Democrat credibility

But until Biden is brought up on any charges (and we heard this same shit with Hillary) you still support a CONVICTED FELON as your choice. How long before that sinks in with your types?
It’s weird dems like to say trump lies yet here you are lying.
I’ve mentioned over and over that I’m not voting for either of these turds. So I’m not sure how I’m supporting a convicted felon. The only way I would vote for Trump is if someone had a gun to my head and said I had to vote for Trump or Biden.
Not to defend Trump because he’s a trash human but to be fair he was convicted of his crimes by Democratic Party members. Trump even said himself that if he won he’d press charges against Biden and I’m sure something would stick.
Plus who knows what crimes the democrats that would be pulling the strings have committed that they haven’t been charged with. As I’ve said before, most politicians are criminals. If I had to choose between the two, I’d probably rather know what criminal is controlling our country instead of not knowing what criminal is making decisions that affect my life.
Let's be honest. Probably 90% of congress could be convicted of a felony if it was pressed.
When the Democratic former NY AG and Governor tells you it was a political hitjob, you should realize a lot of other American 'types' look at it the same way.

You continue to post misinformation on the regular. He didn't say it was a "political hitjob" he said it resulted in 66% of the people of NY thinking the justice system is political and that's an issue. He also said, as a former AG, that he doesn't think this would have been pursued if it hadn't been Trump and that he didn't think it should have been pursued.

They acknowledged he is guilty but it may have been the wrong thing to do because it gives the Trump supporters a rallying point. It's a shame that you and others on the right focus on these anomolies rather than the fact Trump is a convicted felon. A sexual assaulter. Indicted for many other counts including election tampering and stealing top secret documents. But none of that matters because you care about party over all else. It's sickening.
I get that you're in the 33%, did you hear what Cuomo said about the 66%?
Do you think Cuomo is out there making 'excuses' for how people perceive Trump's conviction?
The 66% refers to the number that think it was political. It doesn't refer to those who believe he is guilty.

Just more misleading information from you.

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