There you go. You better be careful - faith in your fellow citizens is sort of anathema around here.

This weekend, Mrs. A and I rode our bikes up a mountain (I very nearly killed myself on the descent when I had to instinctively bunny hop a large 5" deep hole under repair in the road and surprisingly stuck the landing) and stopped at a gas station in Goshen Pass. There was a very suburban looking 60ish guy there from Va Beach on a hunting trip, who was actually exceptionally nice and was coming back from Mass and a Lowe's run, who had the following stickers on the back of his GMC Sierra pickup:
- DOJ + FBI = Corruption
- Biden for Prison 2024
- SCOTUS Confirms USA Banana Republic
- I Will NOT Comply
- Defund FascistBI,
and finally...
- Marxist Lies Matter.

Personally, I thought it cluttered the truck up, though I did like the "Violent Gentlemen Hockey Club/Nobody Likes Us We Don't Care" license plate bracket he had. But I would not have guessed "that guy" owned "that truck". I suppose you find all sorts of people in all sorts of places. Count 'em all up, and congratulate whoever the next president is.
There you go. You better be careful - faith in your fellow citizens is sort of anathema around here.

This weekend, Mrs. A and I rode our bikes up a mountain (I very nearly killed myself on the descent when I had to instinctively bunny hop a large 5" deep hole under repair in the road and surprisingly stuck the landing) and stopped at a gas station in Goshen Pass. There was a very suburban looking 60ish guy there from Va Beach on a hunting trip, who was actually exceptionally nice and was coming back from Mass and a Lowe's run, who had the following stickers on the back of his GMC Sierra pickup:
- DOJ + FBI = Corruption
- Biden for Prison 2024
- SCOTUS Confirms USA Banana Republic
- I Will NOT Comply
- Defund FascistBI,
and finally...
- Marxist Lies Matter.

Personally, I thought it cluttered the truck up, though I did like the "Violent Gentlemen Hockey Club/Nobody Likes Us We Don't Care" license plate bracket he had. But I would not have guessed "that guy" owned "that truck". I suppose you find all sorts of people in all sorts of places. Count 'em all up, and congratulate whoever the next president is.
All that on a Government Motors vehicle?

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