COVID-19 Thread

Why do you keep putting this nonsense on this board? Please at least find a reputable source for your posting. All that info about HPV vaccine is all right wing antivaxer propaganda. This vaccine has significantly reduced the incidence of cervical cancer and has almost eliminated the need for Pap smears in routine by end exams. The vaccine has also reduced the incidence of throat cancers which are frequently caused by HPV. The deaths reported in your article have not been shown to be caused by the vaccine. There was no medical study showing death as a result of this vaccine.
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Open your freaking eyes people... my god.

The sheeeet has hit the proverbial fan today and 2 of the most esteemed and highly accredited doctors of this country have had enough and have ripped off the band aid some of you REFUSE to accept.

I challenge ANY of you to say any of these 2 guys are Tin foil hat wearing, or conspiracy theorists!

I challenge any of you to discredit these 2 men with over 60 years combined practicing medicine as if you know more than they do.

This is over for me. A mic drop. I’ve been waiting for doctors to corroborate the info... they are the only ones who truly know.

This first guy says Fauci is a straight up criminal who breaks the law carrying out his own agendas!
Open your freaking eyes people... my god.

The sheeeet has hit the proverbial fan today and 2 of the most esteemed and highly accredited doctors of this country have had enough and have ripped off the band aid some of you REFUSE to accept.

I challenge ANY of you to say any of these 2 guys are Tin foil hat wearing, or conspiracy theorists!

I challenge any of you to discredit these 2 men with over 60 years combined practicing medicine as if you know more than they do.

This is over for me. A mic drop. I’ve been waiting for doctors to corroborate the info... they are the only ones who truly know.

This first guy says Fauci is a straight up criminal who breaks the law carrying out his own agendas!
that's my God
Open your freaking eyes people... my god.

The sheeeet has hit the proverbial fan today and 2 of the most esteemed and highly accredited doctors of this country have had enough and have ripped off the band aid some of you REFUSE to accept.

I challenge ANY of you to say any of these 2 guys are Tin foil hat wearing, or conspiracy theorists!

I challenge any of you to discredit these 2 men with over 60 years combined practicing medicine as if you know more than they do.

This is over for me. A mic drop. I’ve been waiting for doctors to corroborate the info... they are the only ones who truly know.

This first guy says Fauci is a straight up criminal who breaks the law carrying out his own agendas!
Put a sock in it, Ivan. Nobody believes this stuff from you. This is disinformation aimed for a political agenda, not public health.
Emergency rooms have seen huge surge in admissions, with many going into ICUs. This is not just another flu. Demonizing Gates or Fauci gets you what? An extra thousand votes from frightened and desperate people in November? Was it really worth your undermining of trust in the public health system?
Why do you keep putting this nonsense on this board? Please at least find a reputable source for your posting. All that info about HPV vaccine is all right wing antivaxer propaganda. This vaccine has significantly reduced the incidence of cervical cancer and has almost eliminated the need for Pap smears in routine by end exams. The vaccine has also reduced the incidence of throat cancers which are frequently caused by HPV. The deaths reported in your article have not been shown to be caused by the vaccine. There was no medical study showing death as a result of this vaccine.

In all fairness, do you think if the medical community was responsible for the deaths, that they would put it in a report. I am sure that would be hidden. I am not saying they were responsible for deaths, but I am saying they would probably not admit it. One problem that jumps out at me is that people read something and take it as gospel - whether it be right wing or left wing or something from a so called expert.
You should consider getting off your high horse. You try acting like a neutral poster when you and a few others have tried running anyone off that posts something that isn't a doomsday scenario. I can't be the only one who appreciates some of the posters who post information that contradicts what a few of you bombard the board with.
Ihtst8t went out of his way letting us know how much of an expert he is regarding viruses. That possibly made some people take his posts seriously. He then posts an untrue story about Covid killing a chile and you have the nerve to act like Spooner is the asshole. It's bullshit he deleted that without owning it and you need to own not being neutral in form or fashion.

The only thing I have tried to be neutral about is the political aspect to the discussion on this thread. I don't view the US response to this virus as a red or blue issue. I see it as competency. Get the job done for the people. People's lives are at stake by the Govt. response to their medical needs. Get the job done, save lives. That's really all that matters.

I definitely am not neutral with anyone who has posted it is "just the flu" info. I have not attacked them, but I did not accept their misinformation without trying to post correct info and hopefully educate them.

It is definitely more than the flu and it is very dangerous. This whole pandemic is nowhere near over. We may all be pretty tired of it by now, but the virus is not done with us yet.

From 1 US death on March 1st to over 36,000 US deaths here on April 17th. In 7 weeks we have more COVID-19 deaths than we had in all of the 7-9 months of the 2018-2019 flu season. And we have basically had most of the Country shut down for a month or so. If that had not happened the death count would be much greater and possibly getting out of control.

The US lost around 650,000 people with the 1918 flu. That flu started in 1917 and had 3 large waves before it finally ended in 1919. The 2nd wave had about 5 times more deaths than the 1st wave. This is the type of thing that is trying to be prevented.

Publishing information that downplays the seriousness of this virus might be dangerous to some who might believe it and be less cautious and safe than they should be.
I have enjoyed reading these post the last few days. To me it seems clear a couple poster clearly care about the safety of the american people. A couple posters care about a political agenda. whom ever wrote the line about the "esteemed" dr phil made me spit out my sip of martini! that was truly hilarious! also angers me as I'm almost out of gin!
Put a sock in it, Ivan. Nobody believes this stuff from you. This is disinformation aimed for a political agenda, not public health.
Emergency rooms have seen huge surge in admissions, with many going into ICUs. This is not just another flu. Demonizing Gates or Fauci gets you what? An extra thousand votes from frightened and desperate people in November? Was it really worth your undermining of trust in the public health system?
Trust in the public health system. :D:D:p:p
Money driven joke.
Open your freaking eyes people... my god.

The sheeeet has hit the proverbial fan today and 2 of the most esteemed and highly accredited doctors of this country have had enough and have ripped off the band aid some of you REFUSE to accept.

I challenge ANY of you to say any of these 2 guys are Tin foil hat wearing, or conspiracy theorists!

I challenge any of you to discredit these 2 men with over 60 years combined practicing medicine as if you know more than they do.

This is over for me. A mic drop. I’ve been waiting for doctors to corroborate the info... they are the only ones who truly know.

This first guy says Fauci is a straight up criminal who breaks the law carrying out his own agendas!
I will be glad to discredit these physicians. Dr. Buttar is an idiot who has been discredited several times for inappropriate care of children with autism and patients with cancer. He has used chelation therapy for both diseases. This treatment is both ineffective and dangerous. Dr. Buttar is not even a MD. I definitely know more than he does!
Dr Jensen has not been discredited as a physician, but he is now a politician, not a physician. He states that he doesn’t agree with the body counts. There are many other physicians that disagree with him. Many physicians believe the death counts are under reported because we have so under utilized testing in this country. Many deaths occur without a test being done. If the illness appears to be CV, the cause of death can be recorded as such. That is very appropriate. Autopsies are rarely done in these circumstances, thus a physician has to make the best diagnosis possible to place on the death certificate. Have you ever signed a death certificate? Or treated patients with severe illness or ICU patients? If you haven’t, try asking a physician who has done this, especially being overwhelmed by treating high number of icu patients.
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Trust in the public health system. :D:D:p:p
Money driven joke.
No, that's the medical insurance industry. The public health system was fairly robust before Trump, and it still seems to be functioning under him. Don't like the money-driven aspect of America? Blame the system, not the "so-called winners" in that system. A lot of good the money will do you if you get sick and die.

I get it. People are tired of rich doctors, lawyers, and administrators telling them what to think and when to work, while those guys get all the money, have all the benefits, and call all the shots. People want to blame professionals (doctors, nurses, hospital leaders, business leaders, etc.) for falling short (those "so-called experts") with this pandemic because we're all so helpless. Meanwhile the "alternative" media does as much as it can to undermine public trust, like yours. Other countries like Russia and China want us weaker, too. Then shameless populists take advantage of this wide-scale resentment to gain power for the crazy fringe dwellers.

But if the water pump fails in my car, who should I hire to fix it - an epidemiologist or a car repair shop? If my aluminum canoe gets a hole, who do I call to patch it - a public health expert or a savvy local welder? If my Ruger autoloader jams, who do I call, a gunsmith or a lawyer? Always hire the person with ability, training, and experience. Over time, the best ones rise to the top.

We're seeing the cracks in our systems, as always happens during a national catastrophe. Our governors of both parties are on top of things, and they say they will restart the economy as soon as they can. I believe them. What we need now more than ever is our patience.
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I have family in Polk county working in health care. There is at least one nursing home in central Iowa that is having an outbreak. I’m hearing there are more unreported but verified cases as well as many exhibiting similar symptoms but the facility lacks testing to verify.
I will be glad to discredit these physicians. Dr. Buttar is an idiot who has been discredited several times for inappropriate care of children with autism and patients with cancer. He has used chelation therapy for both diseases. This treatment is both ineffective and dangerous. Dr. Buttar is not even a MD. I definitely know more than he does!
Dr Jensen has not been discredited as a physician, but he is now a politician, not a physician. He states that he doesn’t agree with the body counts. There are many other physicians that disagree with him. Many physicians believe the death counts are under reported because we have so under utilized testing in this country. Many deaths occur without a test being done. If the illness appears to be CV, the cause of death can be recorded as such. That is very appropriate. Autopsies are rarely done in these circumstances, thus a physician has to make the best diagnosis possible to place on the death certificate. Have you ever signed a death certificate? Or treated patients with severe illness or ICU patients? If you haven’t, try asking a physician who has done this, especially being overwhelmed by treating high number of icu patients.
Man if your going to give a rebuttal, can you at least pretend like you researched what you’re saying, or just simply pretend you know even a little bout what your talking about??

Your entire post fell on its face when somehow you retired Dr Jenson as a physician, because according to you, you said he’s a senator and not a physician anymore.

Im not even sure how I’m gonna start with that, given now that I actually know what level of relative knowledge/intelligence I’m dealing with regarding the subject at hand.

Newsflash.... just because someone runs for and becomes an elected state Senator, as Dr Jenson did as a Republican in Minnesota, that doesn’t mean they go and automatically quit their day jobs...

Especially typically with guys who are recognized as one of the best doctors in the country and have practiced medicine over 40 years like Dr Jenson has.

First off, you apparently didn’t watch Dr Jenson’s interview with Fox News, that’s abundantly clear.

If you would have, you would have seen that he clearly states, multiple times on there, how he’s specifically handling himself personally with all the newer mandates and death certificate instruction from the CDC , and how it all effects his daily job routine and ethics as a Dr, as well as his patients.

Right there he tells us he’s an active physician right now who is giving 1st hand accounts corroborating all the things we’ve been hearing , but it’s all being dismissed as conspiracy because no one with credibility has their name behind it.

Your not going to find a more respected, nor accomplished doctor in our country than this guy whose word is immensely credible, and his accounts detailing what’s going on relative to the inflated mortality rates (which all are now instructed to be switched to Covid ) are easily as credible as the other sides blind allegiance to Fauci who has countless references easily found if researched clearly showing conflicts of interest which should have never had him leading anything towards a vaccine financially backed by a foundation in which Fauci has been on and a part of its leadership council for years now. He had the audacity to label the possibility as you guessed it... conspiracy.... man I wonder where you guys get that?

Dr Jenson holds the ultimate trump card IIMO who to believe however, and it’s because of some things he actually doesn’t have.

First, his credibility is through the roof credential wise, that’s indisputable and I’ve already covered extensively in detail.

What Jenson doesn’t have however is what puts him in a position where no one can have a legitimate reason to not believe what he says.... HE DOESN'T have a single motive, highly publicized conflict(s) of interest, nor a single shred of vested interest tying him to ANYTHING other than the actual the truth and facts reporting what’s really going on we usually only are able to hear from at best 3rd hand reports, and even more often 4th and 5th hand ones as well.

That’s the Trump card he holds, no pun intended, he’s one of the few people who people like some on here who automat dismiss ANYONE AND EVERYTHING if it’s not doomsday scenario news sharing ... he HAS to be listened to.

There’s no angle with him. He’s not trying to position himself better in any capacity.

He’s just sick and tired of the media lying and the unethical situations he’s being asked to put himself in being dishonest to help inflate mortality rates and continue with the fear mongering which comes attached with these inflated numbers.

But back again to you....Even if you didn’t watch the video, all you had to do is spend 10 seconds and google his name to see he’s a LOT of things these days....

So if your gonna partake in conversation with me, please, stop being so freaking lazy.

From a web page announcing a partnership of Jenson’s Catalyst Medical Clinic that he was owner and founder of with Twin Cities Orthopedics, here’s a little snippet describing In full and most importantly ACCURATELY what Dr Jenson does present day;

“Dr. Jensen brings 40 years of medical practice to the partnership that is anchored in giving power back to the patient. Jensen was named the 2016 Minnesota Family Physician of the Year by the Minnesota Association of Family Physicians. In addition to serving as a Minnesota state senator, Jensen is clinical associate professor at the University of Minnesota Medical School.”

This was taken from an article dated in late 2019 announcing the partnership of Jenson’s own medical practice he sees patients at:

Twin Cities Orthopedics today announced a partnership with Catalyst Medical Clinic, PA. Catalyst is an independent practice with clinics in Chaska and Watertown led by its founder and president, Scott Jensen, MD, who is also a Minnesota state senator.

As part of this partnership, TCO will provide Catalyst with broad-based administrative support to further enhance the services Catalyst gives to its patients.

The partnership reverses the trend of a cookie-cutter approach to health care, giving the power of choice back to patients, and allows physicians to focus their care on one patient at a time.
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Man if your going to give a rebuttal, can you at least pretend like you researched what you’re saying, or just simply pretend you know even a little bout what your talking about??

Your entire post fell on its face when somehow you retired Dr Jenson as a physician, because according to you, you said he’s a senator and not a physician anymore.

Im not even sure how I’m gonna start with that, given now that I actually know what level of relative knowledge/intelligence I’m dealing with regarding the subject at hand.

Newsflash.... just because someone runs for and becomes an elected state Senator, as Dr Jenson did as a Republican in Minnesota, that doesn’t mean they go and automatically quit their day jobs...

Especially typically with guys who are recognized as one of the best doctors in the country and have practiced medicine over 40 years like Dr Jenson has.

First off, you apparently didn’t watch Dr Jenson’s interview with Fox News, that’s abundantly clear.

If you would have, you would have seen that he clearly states, multiple times on there, how he’s specifically handling himself personally with all the newer mandates and death certificate instruction from the CDC , and how it all effects his daily job routine and ethics as a Dr, as well as his patients.

Right there he tells us he’s an active physician right now who is giving 1st hand accounts corroborating all the things we’ve been hearing , but it’s all being dismissed as conspiracy because no one with credibility has their name behind it.

Your not going to find a more respected, nor accomplished doctor in our country than this guy whose word is immensely credible, and his accounts detailing what’s going on relative to the inflated mortality rates (which all are now instructed to be switched to Covid ) are easily as credible as the other sides blind allegiance to Fauci who has countless references easily found if researched clearly showing conflicts of interest which should have never had him leading anything towards a vaccine financially backed by a foundation in which Fauci has been on and a part of its leadership council for years now. He had the audacity to label the possibility as you guessed it... conspiracy.... man I wonder where you guys get that?

Dr Jenson holds the ultimate trump card IIMO who to believe however, and it’s because of some things he actually doesn’t have.

First, his credibility is through the roof credential wise, that’s indisputable and I’ve already covered extensively in detail.

What Jenson doesn’t have however is what puts him in a position where no one can have a legitimate reason to not believe what he says.... HE DOESN'T have a single motive, highly publicized conflict(s) of interest, nor a single shred of vested interest tying him to ANYTHING other than the actual the truth and facts reporting what’s really going on we usually only are able to hear from at best 3rd hand reports, and even more often 4th and 5th hand ones as well.

That’s the Trump card he holds, no pun intended, he’s one of the few people who people like some on here who automat dismiss ANYONE AND EVERYTHING if it’s not doomsday scenario news sharing ... he HAS to be listened to.

There’s no angle with him. He’s not trying to position himself better in any capacity.

He’s just sick and tired of the media lying and the unethical situations he’s being asked to put himself in being dishonest to help inflate mortality rates and continue with the fear mongering which comes attached with these inflated numbers.

But back again to you....Even if you didn’t watch the video, all you had to do is spend 10 seconds and google his name to see he’s a LOT of things these days....

So if your gonna partake in conversation with me, please, stop being so freaking lazy.

From a web page announcing a partnership of Jenson’s Catalyst Medical Clinic that he was owner and founder of with Twin Cities Orthopedics, here’s a little snippet describing In full and most importantly ACCURATELY what Dr Jenson does present day;

“Dr. Jensen brings 40 years of medical practice to the partnership that is anchored in giving power back to the patient. Jensen was named the 2016 Minnesota Family Physician of the Year by the Minnesota Association of Family Physicians. In addition to serving as a Minnesota state senator, Jensen is clinical associate professor at the University of Minnesota Medical School.”

This was taken from an article dated in late 2019 announcing the partnership of Jenson’s own medical practice he sees patients at:

Twin Cities Orthopedics today announced a partnership with Catalyst Medical Clinic, PA. Catalyst is an independent practice with clinics in Chaska and Watertown led by its founder and president, Scott Jensen, MD, who is also a Minnesota state senator.

As part of this partnership, TCO will provide Catalyst with broad-based administrative support to further enhance the services Catalyst gives to its patients.

The partnership reverses the trend of a cookie-cutter approach to health care, giving the power of choice back to patients, and allows physicians to focus their care on one patient at a time.
You wrote a long response to my calling Dr. Jensen a politician. Are you saying he is not a politician? I did not discredit him as a physician. He is speaking in that interview as a politician. He is a state senator who still practices family medicine. That does not give him credentials as an expert in Covid 19 or ICU medicine. Practicing for 40 years does not make him an expert in Covid19 or ICU medicine. I stated in my post that many physicians disagree with his opinion. These many physicians are actually experts in the field and are actually treating Covid 19 patients. I hope you notice his interview was on Fox News. Enough said! Also, what is the big deal about death certificates? If the death rates are slightly elevated or under reported, it really does not change anything. You are missing the point! A death certificate is supposed to give the most accurate diagnosis possible. When large numbers of people are dying, it is very difficult to get accurate causes of death in these circumstances. Especially when there are not enough tests to test everyone who is suspected of having Covid19. The doctors are given instructions to do the best they can filling out death certificates. There are some that will be in error, but when the numbers are this high, who cares?
I am still waiting for you to defend the other “ doctor “ you mentioned in your post.
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Optimistic scenario is off track a bit.........

The only thing I have tried to be neutral about is the political aspect to the discussion on this thread. I don't view the US response to this virus as a red or blue issue. I see it as competency. Get the job done for the people. People's lives are at stake by the Govt. response to their medical needs. Get the job done, save lives. That's really all that matters.

I definitely am not neutral with anyone who has posted it is "just the flu" info. I have not attacked them, but I did not accept their misinformation without trying to post correct info and hopefully educate them.

It is definitely more than the flu and it is very dangerous. This whole pandemic is nowhere near over. We may all be pretty tired of it by now, but the virus is not done with us yet.

From 1 US death on March 1st to over 36,000 US deaths here on April 17th. In 7 weeks we have more COVID-19 deaths than we had in all of the 7-9 months of the 2018-2019 flu season. And we have basically had most of the Country shut down for a month or so. If that had not happened the death count would be much greater and possibly getting out of control.

The US lost around 650,000 people with the 1918 flu. That flu started in 1917 and had 3 large waves before it finally ended in 1919. The 2nd wave had about 5 times more deaths than the 1st wave. This is the type of thing that is trying to be prevented.

Publishing information that downplays the seriousness of this virus might be dangerous to some who might believe it and be less cautious and safe than they should be.

It’s not the flu, it’s more serious, but roughly 60 million people in the world die every year so we’ve got to keep this in context. And the deaths from Covid-19 are mostly the old, which is less tragic. Even if the number of those dying with Covid-19 hits a few million, we’ve got to keep this in context.
On Tuesday there were 5,700 cases here in the US.

By Thursday the number was 11,600.

Now Saturday morning early before any overnight updates the number is 19,624. almostr 20,000.

Pretty soon we will begin to see and understand the exponential growth of numbers if the social distancing and self quarantine doesn't slow the spread of the virus down.
Oh no the guy from Kirkwood says were all doomed, whatever shall we do?
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Open your freaking eyes people... my god.

The sheeeet has hit the proverbial fan today and 2 of the most esteemed and highly accredited doctors of this country have had enough and have ripped off the band aid some of you REFUSE to accept.

I challenge ANY of you to say any of these 2 guys are Tin foil hat wearing, or conspiracy theorists!

I challenge any of you to discredit these 2 men with over 60 years combined practicing medicine as if you know more than they do.

This is over for me. A mic drop. I’ve been waiting for doctors to corroborate the info... they are the only ones who truly know.

This first guy says Fauci is a straight up criminal who breaks the law carrying out his own agendas!
Wacko central stay tuned
Open your freaking eyes people... my god.

The sheeeet has hit the proverbial fan today and 2 of the most esteemed and highly accredited doctors of this country have had enough and have ripped off the band aid some of you REFUSE to accept.

I challenge ANY of you to say any of these 2 guys are Tin foil hat wearing, or conspiracy theorists!

I challenge any of you to discredit these 2 men with over 60 years combined practicing medicine as if you know more than they do.

This is over for me. A mic drop. I’ve been waiting for doctors to corroborate the info... they are the only ones who truly know.

This first guy says Fauci is a straight up criminal who breaks the law carrying out his own agendas!
Can you say wacko?
It’s not the flu, it’s more serious, but roughly 60 million people in the world die every year so we’ve got to keep this in context. And the deaths from Covid-19 are mostly the old, which is less tragic. Even if the number of those dying with Covid-19 hits a few million, we’ve got to keep this in context.

Yes, keep it in context. Seasonal flu kills 291,000 to 646,000 people worldwide each year according to the CDC. Not 60 million. Basically 2/3 of a million.

Context and accuracy are both very important for complete understanding of any situation.
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Oh no the guy from Kirkwood says were all doomed, whatever shall we do?

Good face mush...:) You got me.

Don't mean to come across as doom and gloom. Just trying to put info out there.

People are going to believe what they want anyway. :eek:

Just want everybody to stay safe and be back this fall for another NCAA Title chase.
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Wasn't this likely largely because NY added 3,778 deaths that occurred from 3/11-3/13 that all went under the 3/14 data that they classified as "probable"?

Could be. I wondered something like that involved. They are now counting some of the "at home" deaths and nursing home deaths that they were not counting earlier.

Just checked and no updated chart yet. Probably waiting for new info to see what's up.
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Definitely keeping an eye on Sweden right now. Czech Republic as well.

A little f/u on how that is working out for Sweden:

  • Sweden — which has yet to order any lockdown amid the novel coronavirus pandemic — has seen 14,777 COVID-19 cases and 1,580 deaths from the virus so far.

  • The virus has been nearly 10 times as deadly as in Sweden than in other Nordic countries.

  • Norway, which has half as many people as Sweden, has seen 7,127 cases and just 181 deaths. Finland, which has a population similar to Norway's, has seen 3,868 COVID-19 cases and 94 deaths.

  • Charts released by Pantheon Macroeconomics show that Sweden's cases have yet to plateau, while Norway's case count appears to be on a downslide.

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