Could this election heal the nation?


HB King
Feb 4, 2004
Think about it. Assuming its a Hill v Trump race, we are likely to have a President that most of the nation could get a chuckle out of mocking. We might finally get that hope and change we want by focusing on a common foe. I bet there is record low turn out for this election.
Think about it. Assuming its a Hill v Trump race, we are likely to have a President that most of the nation could get a chuckle out of mocking. We might finally get that hope and change we want by focusing on a common foe. I bet there is record low turn out for this election.

That ticket would make me write in you Nat.

Get ready to select drapes.
I disagree to an extent.

The pro candidate vote will be the lowest in years but the anti-candidate vote will more than make up the difference.
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I absolutely despise Hillary. I also think Trump is a joke. Might have to vote 3rd party for the first time in my life.
I heard that dude is running who made the anti-virus software, McAfee or whatever his name is. He was charged with a murder at some point, guess he got out of it.
I think this election and the aftermath will make America more divided than ever. People absolutely detest Hillary and Trump and one of those will probably be POTUS.

It makes me understand how countries have civil wars. It will be surreal if we have Hillary or Trump in the White a nightmarish way.
I think this election and the aftermath will make America more divided than ever. People absolutely detest Hillary and Trump and one of those will probably be POTUS.

It makes me understand how countries have civil wars. It will be surreal if we have Hillary or Trump in the White a nightmarish way.

I agree Brian. In fact I think we have that now. Obummer is loathed by the right and for good reason. But Hill vs. Trump = 2 candidates that neither side likes.

That said, I have thought of Natch's view. But I think Trump as the outsider is the only one who could pull it off and this is because Congress would have to work cohesively against him.

But I compliment you on the adjective surreal. Plus based on debt, PC, immigration, infrastructure, taxes, entitlements, and government privileges, I don't think revolution is out of the question at all. I just hope I'm dead when it starts.
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You would be better off not voting at all if your going 3rd party. Waste of time.

I don't think so. There are other races down the ballot with decent candidates. In terms of a wasted vote, I think a vote cast for either Hillary or Trump would fit that description.
Think about it. Assuming its a Hill v Trump race, we are likely to have a President that most of the nation could get a chuckle out of mocking. We might finally get that hope and change we want by focusing on a common foe. I bet there is record low turn out for this election.

Hardly, for party unity purposes no matter if the president is Hilary or Trump that party is going to most likely get behind their president no matter how much they detested them before the election.

They will just ignore the stuff they do that they don't like. Just like the Dems have managed to ignore for the most part Obama's drone bombing program. You know that thing that was so horrible it was a war crime under Bush but when Obama does the same thing except ramps it up about 10x what it used to be it is now "leading the way in the fight against terrorism".

To be fair the whenever they are in the WH the Republicans always manage to throw that balanced budget and responsible spending thing out the window.
Trump and Bernie exist because people are beyond sick of our politicians. That said if Hills and Don are it I think Hills still finds a way to steal this election. She seems to be very skilled at that.

That will leave us with a public which largely hates and doesn't recognize our president. The same can be said if Don wins. At least if Don wins the legislative members will work together to cut him off at the knees. The same can't be said of Hills.

We are screwed either way but I think as a whole we are less screwed if Don gets elected. They will reduce him to a powerless figurehead (much to the protest of the people who voted for him).
Trump and Bernie exist because people are beyond sick of our politicians. That said if Hills and Don are it I think Hills still finds a way to steal this election. She seems to be very skilled at that.

That will leave us with a public which largely hates and doesn't recognize our president. The same can be said if Don wins. At least if Don wins the legislative members will work together to cut him off at the knees. The same can't be said of Hills.

We are screwed either way but I think as a whole we are less screwed if Don gets elected. They will reduce him to a powerless figurehead (much to the protest of the people who voted for him).

I'm not so sure about that. If they cut Trump off at the knees he will use his podium for sure. If it is something with populist support he could really stir up some energy. If enough people were actually involved it might force the House and Senate to support the people which I am sure would be hard for them.
How in the world can having a President that is unpopular heal the nation again? I got lost in the OP's comment right after "think about it".
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Think about it. Assuming its a Hill v Trump race, we are likely to have a President that most of the nation could get a chuckle out of mocking. We might finally get that hope and change we want by focusing on a common foe. I bet there is record low turn out for this election.
I like how you're thinking, but actually think our best chance at healing is having either Trump or Bernie in the WH. Only then have we effed it up so badly that everyone will need to step back and say...'hey we really need to focus on what our issues are and look at practical ways to fix them together...'

The side story that will go on for centuries is that whichever one of those clowns is in the WH will be credited with repairing the splintered country, LOL.
I like how you're thinking, but actually think our best chance at healing is having either Bernie in the WH. Only then have we effed it up so badly that everyone will need to step back and say...'hey we really need to focus on what our issues are and look at practical ways to fix them together...'

The side story that will go on for centuries is that whichever one of those clowns is in the WH will be credited with repairing the splintered country, LOL.

Agreed. We need to keep money in politics and increase its role. The years of representatives voting on behalf of their constituents needs to be a thing of the past. America is best represented by donors and lobbyists. We also need to insure that insurance companies are posted up between the hospitals and their patients. We need college debt to continue to balloon and we need banks to get their share of interest on top of this. Hopefully the lobbyists can get their roots in more and we can have variable rate college loans. When that comes crashing down we need the donor's representatives in place to send in more bailout money. We need to continue to build our presence in the middle east alone. It is our duty to bring peace to the region, and no one else can do it. I personally feel that the EPA is hurting the profit of manufacturers in America. If God didn't want toxins to flow in rivers he would not have made rivers flow. Don't even get me started on Bernie's stances against free trade. I just can't get how he would not support a tribunal of judges made up of the writers of the free trade deal taking on cases against countries in the interests of corporate profits. Why does he hate freedom so much?
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Agreed. We need to keep money in politics and increase its roll. The years of representatives voting on behalf of their constituents needs to be a thing of the past. America is best represented by donors and lobbyists. We also need to insure that insurance companies are posted up between the hospitals and their patients. We need college debt to continue to balloon and we need banks to get their share of interest on top of this. Hopefully the lobbyists can get their roots in more and we can have variable rate college loans. When that comes crashing down we need the donor's representatives in place to send in more bailout money. We need to continue to build our presence in the middle east alone. It is our duty to bring peace to the region, and no one else can do it. I personally feel that the EPA is hurting the profit of manufacturers in America. If God didn't want toxins to flow in rivers he would not have made rivers flow. Don't even get me started on Bernie's stances against free trade. I just can't get how he would not support a tribunal of judges made up of the writers of the free trade deal taking on cases against countries in the interests of corporate profits. Why does he hate freedom so much?
And some people will never want any part of reason.
I think Natch is right - we will finally have a President that everyone hates. Good times ahead.
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Think about it. Assuming its a Hill v Trump race, we are likely to have a President that most of the nation could get a chuckle out of mocking. We might finally get that hope and change we want by focusing on a common foe. I bet there is record low turn out for this election.
No...but it has a very real chance to heel the nation.
I absolutely despise Hillary. I also think Trump is a joke. Might have to vote 3rd party for the first time in my life.

I feel the same way. But in the end I would rather vote for a joke than someone I despise. I didn't vote last election because I watched Romney take a dive in his last debate with Obama.

I guess I know who I don't want in office and I know who I REALLY don't want in office. I really don't want Hillary in office. The one chance Dems had to possibly turn Republicans was a Sanders v Trump nomination. At least me anyway. I likely would have voted for Sanders over Trump.

If I have to vote for Trump just to keep Hillary out of office, then so be it. A Trump/Clinton ticket is a best case scenario for Trump. I believe Trump beats Clinton so I may not even need to vote.

This election is proof the idiots in this country now out number the reasonable people by a significant margin.
Think about it. Assuming its a Hill v Trump race, we are likely to have a President that most of the nation could get a chuckle out of mocking. We might finally get that hope and change we want by focusing on a common foe. I bet there is record low turn out for this election.
Depends in part on whether Hillary is indicted. But I think the election is much more likely to be extremely divisive because of the effort the Dems are putting into making it possible for non-citizens to vote. They aren't even making any bones about it now, and the AG is leading the charge.
I'm not so sure about that. If they cut Trump off at the knees he will use his podium for sure. If it is something with populist support he could really stir up some energy. If enough people were actually involved it might force the House and Senate to support the people which I am sure would be hard for them.

Trump knows how to work a room. He has been throwing out red meat for the populace to chew on because he knows that is what the populace wants. When it comes to actually governing, though, I think he would do a decent job. He knows how to make deals. He also knows how to go to the populace to drum up support. All the bombastic things he says about building a wall and muslims, and immigration, he does that for effect and to garner attention. He is over the top with his rhetoric but I don't actually believe that he would do some of those things, literally.

I far prefer the others on the Republican side over Trump and Hillary repulses me and Bernie would bankrupt this country with his social giveaways. Trump is the most palatable of those three.
Think about it. Assuming its a Hill v Trump race, we are likely to have a President that most of the nation could get a chuckle out of mocking. We might finally get that hope and change we want by focusing on a common foe. I bet there is record low turn out for this election.


No, it won't matter who the candidate is that gets chosen. The Democrats will support if it's a Democrat, and the Republicans will do the same if one of theirs gets chosen. It will be the same ol' us vs. them mentality..

The country already had it's chance to learn, particularly with Obama at the helm.


No, it won't matter who the candidate is that gets chosen. The Democrats will support if it's a Democrat, and the Republicans will do the same if one of theirs gets chosen. It will be the same ol' us vs. them mentality..

The country already had it's chance to learn, particularly with Obama at the helm.
I don't know. The D base liked Obama. They don't like Hill. If hill get in the Ds will be prime to join in the fun. I get the feeling the Rs would feel similarly is Trump gets in.
I don't know. The D base liked Obama. They don't like Hill. If hill get in the Ds will be prime to join in the fun. I get the feeling the Rs would feel similarly is Trump gets in.
This is a curious election cycle to be sure. It appears that the powers that be are in a state of imbalance. They've cornered themselves with their stupidity. They certainly aren't allowing anyone but establishment trash into the fold.

I do feel Trump is establishment trash.
Depends in part on whether Hillary is indicted. But I think the election is much more likely to be extremely divisive because of the effort the Dems are putting into making it possible for non-citizens to vote. They aren't even making any bones about it now, and the AG is leading the charge.

Paging natural to tell me how he likes his crow? Let me think, there were a few others that told me three wouldn't be votes handed out to non-citizens. Fred for sure... And that Sleib guy.
Hillary lost the "who do you trust" vote in Nevada by 70 points.

how could anyone vote for this dishonest, dishonorable, vile person?

she would run over her own daughter with a truck to be president.

She is just a horrible horrible person.

anyone voting for her must really hate this country.
Think about it. Assuming its a Hill v Trump race, we are likely to have a President that most of the nation could get a chuckle out of mocking. We might finally get that hope and change we want by focusing on a common foe. I bet there is record low turn out for this election.

No it will not heal this nation, it will take decades to undue the race baiting, class warfare baiting hate mongering of this president.

There will not be a record low turnout for the Republicans, perhaps for the Democrats.

A career criminal or a geriatric, democratic candidates.

For all the race baiting liberals thrive on all you could put up this election cycle was old white people in the first debates.

Democratic party = old white people party

why do you guys hate minorities so much? won't support them as candidates?
You would be better off not voting at all if your going 3rd party. Waste of time.

It's your way of thinking that has our country so f**ked, politically. You're more worried about winning than being part of something that grows over time and in the future sparks real change in our Govt.

You're a statist of the worst fashion. And statism is slavery.
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No it will not heal this nation, it will take decades to undue the race baiting, class warfare baiting hate mongering of this president.

There will not be a record low turnout for the Republicans, perhaps for the Democrats.

A career criminal or a geriatric, democratic candidates.

For all the race baiting liberals thrive on all you could put up this election cycle was old white people in the first debates.

Democratic party = old white people party

why do you guys hate minorities so much? won't support them as candidates?
A woman, a Jew and both elderly, we got minorities covered. Why do you only see skin color?
It's your way of thinking that has our country so f**ked, politically. You're more worried about winning than being part of something that grows over time and in the future sparks real change in our Govt.

You're a statist of the worst fashion. And statism is slavery.
Go ahead and get all those 3rd party votes and see how that works out for you. I dislike nearly all the candidates. But I know a 3rd party winner will never happen in my lifetime.
Go ahead and get all those 3rd party votes and see how that works out for you. I dislike nearly all the candidates. But I know a 3rd party winner will never happen in my lifetime.

And that is where you fail miserably as a voter. It's not always about winning......How is ANY third or fourth option ever going to get traction with your attitude? It never will....because we've been conditioned to vote to win, rather than to vote our true minds and consciousness and to slowly bring about REAL change......over bullshit rhetoric about change that will never happen, because we are being sold that talk about change by those who wish to enslave us.