Dave Wannstedt says he has heard ISU and Kansas to Big Ten

Mountain Man Hawk

HB Heisman
Mar 30, 2010
Obviously this would be counter to what every other source out there is saying so it surprises me how much conviction he seems to have about this. Here is a link to the audio clip, it’s about 30 seconds long but he basically says he was in a meeting recently with conference people there that were talking about splitting up the Big 8 leftovers and it’s going to be OSU and KSU to Pac12, WV to the ACC, and ISU and KU to the Big Ten.

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Yeah I just can’t believe it either. Like how could every other source on this be so wrong. I don’t know much about Wannstedt but I also can’t believe he would just make up the story. Like some meeting must have taken place where they were talking about the merits of the different schools and which ones would fit where. I don’t think anyone disagrees that if you had to find homes for the Big8 schools something like what he describes makes geographic sense. But are all of the other schools OK making less money just so teams don’t get orphaned?
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The answer to this is No.
Yeah, I don't see it for a few of reasons.

1 - if the scheduling alliance is true, the numbers don't work out with an unbalanced number of schools in the three conferences. Is the PAC12 going to take TCU and Baylor to get to 16? I doubt it. Maybe the PAC12 is poaching two schools from another conference?
2 - are the little 8 schools going to let OuT off the hook for the GoR money?
3 - even if the media partners told the B1G KU and ISU would add value to the conference (which I don't believe is true), you'd be adding those schools prior to the new contract negotiations. Not even Kevin Warren would do that in good faith.
I think we are forgetting that this would need to pass a vote with the ADs. Iowa would be pissed, and all the other universities would be looking at a pay cut.

What did he really overhear? It's not like they are just letting a guy who's likely to spill the beans sit in on these incredibly sensitive discussions.
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It doesn't make sense for B1G to add ISU and Kansas.

It doesn't make sense for P12 to add KSU and OSU.

It doesn't make sense for ACC to add WVU.

Wannstedt knows some people, but there is nothing about this report that makes sense. Even in the halls of Fox TV, people just stand around speculating on things. This is speculation.
Why would the B1G admit teams that would bring the payout to each team down ? If it was for TV markets or recruiting bases (Rutgers and Maryland) - maybe. But the teams like Kansas and Iowa State add nothing.
charity. do the "right" thing. Its wrong but I could totally see U Prezs coming to that decision. We are all united kind of thing with 56 teams or whatever it would be.
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Obviously this would be counter to what every other source out there is saying so it surprises me how much conviction he seems to have about this. Here is a link to the audio clip, it’s about 30 seconds long but he basically says he was in a meeting recently with conference people there that were talking about splitting up the Big 8 leftovers and it’s going to be OSU and KSU to Pac12, WV to the ACC, and ISU and KU to the Big Ten.

I doubt it, but several sources have speculated over the past few weeks that ISU will end up in the BiG. So this guy is an outlier but he isn't alone.
Spoiler alert - the President of the University of Michigan doesn't give a damn about Baylor.
Baylor is not one of the teams mentioned as being part of the charitable outreach. And these are the PhD's not the ADs. They run in same circles and have a bit different mindset.
The answer is…AAU….regionality…not wanting to destroy the PAC and pre-empting a future SEC move to absorb the 4-6 best programs from the ACC in the early 2030’s. It’s a kind of marshaling of forces to counter the SEC’s effort to become the singular dominant force in college football.
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Reactions: EpenesaEpenesa
Obviously this would be counter to what every other source out there is saying so it surprises me how much conviction he seems to have about this. Here is a link to the audio clip, it’s about 30 seconds long but he basically says he was in a meeting recently with conference people there that were talking about splitting up the Big 8 leftovers and it’s going to be OSU and KSU to Pac12, WV to the ACC, and ISU and KU to the Big Ten.

Presidents, or whatever. Same deal. They aren't gonna vote yes to less money for their respective schools. The B1G is not going to add 2 of the worst P5 football programs of all time in response to the SEC adding 2 of the best.
WVU to the ACC or KSU and OSU to the PAC is even more ridiculous.
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I said it when it all started. Adding any of the remaining B12 teams would be a horrible decision for the B1G. Which is why I fully expected Warren to lead the charge for this stupidity.

If this is true (still really skeptical), and the B1G really counters the SEC adding Texas and OU by adding KU and ISU... well, I'd have no hard feelings if OSU and Michigan said "screw this **** " and bolted.
The answer is…AAU….regionality…not wanting to destroy the PAC and pre-empting a future SEC move to absorb the 4-6 best programs from the ACC in the early 2030’s. It’s a kind of marshaling of forces to counter the SEC’s effort to become the singular dominant force in college football.
How does the BIG taking ISU and KU pre-empt the SEC from grabbing ACC teams in the future? If anything it does the opposite. It leaves the BIG bloated with historically bad football programs with no room to invite ACC schools or Notre Dame. The BIG is better off staying lean and flexible.
if this happens...
then we got 16 teams in the ACC, Big 10, SEC, and 14 teams in the Pac 12

that leaves TCU, Texas Tech, and Baylor

we're gettin real close to 4 conferences with 16 teams each.
that would be perfect for 4 divisions in each conference and a 4 team playoff for each Conference Champion
How does the BIG taking ISU and KU pre-empt the SEC from grabbing ACC teams in the future? If anything it does the opposite. It leaves the BIG bloated with historically bad football programs with no room to invite ACC schools or Notre Dame. The BIG is better off staying lean and flexible.
In whatever this alliance is, the Big Ten is the big dog and we should not agree to anything that makes us equals. Our say should be the greatest. Otherwise we may as well have Bowlsby as our commissioner.
This move is a dream outcome for the SEC. Oklahoma and Texas would be able to leave wtihout paying departure fees.

This is completely not happening.

I can absolutely guarantee 4x16 is not happening. Stop pretending 4x16 matters.
Baylor is not one of the teams mentioned as being part of the charitable outreach. And these are the PhD's not the ADs. They run in same circles and have a bit different mindset.
No they all have the same mindset. What's the bottom line. They all live and exist to blow out their numbers.
The answer is…AAU….regionality…not wanting to destroy the PAC and pre-empting a future SEC move to absorb the 4-6 best programs from the ACC in the early 2030’s. It’s a kind of marshaling of forces to counter the SEC’s effort to become the singular dominant force in college football.

So the SEC's move earns each of their schools millions more in revenue and a chance to modernize their scheduling, and you think the B1G schools are gonna be happy if the response involves a pay cut and 2 traditionally terrible programs...because yay unity?

I'm sorry but this whole thread is bananaland bat shit crazy. The media narrative would be so insanely harsh to the B1G in response it would probably actively hurt recruiting efforts for our current programs. It would be an unequivocal failure and an absolute laughing stock right out of the gate.
This move is a dream outcome for the SEC. Oklahoma and Texas would be able to leave wtihout paying departure fees.

This is completely not happening.

I can absolutely guarantee 4x16 is not happening. Stop pretending 4x16 matters.
Unless there was some sort of transition built in for 2025 for those 6 teams. BUt yeah, Baylor and whoever else would be left out in the cold would just bolt most likely and say F the rest of you guys.