Democrat: “Trump is more dangerous than Hitler and Mussolini”

Could be, but it also appears that the two nutjobs that took shots at him didn't think he was crazy enough for their liking.

That tells me they were disappointed that he wasn't actually either of those guys.
It looks like OP's 2023 Trump is a Nazi post got deleted.
Live look at PF going through his posting history showing what a basket case he is. Get a grip brospeh.

Remember this?

You okay with this? Or if it was said about Harris?

So for the thousand or so times we had to take Trump for what he meant vs what he actually said this is where you're at?

Yes, he shouldn't have used "eliminated", but I know exactly what he's saying there. He can't be allowed in the White House. Eliminated from the race, defeated by the electorate.

Now, if he said "eliminated by any and all means necessary" you would have a point.

Speaking of points, what about the two psychos who have attempted to kill him? By all accounts they appear to be people that once supported him but somewhere came to the conclusion that he just wasn't crazy enough for them any longer and hadn't gone as far as they wanted him Mussolini and Hitler.

I would almost say he groomed them and then disappointed them.
OP, why did you delete your other post? Did Elon send the order?

With the amount of 'X' crap that PF has probably downloaded to his computer, Elno probably has a tracking system and keystroke logger already set up.

As soon as that bot-cookie system detected past posts "out of line" with what Big Brother Elno approves, the bot system probably has figured out how to auto-delete it. PF likely gave Elno that over-arching authority w/ one of the X install upgrades...

He gone.

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