics.

The observatory is actually two facilities, in Livingston, La., and Hanford, Wash. They were built and operated with funding from the National Science Foundation, which has spent $1.1 billion on LIGO over the course of several decades. The project is led by scientists from the California Institute of Technology and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and is supported by an international consortium of scientists and institutions.

LIGO survived years of management and funding turmoil, and then finally began operations in 2002. Throughout the first observational run, lasting until 2010, the universe declined to cooperate. LIGO detected nothing.

Then came a major upgrade of the detectors. LIGO became more sensitive. On Sept. 14, the signal arrived.

It was a clear, compelling signal of two black holes coalescing, LIGO scientists said in interviews before the news conference. The signal lasted only half a second, but it captured the endgame of two black holes spiraling together.

"We finally got there. We did it," said David Reitze, executive director of the LIGO laboratory at Caltech.

These black holes were each about the diameter of a major metropolis. They orbited one another at a furious pace at the very end, speeding up to about 75 orbits per second — warping the space around them like a blender cranked to infinity — until finally the two black holes became one.

The pattern of the resulting gravitational waves contained information about the nature of the black holes. Most significantly, the signal closely matched what scientists expected based on Einstein's relativity equations. The physicists knew, in advance, what gravitational waves from merging black holes ought to look like — with a rising frequency, culminating in what they call a chirp, followed by a "ring-down" as the waves settle.

And that's what they saw. They saw it in both Louisiana and Washington state. It was such a strong signal, Reitze said, that everyone knew it was either a real detection of a black hole merger or "somebody had injected a signal into the interferometers and not properly flagged it into the data set. It tuned out that fortunately that wasn’t the case.”

He said the team, knowing the checkered history of gravitational wave detections that were later discredited, took special care to have the results verified and peer-reviewed prior to the big announcement. The scientists even looked for the possible handiwork of a computer hacker, Reitze said. All reviews held up.

The LIGO success has been a poorly kept secret in the physics world, but the scientists kept their historic paper detailing the exact results secret until Thursday morning.

[Why is this famous physicist tweeting rumors about gravitational waves?]

There is no obvious, immediate consequence of this physics experiment, but the scientists are ecstatic and say this opens a new window on the universe. Until now, astronomy has been almost exclusively a visual enterprise: Scientists have relied on light, visible and otherwise, to observe the cosmos. But now gravitational waves can be used as well.

Gravitational waves are the ripples in the pond of spacetime. The gravity of large objects warps space and time, or “spacetime” as physicists call it, the way a bowling ball changes the shape of a trampoline as it rolls around on it. Smaller objects will move differently as a result — like marbles spiraling toward a bowling-ball-sized dent in a trampoline instead of sitting on a flat surface.

These waves will be particularly useful for studying black holes (the existence of which was first implied by Einstein's theory) and other dark objects, because they'll give scientists a bright beacon to search for even when objects don't emit actual light. Mapping the abundance of black holes and frequency of their mergers could get a lot easier.

[European probe launched in a search for ripples in space-time]

Since they pass through matter without interacting with it, gravitational waves would come to Earth carrying undistorted information about their origin. They could also improve methods for estimating the distances to other galaxies.

LIGO scientists, speaking to The Washington Post in advance of Thursday's news conference, say they saw a weaker signal from a black-hole merger about a week after the first detection.

“The geometry of spacetime gives a burp at the end of [the merger],” said Rainer Weiss, an MIT professor of physics emeritus who has labored on LIGO since the 1970s.

No one had ever seen direct evidence of “binary” black holes – two black holes paired together and then merging. The Sept. 14 signal came from about 1.3 billion light years away, though that's a very approximate estimate. That places the black hole merger in very deep space; the signal that arrived in September came from an event that happened before there were any multicellular organisms on Earth.

The reason that gravitational waves have been so difficult to detect is that their effects are tinier than tiny. In fact, the signals they produce are so small that scientists struggle to remove enough background noise to confirm them.

LIGO detects gravitational waves by looking for tiny changes in the path of a long laser beam. In each of the lab's two facilities, a laser beam is split in two and sent down two perpendicular tubes 2.5 miles long. Each arm of the beam bounces off a mirror and heads back to the starting point. If nothing interferes, these two arms recombine at the starting point and cancel each other out.

But a photodetector is waiting in case something goes wrong. If the vibration of a gravitational wave warps the path of one of the lasers, making the two beams almost infinitesimally misaligned, the laser will hit the photodetector and alert the scientists.

To catch movement that small, scientists have to filter out ambient vibrations all the time. And sometimes even seemingly perfect results can end in disappointment: To prevent false positives, LIGO has an elaborate system in place to occasionally inject ersatz signals. Only three scientists on the team know the truth in such cases, and in at least one instance their colleagues were prepared to publish the results when they finally revealed the ruse.

This fail-safe gave pause to many scientists when rumors about the LIGO detection began to circulate in recent months. But the team confidently confirmed that its readings were not falsely injected – it really spotted a pair of black holes.

One of the two black holes had a mass about 36 times greater than our sun. The other registered at 29 solar masses. Both were rather massive as black holes go -- 10 solar masses is more typical.
The amount of 'strain' in spacetime caused by the gravitational wave was 1/1000th the size of an atomic nucleus...

Laser light interference patterns is the only way they could detect something that small. At the presser, they are explaining how Einstein had looked into how to detect the waves, but no one knew about black holes, and objects that small/dense are required to detect a signal. Likewise, there was no such thing as a laser to be able to detect amounts of strain at 10^-21m.
They were able to determine the solar masses of the original 2 black holes, as well as the resulting solar mass of the result of the merger, and detect that the black hole merger lost 2 or 3 solar masses in radiating the gravitational wave energy.

That's pretty cool.
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Thanks for the commentary for those of us Physics challenged types out here Joes Place!
Thanks for the commentary for those of us Physics challenged types out here Joes Place!
:cool: referral to 'strain' above is a physics/mechanics term, relating to the amount of change in length vs. original length.

So, a change in length of 1 mm measured over a 1 meter space is 1mm/1000mm = 0.001, or a 1 meter bar deforming to 1.001 meters.

The strain they were able to measure was 10^-21 meters, billionths of billionths of billionths of a meter.
LIGO had just upgraded their interferometers (to measure the laser light interference patterns and ability to detect the gravity waves) by a factor of 3 or better (or an order of magnitude - I misheard part of it), but they had NOT been able to detect waves with the prior setup, and almost immediately after the upgrade, they detected this, because it was JUST beyond the capability of their original interferometer setup.

They will now be able to adjust and detect different frequencies of gravity waves from other types of stellar activities, and further refine the physics behind these phenomena and Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

They matched up one of the supercomputer sims of black holes merging almost EXACTLY to the signal they saw, and based upon that match, they can use that particular sim to learn about the properties of black holes and spacetime. They had other sims which used different assumptions which did not match up, so this allows them to make better estimates about the physics of spacetime and black holes. As they get more gravity wave observations, they will be able to further refine their assumptions.
They just commented on how up until now, Einstein's equations of gravity/spacetime have only been tested in VERY weak gravitational fields (field of the Earth, sun, binary star observations, etc).

This event is many many orders of magnitude larger in the gravitational fields generated and detected. Despite the fact that Einstein developed those equations >100 years ago, and we've only been able to test them and confirm them under very small gravitational conditions, the simulations using those equations and computing results to VERY high precision, have confirmed Einstein's equations in one of the largest gravity events we've ever seen. This experiment confirms Einstein's equations over a MUCH larger gravitational range, further reinforcing his original theory and that our understanding of the universe is fundamentally correct.

They also said that the billion or so years it took those waves to get to us, and the shape of the signal, puts clearer constraints on the mass of the graviton particles that carry the gravity wave signal; that will help determine whether we could ever detect or actually measure that mass in a particle detector or another massive black-hole merger event like this.

Kip Thorne, the CalTech prof who did the computer sims for Interstellar, was responsible for the simulations they did which aligned with the observed signals - he may also be in line for the Nobel here, but I'm not certain who the key contributors to this work were - they generally limit the Nobel to very small teams of 2 or 3 people, max, and more typically one person.
Awesome stuff. Thanks for the summary Joe. I don't have time to listen to the presser right now. A couple of questions:

First, so this confirms gravitons as well? Or are they still theoretical and just a placeholder for whatever it actually is (kind of like dark matter). Or have they been detected by CERN?

Second, do gravity waves travel at the speed of light or do they have their own speed?
Awesome stuff. Thanks for the summary Joe. I don't have time to listen to the presser right now. A couple of questions:

First, so this confirms gravitons as well? Or are they still theoretical and just a placeholder for whatever it actually is (kind of like dark matter). Or have they been detected by CERN?

Second, do gravity waves travel at the speed of light or do they have their own speed?

As I understand it, gravitons haven't been confirmed but the probable mass of a hypothetical graviton has been narrowed. And gravitational waves do travel at the speed of light...just like Uncle Albert predicted.
As I understand it, gravitons haven't been confirmed but the probable mass of a hypothetical graviton has been narrowed. And gravitational waves do travel at the speed of light...just like Uncle Albert predicted.

Yep. We probably will never be able to directly detect individual gravitons, but by observing the properties of gravitational waves at different frequencies, we will be able to determine and limit certain properties for them and make clearer predictions for any interactions they might have. Also may make or refine predictions for aspects of String Theory or other GUT (grand unification theories) out there, and explicitly eliminate some as candidates to replace or refine the Standard Model.

As of now, a quantum theory of gravity is not harmonized/consistent with general quantum mechanics; understanding the graviton and gravity waves may lead us to being able to replace both Einsteins theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics with an over-arching Grand Theory of Everything (e.g. String Theories, M-Theory, etc).

Of course, like Newton's theory of gravity, that doesn't mean QM and Relativity will be ever be completely replaced, because they work so well in describing things within their respective realms. Just as we do NOT use quantum theory to work the calculations to build roads, buildings, planes, etc, we probably won't use a Theory of Everything in everyday physics practice where quantum mechanics works just fine. Even though we KNOW that Newton's theory was and is wrong, it's still very useful for slow speeds and larger objects - Newton's laws are just useless at speeds approaching the speed of light or for very very small particles.
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Albert Einstein might be the coolest human to ever live. We should all take a moment to bow down in memory of that man. I once read a quote by a scientist that said every scientific theory or discovery was just waiting for the right person to come along. And that if the person history records as the discoverer had never been born, someone else would have done it. It might have been 5 or 10 or even 50 years later, but someone would have done it. Except, he said, for Einstein's theories on relativity. Those, he said, are the one thing that may never have existed had the man who is credited with the theories never been born. I thought that was a pretty cool thing to read.
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Albert Einstein might be the coolest human to ever live. We should all take a moment to bow down in memory of that man. I once read a quote by a scientist that said every scientific theory or discovery was just waiting for the right person to come along. And that if the person history records as the discoverer had never been born, someone else would have done it. It might have been 5 or 10 or even 50 years later, but someone would have done it. Except, he said, for Einstein's theories on relativity. Those, he said, are the one thing that may never have existed had the man who is credited with the theories never been born. I thought that was a pretty cool thing to read.

Quantum leap by Big Al - like Beamon at the '68 Olympics ;). It would have been described at some point but it likely would have emerged from a group of findings by different people - at least that's my guess.
Ok, how do gravitational waves distort space-time when the video of Nima Arkani-Hamed I just watched the other day said that space-time is probably not real?

In a slightly related matter...I am watching "The Universe" on the History Channel 1........Today I'm watching the episode that deals with size and distances in the universe. It's almost incomprehensible!
I don't know why these guys just don't read the Good Book and be done with it. Then The History Channel 1 can dump this series and replace it with syndicated reruns of "The Flintstones"........and then we would all understand the wonders of God's creation. ;)
In a slightly related matter...I am watching "The Universe" on the History Channel 1........Today I'm watching the episode that deals with size and distances in the universe. It's almost incomprehensible!

Nothing "almost" about it. We can describe the size and distance but we have absolutely no frame of reference for comprehending it.
Nothing "almost" about it. We can describe the size and distance but we have absolutely no frame of reference for comprehending it.
A friend tricked me into dropping acid at Lollapalooza when I was in college. For that brief moment I comprehended it completely.