Cruz and Huckabee to visit Kim Davis in jail

Too bad they aren't the ones locked up. As for Kim Davis, when one's religion interferes with the rule of law, they should resign. I don't believe it's worth it to go to jail, and it's not something she should be put in jail for.
What a lovely theater we have! Attention whores trying to score attention whore points with the people who will ultimately vote for them. God Bless America!
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This will be a photo-op for Cruz and Huckabee. They do
not know it, but they have no chance for the GOP ticket.
When you have 16 Republican Presidential candidates,
you can only take 2 or 3 seriously. Currently, Trump,
Carson, Fiorina are leading the polls. But in two months
it might be Rubio breaking into the top 3.

Bottom Line: Sit back and enjoy college football.
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Shameless pandering by two guys with no chance of winning the nomination. It's funny in the respect that these are two of the candidates who decry the supposed abuses of power by President Obama, and his wanton disregard of laws. But, if it's a public official refusing to perform the duties of her office they can't praise her enough.
Huckabee will undoubtedly have a chapter about this in his next book. Selling books is what his candidacy is all about anyway.
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Maybe they can hide a saw blade in their frozen meat loaf. The cops will never believe that chick could pull it off twice. Same one from upstate NY, right? White? Kind of paunchy? Looking for love in all the wrong places?
I thought someone was missing on the podium as Davis and her bumpkin husband celebrated her release. Ted Cruz wasn't there. Mike Huckabee, but no Cruz. It seems that Huckabee blocked Cruz from taking away from his moment. Not very Christian of him.
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Davis is wrong on this, as are the people who are defending her, and most conservatives are saying as much.

Bottom line: She has the right to refuse to violate her religious beliefs, but she doesn't have the right to be the county clerk. If the job requires her to do something abhorrent, her option is to quit the job.

Incidentally, one wonders how the reaction to this would break out if she was refusing to issue concealed carry permits as a matter of principle.
I think they know it, Joe. As does anybody who follows the news.

Then why all the trumped up comparisons to MLK, Jr. and his 'letters from a Birmingham jail', or claims that she is 'risking her life' in standing up to the courts?

Seriously? "Risking her life"??? Are a bunch of gays going to limp-wrist slap her to death here?

If this is the conservative equivalent of the civil disobedience that went on during MLK's time, where black people were literally beaten, fire-hosed, attacked with dogs, assassinated, etc., then we have a massive myopia with regard to our country's actual history. I see no one 'risking' much of anything over this, aside from a cushy $80k/year county clerk salary.

We seem to be a country doomed to be run by voting illiterates, driven around like lemmings/sheep by new organizations and politicians promoting propaganda over facts. And the propaganda is used to simply maintain the status quo for those in power, or those with the pocketbooks to effectively bribe those in power. I think people might actually be angrier if they realized how they are being 'played' to keep them from holding politicians accountable to many of the REAL issues our nation faces.
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Davis is wrong on this, as are the people who are defending her, and most conservatives are saying as much.

Bottom line: She has the right to refuse to violate her religious beliefs, but she doesn't have the right to be the county clerk. If the job requires her to do something abhorrent, her option is to quit the job.

Incidentally, one wonders how the reaction to this would break out if she was refusing to issue concealed carry permits as a matter of principle.
Regarding the last issue (gun permits) I'd be right there saying she needs to get out of the job. If she is in a position that requires her to issue permits that go against her conscience/religious beliefs you either buck up and do your job or resign. But, to get at your point (I think this was where you were headed) you'd probably see a bunch of ultra-liberal candidates/politicians and anti-gun groups championing her efforts.
If only that last part were true.....might wanna relay that to the cadre of GOP presidential candidates....

I agree with Lone on this. It is why most of the candidates on her "side" keep shifting the conversation to private businesses. They are using this for publicity.
Davis is wrong on this, as are the people who are defending her, and most conservatives are saying as much.

Bottom line: She has the right to refuse to violate her religious beliefs, but she doesn't have the right to be the county clerk. If the job requires her to do something abhorrent, her option is to quit the job.

Incidentally, one wonders how the reaction to this would break out if she was refusing to issue concealed carry permits as a matter of principle.
Finally, you are coming around to the side of logic and the rule of law. :D
I keep searching for the law she broke that was passed in the U.S. Congress or the Kentucky State Legislature. I would look at the Supreme Court but unelected judges and that body of government doesn't make laws. Hum...I guess I'll keep looking.
What if it was a Muslim woman not giving out licenses for whatever reason? Maybe the woman is not wearing a hijab, etc. Would anyone be defending her?
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what i find weird is that the Repubs like to bang the drum of individual rights and freedoms and limited government.....that is unless their religion finds something icky, then they are all about getting big government involved to limit personal freedoms.
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Finally, you are coming around to the side of logic and the rule of law. :D
I've always been a rule of law guy. It's the only way to prevent society from deteriorating into chaos. The answer to bad laws is to change them, not defy them......or if you choose to defy them to bring about change, understand that in doing so you are going to be punished. The Civil Rights protestors of the '60s understood this, but younger people are saddled with a horrible education when it comes to some aspects of history. They think they can break laws with impunity because they're in the right.
I keep searching for the law she broke that was passed in the U.S. Congress or the Kentucky State Legislature. I would look at the Supreme Court but unelected judges and that body of government doesn't make laws. Hum...I guess I'll keep looking.
While you are there try finding congressionallly passed laws on your right to privacy, to travel, to presumption of innocence, etc.

Shall I presume you are willing to give those up?

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