Cullen Schriever beats Bennett Berge 17-6


HB Heisman
Jan 12, 2003
in case anyone interested, Cullen beat the youngest of the Berge boys 17-6. Don't know if he is rated in Minnesota or not.

Bennett is a 7th grader FYI

He'll be good in his own right, but isn't at Brady's level as a 7th grader.
When will Schriever meet up with Clear Lake's Eric Faught? That's the match I wanna see. Mason City and Clear Lake are close in proximity so it's gotta happen, right?
Depends on the state. In Minnesota, they can wrestle Varsity starting in 7th grade. Hence, Mark Hall 6 time state champ.
No idea the Berge kid was 7th grade. He must be really good. My guess is Faught, the 17 year old sophomore who did 8th grade in Clear Lake, and then 8th grade in Mason City, then went back to Clear Lake for his Freshman year, and is probably dropping a ton of weight, will stay at 113, at least until after Clear Lake wrestles Mason City.
Any other 14 year olds beating up on 12 year olds that we should have on our radar? Hell, why stop at 12 years old.. How is this years crop of 4th graders looking?

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