Democratic Administration leads to tighter Police State?


HB Legend
Mar 23, 2015

Straight from HuffingtonPost. An article from 2013, which is kind of scary considering things with police brutality and relations between the populace and authorities has further deteriorated.

There were signs that President Barack Obama might rein in the mass militarization of America's police forces after he won the White House. Policing is primarily a local issue, overseen by local authorities. But beginning in the late 1960s with President Richard Nixon, the federal government began instituting policies that gave federal authorities more power to fight the drug trade, and to lure state and local policymakers into the anti-crime agenda of the administration in charge. These policies got a boost during Ronald Reagan's presidency, and then another during President Bill Clinton's years. Under President George W. Bush, all of those anti-drug policies continued, but were supplemented by new war on terrorism endeavors -- yet more efforts to make America's cops look, act and fight like soldiers.

But Obama might have been different. This, after all, was the man who, as a candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2004, declared the war on drugs an utter failure. As Reason magazine's Jacob Sullum wrote
in a 2011 critique of Obama's drug policy:

Obama stood apart from hard-line prohibitionists even when he began running for president. In 2007 and 2008, he bemoaned America’s high incarceration rate, warned that the racially disproportionate impact of drug prohibition undermines legal equality, advocated a “public health” approach to drugs emphasizing treatment and training instead of prison, repeatedly indicated that he would take a more tolerant position regarding medical marijuana than George W. Bush, and criticized the Bush administration for twisting science to support policy -- a tendency that is nowhere more blatant than in the government’s arbitrary distinctions among psychoactive substances.

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Quick list for those that don't want to read about how tyrannical the Obama administration has been. A perfect handing of the torch from the Bush administration is what it seems like we have here.

1. Pentagon Giveaways-Handed over military grade weaponary to police stations and local authorities to be used on the streets against American citizens.

2. Byrne Grants-Drug task force grants that have responsible for multiple debacles and innocent killings.

3. COPS Grants-Funding provided to COPS in order to help bring down crime statistics. Show no signs of actually working.

4. DHS Anti-terror grants-Another grant handing over military grade weapons to police for special situations, that are usually used in normal raid activities.

5. Medican Marijuana raids-self explanatory. Resulted in many harsh convictions and a few deaths.

6. Heavy-Handed Police Tactics- Actions that have been defeneded by the Obama admnistration in court. For all those that don't like what happened with Michael Brown? Well, DC was arguing for those that did it. Many more incidents also argued for, that were very simlilar or much worse in nature.

7. Asset Forfeiture- Under the policy of civil asset forfeiture, the government can seize any cash, cars, houses, or other property that law enforcement can reasonably connect to a crime -- usually a drug crime.
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On a lot of these civil rights things it's seemed to me that Obama is all bark and no bite.

He made very clear promises about shutting down Gitmo on the campaign trail, said it was the first thing he would do. . .

He ran into some token opposition and then abandoned the whole idea. Oh darn, can't do it. Let's find something else to work on.

He talks a good game about this stuff but when it comes to actually doing something his actions are pretty weak and indecisive.
On a lot of these civil rights things it's seemed to me that Obama is all bark and no bite.

He made very clear promises about shutting down Gitmo on the campaign trail, said it was the first thing he would do. . .

He ran into some token opposition and then abandoned the whole idea. Oh darn, can't do it. Let's find something else to work on.

He talks a good game about this stuff but when it comes to actually doing something his actions are pretty weak and indecisive.

Also a marine was taken into custody and put into indefinite detention based on something he typed up on FB.

The US citizen who was killed in the Middle East, having absolutely not chance for trial or even an actual crime he had committed proven. He was drone bombed by the way.

Don't forget Jade Helm.