Dallas Qanon followers are drinking Chlorine Dioxide (industrial grade disinfectant)


HB Legend
Nov 10, 2006
Multiple members of the Leek family confirmed that their relative, who left her husband and children behind in Delaware to follow a fringe QAnon cult leader to Dallas last month, has been drinking a chemical cocktail containing chlorine dioxide, an industrial disinfectant, among other substances.

Their relative has been drinking this cocktail alongside her fellow cult members and has been the one to mix it up and distribute it amongst the group as well, says family, who have declined to reveal the name of their relative in the group.

"She was proud to tell us that she was the one mixing it up and giving it to everybody," a family member said.
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It's unclear why the group is drinking the chemical potion, as many believe the coronavirus, which has killed over 800,000 people in the U.S. and millions worldwide so far, is a government fabrication.

Michael Brian Protzman, the leader of the Dallas cult, couldn't be reached for comment.

News of the chemical punch bowl comes as the cult appears to be building towards another predicted climactic and apocalyptic moment.
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The chemical cocktail is a bad sign.

"This feels like a progression," said Mike Rothschild, whose book The Storm is Upon Us documents the rise of the QAnon movement. "It immediately evokes images of Jonestown and Heaven's Gate."
News of the chemical punch bowl comes as the cult appears to be building towards another predicted climactic and apocalyptic moment.

There is a strong pull in the human psyche for the ‘climatic and apocalyptic’.
Religions tapped it for millennia, but political groups are onto the trick now.
I had a root canal a few weeks ago and part of the treatment to disinfect it now is to shoot some kind of bleach substance up there that’s supposed to get sucked back out before you taste it. Naturally you can guess what happened and I ended up swallowing a little bit of it and spent the next 15 minutes throwing up. I can’t imagine doing that by choice or even having the ability to keep it down
I had a root canal a few weeks ago and part of the treatment to disinfect it now is to shoot some kind of bleach substance up there that’s supposed to get sucked back out before you taste it. Naturally you can guess what happened and I ended up swallowing a little bit of it and spent the next 15 minutes throwing up. I can’t imagine doing that by choice or even having the ability to keep it down're now immunized against Covid, Shingles, books, and toothpaste! Score!
No but u can get a Praise the Lord
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