Covid-19 cases are rising in more than half the nation, with a new “double mutant” strain now detected in California

Thanks California. Is that what they’re calling the West Coast strain? News said California is tracking 7 different strains.
Yeah but now I’m vaccinated so now what? And in about 6 weeks, another 100 million vaccine regiments will be completed. So then what?

This has been the problem for some time now. Everyone who wants their shot will likely have at least one by end of May. Do we keep restrictions on everyone to make up for the lack of vaccination by the 30ish % who won’t get it no matter what? That wouldn’t be right.

Someone is going to have to have the guts to declare it over (or things are normal again) at some point. And I know it’s not right now but it’ll be here sooner rather later. I think the grandstanding by the Rangers was pretty dumb personally.
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On CNN last night, Dion Le’Mon said only 8% of his people had gotten jabbed and he was pleading for them to heed his warning and take the plunge.

Doubt they’re listening.
Michigan is leading the way. Governor Whitmer began to ease restrictions and now she learned her lesson. Lock it down.
Nice deflection. Not.

Gotta love those libs who label anyone who disagrees with them or has a different opinion as a Trump supporter or QAnon (whatever that is).

I voted for Biden. Deal with it.

Gee......a virus is mutating. What a surprise.

look at you, pretending not to know what q is. No one should be surprised that when you let a virus run rampant it mutates. I hope you and the rest of the defeatist don’t let it mutate so the vaccines stop working.
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look at you, pretending not to know what q is. No one should be surprised that when you let a virus run rampant it mutates. I hope you and the rest of the defeatist don’t let it mutate so the vaccines stop working.
I really have no idea what q is, other than the term itself and apparently it is a popular label for democrats to slap on republicans. I don’t get all worked up over that stuff like you do.

I mask, distance, and will be getting my second Pfizer shot next week. So you can shove your preconceived ideas about how I think straight up your wazoo.

Viruses mutate. That’s a fact. And there is no way to prevent the Covid virus from mutating.
I really have no idea what q is, other than the term itself and apparently it is a popular label for democrats to slap on republicans. I don’t get all worked up over that stuff like you do.

I mask, distance, and will be getting my second Pfizer shot next week. So you can shove your preconceived ideas about how I think straight up your wazoo.

Viruses mutate. That’s a fact. And there is no way to prevent the Covid virus from mutating.

Hasting its replication is a way to prevent the virus from mutating
I really have no idea what q is, other than the term itself and apparently it is a popular label for democrats to slap on republicans. I don’t get all worked up over that stuff like you do.

I mask, distance, and will be getting my second Pfizer shot next week. So you can shove your preconceived ideas about how I think straight up your wazoo.

Viruses mutate. That’s a fact. And there is no way to prevent the Covid virus from mutating.
So you're admitting to being ignorant of one of the larger news stories of the past 2-3 years? Well, I would say that I'm shocked...but I'm not.
So you're admitting to being ignorant of one of the larger news stories of the past 2-3 years? Well, I would say that I'm shocked...but I'm not.
Some people don’t pay attention to the national news and many local news stations don’t cover it. What wrong with ignoring national media from both sides? You’d probably be happier if you did.
I really have no idea what q is, other than the term itself and apparently it is a popular label for democrats to slap on republicans. I don’t get all worked up over that stuff like you do.

I mask, distance, and will be getting my second Pfizer shot next week. So you can shove your preconceived ideas about how I think straight up your wazoo.

Viruses mutate. That’s a fact. And there is no way to prevent the Covid virus from mutating.
Yeah...setting yourself up as remarkably poorly informed in your very first sentence pretty much derails any insights you might try to provide later.
Some people don’t pay attention to the national news and many local news stations don’t cover it. What wrong with ignoring national media from both sides? You’d probably be happier if you did.
Such people then should not opine on any issues of importance...agreed?
Some people don’t pay attention to the national news and many local news stations don’t cover it. What wrong with ignoring national media from both sides? You’d probably be happier if you did.
It was a significant part of the presidential campaign and frequently posted about on HROT. The poster in question is an active HROT participant and major poster in trump threads. To suggest that he isn't familiar with the subject implies that he's either full of it, has had a brain injury or is dumber than a box of hammers.