A Secret Parachute in the FBI’s Possession May Have Finally Solved D.B. Cooper’s Identity
We might know the notorious skyjacker at last—thanks to his own children.
His Wikipedia page is wild. He was a helicopter pilot involved in the search of D.B. Cooper. He was shot and killed by an FBI agent after opening fire on them in his own home. Even looks like the famous photo.So the FBI didn’t originally do a deep dive into this guy even though he pulled a … parachute / hijack on another flight within months of the DB Cooper flight?
That was my first reaction. What are the odds that someone different would pull the same bizarre shit within a few months?So the FBI didn’t originally do a deep dive into this guy even though he pulled a … parachute / hijack on another flight within months of the DB Cooper flight?
His son is the III, so maybe that makes him the II and not junior? Not sure how that is supposed to work.Wouldn't a First Name Last Name II be a Jr? I understand the III but I didn't think there were 2nds, they'd be Jrs
Those were the days. You could travel with an alias, a hand grenade, and a pistol on a flight.
Thanks, bin Laden
While masturbating...And have a smoke while you're drinking your cocktail