Daughter was exposed (Covid, pervs)

Yeah, I saw where of all the 48k or some such cases of college student positive results so far there were 2 hospitalizations. It also appears the transmission rates in schools are astronomically low. All good news. I'm much more concerned my kids will die in a car accident on the way to school than from COVID after they get there.

As of a couple weeks ago a total of about 50 college kids had died in total. At the same time, based on historical norms, probably 500 to 600 committed suicide. We are absolutely endangering our children in order to save older folks.
The blood type relationship turned out to be false. And Ive never seen anything relating to any vitamin deficiency.
There's lots of information out there about vitamin D deficiency and virus replication. Google it.

Also, there are differences in blood. Ever hear of sickle cell? As I said, it's not fully understood. That doesn't mean it's false. Don't turn into @joesplace.
The blood type relationship turned out to be false. And Ive never seen anything relating to any vitamin deficiency.
Look into the research Edgar Hope-Simpson did on seasonality of epidemics. Interesting stuff.
There's lots of information out there about vitamin D deficiency and virus replication. Google it.

Also, there are differences in blood. Ever hear of sickle cell? As I said, it's not fully understood. That doesn't mean it's false. Don't turn into @joesplace.

I'm simply going by what has been reported in sober articles, not ones that seek attention grabbing headlines.

Here's a good recent summary regarding blood type:

The authors pooled their findings with data from China and the United Kingdom and found that among those with Rh positive blood, people with type B were more likely to test positive for SARS-CoV-2, and people with type O were less likely to test positive. However, their data did not provide strong evidence of associations between blood type and intubation or death among patients with COVID-19.

“The basic science on this is extremely weak,” Latz said of the relationship between blood type and COVID-19. So at least for now, blood type should not be used to identify which people who become sick with COVID-19 are likely to develop severe disease, he and his coauthors wrote.

It does appear there might be a link to Vitamin D deficiency. I wouldn't say it is not understood, it simply has not been definitively established.

Age, however, has absolutely been demonstrated to be the single biggest factor. The OP, for example, based on age alone, has a 60x greater chance of dying from COVID than his seven year old daughter. Hence his choice to stay distanced from her.
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Well, it finally happened. Got a call from the school yesterday that my daughter was contact traced for en exposure on Tuesday. They of course don't tell you anything. From talking to her it sounds like it happened on the bus...nobody has been missing from her class this week except for the girl who sits across the room and has been "on vacation for two weeks" *eye roll*. When I went to pick her up yesterday there was another little girl getting picked up that my daughter pointed out sits "diagonal" from her. I am encouraged because she said masks are worn on the bus at all times, and they have the windows down, but I'm still worried. She's only 7 so I have been riding this out with her. We're staying in the basement, been masked the entire time except to eat, we stay at least 10 feet apart and slept across the room from each other. Hand washing and sanitizing constantly. We also have an air purifier going the whole time. @GOHOX69, if she ends up with it, am I effed?

I'm especially frustrated because if you all remember, I'm at high risk--have congenital heart and lung defects, asthma, and high blood pressure, that is controlled fairly well (a month ago I was 128/82). However, her mom signed her up for 100% face to face (along with riding 2 buses, twice a day when she is with her) without me agreeing to it. I wanted her to do online. After 6 weeks of one sided communication attempts, getting my lawyers involved, she was set to begin online school Monday.

For all of you that advocate "just stay home", some people don't have that choice.

There is an almost 100% certainty that she will be fine. Jesus dude
Dude, I get being concerned about your kids, I have them also but the overreaction from people in our society has reached insanity levels.
How many people do you know personally who have died from this? I now know two. Being someone that takes 4-6 weeks to get over a common cold, of course I am concerned about the potential impact it could have for myself and my daughter. Plus, she might have some type of ailment that hasn't been discovered yet that could potentially be bad for her. Forgive me for being concerned.