Wondering how it will handle his reputation as the league's dirtiest player. Who, other than him, has the Big Ten suspended for dirty play in recent years?
You are right; sticking a foot out so a player turns an ankle, going in for a layup with an elbow out to catch someone’s face, pinning an arm down on someone in better position for a rebound are all calculated.I wouldn't spend one second watching any show about Brad Davison. I know a dirty player when I see it and he is hell bent on trying to injure his opponents. It happens every game he plays. I have heard Wisconsin people say he is a "nice guy". He is not a nice guy. He is a punk and I hope someone deals with his behavior before he leaves college.
I second Hooper56’s comment 100%. It is very fortunate players have not had serious injuries due to him.
Since you’re not going to watch the feature, you’ll have to take my word for it but coach Izzo clearly disagrees with your opinion.I wouldn't spend one second watching any show about Brad Davison. I know a dirty player when I see it and he is hell bent on trying to injure his opponents. It happens every game he plays. I have heard Wisconsin people say he is a "nice guy". He is not a nice guy. He is a punk and I hope someone deals with his behavior before he leaves college.
Since you’re not going to watch the feature, you’ll have to take my word for it but coach Izzo clearly disagrees with your opinion.
Maybe "Izzo Ball" and "Davison Ball" are similar.Since you’re not going to watch the feature, you’ll have to take my word for it but coach Izzo clearly disagrees with your opinion.
Since you’re not going to watch the feature, you’ll have to take my word for it but coach Izzo clearly disagrees with your opinion.
Coach Izzo also said Lick was a good coachSince you’re not going to watch the feature, you’ll have to take my word for it but coach Izzo clearly disagrees with your opinion.
Since you’re not going to watch the feature, you’ll have to take my word for it but coach Izzo clearly disagrees with you
Since you’re not going to watch the feature, you’ll have to take my word for it but coach Izzo clearly disagrees with your opinion.
No one gives two shits about Izzo’s opinion. Hell, he told the media that Lickliter was a good coach. Izzo is far from the all knowing sage of CBB.Since you’re not going to watch the feature, you’ll have to take my word for it but coach Izzo clearly disagrees with your opinion.
Sorry, didn’t see this comment but it’s good to see that great minds think alike.Izzo also claimed Lickliter was a very good coach. I take any comment he makes with a large grain of salt.
One thing I noticed is that typically by the end of the game, Izzo will have 3 big men with 3 or more fouls. He wants fouls committed.And, if you think about, Izzo is the originator of modern day grab and hold defense. Of course he’s going to like the grab and squeeze bullshit Davison pulls(pun was probably intended)
And he knows the officials won’t call them all. MSU typically has great depth at that position as wellOne thing I noticed is that typically by the end of the game, Izzo will have 3 big men with 3 or more fouls. He wants fouls committed.
Considering what an ASShat Izzo is that would mean very little. I'm surprised Carlton as you've always come across as a pretty straight forward poster, and one of the few who visits who seems like a reasonable guy. Your actually saying that all this stuff, (by almost every opposing school) including video evidence showing him deliberately sticking out a leg to trip people and grabbing players by the BALLS, ( and we aint talking about Wilsons or Spaldings either) is all just some sort of made up crap about whom everyone considers the dirtiest player in memory in the BIG?Since you’re not going to watch the feature, you’ll have to take my word for it but coach Izzo clearly disagrees with your opinion.
Since you’re not going to watch the feature, you’ll have to take my word for it but coach Izzo clearly disagrees with your opinion.
Wow. I hope you will continue to repost this every time the Badgers, Davison and dirty play is discussed. This is horrible. He does a lot of stuff off the ball. He loves to hurl his body into a potential rebounder and act like he was fouled. No doubt this is something that is taught at Wisconsin and Davison is a master at it and rarely gets caught.Davison is the dirtiest B1G player of all time. This, I am sure, is what the Journey will focus on.
Here are 9 examples of his "tactics" that go back the last 5 seasons. Note, that these are examples of WHEN HE GOT CAUGHT.
How Greg Gard or ANY Badger fan can defend this guy is absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable.
Check these out & Watch:
From 2018:
From 2018:
From 2019:
From 2019:
From 2020:
From 2021:
From 2022:
From 2022:
From 2022:
Exactly. He sort of reminds me of Iowa's Jeff Moe except that Jeff wasn't out to hurt and/or cheap shot opposing players.Izzo whines more than anyone and knows how to work officals. He's not someone I would really be screaming for to stand up for my player.
As others said, he said Iowa was stupid for firing Todd Lickliter. Who has failed at D3 Marian and was given the HC postion at Evansville once their coach was canned. He is not a good coach...
Davison is a dirty player. He's much too talented to do the dumb things he does.
Wow. I hope you will continue to repost this every time the Badgers, Davison and dirty play is discussed. This is horrible. He does a lot of stuff off the ball. He loves to hurl his body into a potential rebounder and act like he was fouled. No doubt this is something that is taught at Wisconsin and Davison is a master at it and rarely gets caught.
Wow. I hope you will continue to repost this every time the Badgers, Davison and dirty play is discussed. This is horrible. He does a lot of stuff off the ball. He loves to hurl his body into a potential rebounder and act like he was fouled. No doubt this is something that is taught at Wisconsin and Davison is a master at it and rarely gets caught.
Eff Izzo. He's a little bitch, too.Since you’re not going to watch the feature, you’ll have to take my word for it but coach Izzo clearly disagrees with your opinion.
Larry likes Tommy cause they are both about the same size. Larry has about the worst case of shortman disease we have ever seen.How fast would Fran be T’d up if he did that to an official. Is that Scirotto? He looks like he wants to whispers sweet nothings in Tom’s ear.
Yeah, when he was at Butler!Coach Izzo also said Lick was a good coach
I've also seen that little punk watch a player go up for a shot or a rebound and then slip his foot underneath them just about where they might land hoping to cause them to roll their ankles or worse. Don't know how the BTN can feature him without calling attention to his "issues." but I suppose they will.