Covid Vaccines Linked to Increases in Heart, Blood and Brain Disorders

None of them are my doctors, scruffy. Neither was Donald Trump. Even my pharmacist told me the shot would “mitigate” the virus…..and no one ever promised my it would guarantee I wouldn’t get the virus. I also washed my hands routinely with soap and water….(still do). For a couple of months in 2020 I wore a mask when I was out and about around others, too.
Sorry I didn’t hear the same message you heard, but I just didn’t. When you start rereading shit on the inner-web it’s best to back away and talk to someone who might actually know something…..that has been my experience, anyway.
Fauci and walensky are literally MDs, you dingus. Wanna try again? And yes, they literally said you wouldn't get covid... it's on tape lol
Fauci and walensky are literally MDs, you dingus. Wanna try again? And yes, they literally said you wouldn't get covid... it's on tape lol
They are not my doctors, dingus! How phuquin’ stupid so you want to show yourself to me. Christian Barnhart is a cardiologist but not mine . My docs told me they thought the vaccine was a good thing for me and I think they were correct.
They are not my doctors, dingus! How phuquin’ stupid so you want to show yourself to me. Christian Barnhart is a cardiologist but not mine . My docs told me they thought the vaccine was a good thing for me and I think they were correct.
Your doctors lied to you for financial gain. Does that make you feel better?
Your doctors lied to you for financial gain. Does that make you feel better?
how does that work? how does someone's cardiologist make money when that person gets a vaccine - that almost assuredly was administered at some other facility (like a pharmacy)?

you think doctors have a list of patients that tallies who has and hasn't been vaccinated and they get reimbursed for that or something?
how does that work? how does someone's cardiologist make money when that person gets a vaccine - that almost assuredly was administered at some other facility (like a pharmacy)?

you think doctors have a list of patients that tallies who has and hasn't been vaccinated and they get reimbursed for that or something?
(that is the beauty of “dark America”…no one can explain how it works, it just does!) Only those Mensa MAGAts are smart enough to see thru this conspiracy… folks like Abby, Rico, hexum and a few others here….)
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Just 10 shots to flatten the curve

I must be at least 18-20 flu shots ahead of Covid shots, so far. Maybe even >25 now.

Fully expect annual Covid and flu shots, as both viruses continue to mutate and make prior infection/vaccinations less effective.
I suspect that a bullet to his head would have been diagnosed as lead poisoning...
George Floyd was the first person to die with covid who didn't die from covid. He died from a drug overdose. I mean he committed suicide by cop. Whatever "the experts" say..
Thought it was a parody website like the Onion at first. No way this should be allowed to happen.

Especially when a public healthcare system is footing the bills.

(Wonder if he had a shit-ton of Pfizer stock!!!?? 👀 )

Well that's strange..

THey probably contain patient information which cannot be disclosed.

Myocarditis risks have been well-known for >2 years now. They are a fraction of the risk you have when unvaccinated and exposed to the virus. That is fully understood, and confirmed by multiple studies
Often time the side effects you get from a vaccine are a milder form of what you'd be at a greater risk of getting from the virus itself. It would be interesting to see if that holds true here. The point being... you're getting the virus -- and along with it the attendant risk for said side effects -- whether you want it or not.

So you could look at it is trading off an evil for a (much lesser) evil.
Except it’s not trading because you STILL GET THE INFECTION. So you get the risks of both vaccine and infection.
THey probably contain patient information which cannot be disclosed.

Myocarditis risks have been well-known for >2 years now. They are a fraction of the risk you have when unvaccinated and exposed to the virus. That is fully understood, and confirmed by multiple studies
You're funny. Rationalize. The results can be published without revealing personal information. You know that.
I keep trying to get them to look into my schlong going from 9 to 12 inches thanks to the damn vaccine, It's a brutal burden to carry - literally.
I imagine it's even worse when there are so many guys that want to become gals. You'll soon be fighting off all the gals wanting to experience a real man.
You're funny. Rationalize.
Re-read my prior post as many times as you need, until it sinks in for you.

Unvaccinated risks are far higher than from the vaccines, or from Covid exposure post-vaccination.
This has been found through multiple studies and sources.
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A comprehensive review by an international consortium of scientists has raised serious concerns about the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines’ safety profile.

You are not a serious person.
At least he moved on from calling news he doesn't like from being "russian" supplied to "chinese" now.
A comprehensive review by an international consortium of scientists
Post their "published review" then.

I don't think you know what a "scientist" actually is...

Did you bother to check the "Who's Who" of authors of that paper? And that it has no bearing for any actual clinical relevance?

Alberto Rubio-Casillas a b, David Cowley c, Mikolaj Raszek d, Vladimir N. Uversky e f, Elrashdy M. Redwan g h

aAutlan Regional Hospital, Health Secretariat, Autlan 48900, Jalisco, MexicobBiology Laboratory, Autlan Regional Preparatory School, University of Guadalajara, Autlan 48900, Jalisco, MexicocUniversity of Lincoln, Brayford Pool, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN6 7TS, United KingdomdMerogenomics (Genomic Sequencing Consulting), Edmonton, AB T5J 3R8, CanadaeDepartment of Molecular Medicine and USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Research Institute, Morsani College of Medicine, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33612, USAfLaboratory of New Methods in Biology, Institute for Biological Instrumentation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal Research Center “Pushchino Scientific Center for Biological Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, Pushchino, RussiagBiological Science Department, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box 80203, Jeddah 21589, Saudi ArabiahTherapeutic and Protective Proteins Laboratory, Protein Research Department, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research Institute, City for Scientific Research and Technology Applications, New Borg EL-Arab, Alexandria 21934, Egypt