Democratic voters are wealthier and better educated

Because the uneducated poors are running the country despite being significantly outnumbered.

But you guys are so smart, and you have most of the money, and like you said, you even outnumber the opposition,... Oh wait a minute, I get it,... You guys are like the New York Yankees,... no wonder everybody hates you...
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Lol, so now the poors run the country, not the rich wall street fat cats? Do you even think before you type anymore?

Well, therein lies the irony. The "white working-class" and Wall Street fat cats tend to vote very similar.

I'm guessing a lot of poor non-whites didn't bother to vote in 2016.
And traditionally red Southern states are among the poorest. It is odd.

GOP has done a good job making lower income and less educated people think they represent their best interests. Example no need for higher wages from unions , no need for health care assistance etc. I think it’s all about guns.

This. And it makes total sense. The middle classes have enough $ to say, "We can sacrifice a little for the good of those less fortunate." Republicans have convinced the working class (especially in the South) that Democrats want to take from them (they're white, after all, they don't get any government "benefits" :rolleyes:) and give it to black welfare queens and illegals. It's a lie, but an effective one considering the South's history.
So when Obama was Prez and elected by the 14% of the population who is black and vote 96% Donkeycrat, were you spouting that the president was elected by the largest, least educated voting block there is?

So, are you saying all black people are uneducated? Actually, that is exactly what you're saying, whether you intended to or not. Interesting.

Oh, and does it matter that there were many uneducated whites who voted against Obama because he is black? You know, the ones parading around in t-shirts that read "N***** please. It's called a White House!" or "The Original Boys in the Hood" with KKK members wearing their bed sheets?

Yeah, his point has greater merit than the spurious counterpoint you attempted to make. Uneducated white men did propel Trump to victory in 2016. Had this large contingent of black voters pushed Obama over the finish line in 2008 or 2012, as you suggest, he would have won at least one traditional Southern state not named Florida.
This. And it makes total sense. The middle classes have enough $ to say, "We can sacrifice a little for the good of those less fortunate." Republicans have convinced the working class (especially in the South) that Democrats want to take from them (they're white, after all, they don't get any government "benefits" :rolleyes:) and give it to black welfare queens and illegals. It's a lie, but an effective one considering the South's history.

I guess the poor rednecks need more convincing.

The inner city poor took the Dems word for it when they said they would help them. Look how great they have it.
George Soros and his billions of dollars is a Democrat
and that jacks up the wealth of Democrat voters.
And they still think we can give everything away for free AND let anyone who wants into the country unchecked to raid the treasury. Proving money and education are vastly overrated.

No, they don't think that. Not at all. It's justTrumpsters that believe that message from the mainstream right wing media. Democrats ALWAYS present ways to pay for these programs. However, it might impact the ultra wealthy's 4th beach house in Tahiti so they can't have any part of it.
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So, are you saying all black people are uneducated? Actually, that is exactly what you're saying, whether you intended to or not. Interesting.

Oh, and does it matter that there were many uneducated whites who voted against Obama because he is black? You know, the ones parading around in t-shirts that read "N***** please. It's called a White House!" or "The Original Boys in the Hood" with KKK members wearing their bed sheets?

Yeah, his point has greater merit than the spurious counterpoint you attempted to make. Uneducated white men did propel Trump to victory in 2016. Had this large contingent of black voters pushed Obama over the finish line in 2008 or 2012, as you suggest, he would have won at least one traditional Southern state not named Florida.
Your reading ability leaves a lot to be desired. Please highlight where I said ALL black people are uneducated. Don't bother looking, I didn't say that. What I said was as a racial block they are less educated than Asians or whites and they voted 96% for Obama, therefore Obama was elected largely due to uneducated voters. See how that works, it's rather simple, like you....
Your reading ability leaves a lot to be desired. Please highlight where I said ALL black people are uneducated. Don't bother looking, I didn't say that. What I said was as a racial block they are less educated than Asians or whites and they voted 96% for Obama, therefore Obama was elected largely due to uneducated voters. See how that works, it's rather simple, like you....

Obama won amongst the most educated voters by a yuge margin
And traditionally red Southern states are among the poorest. It is odd.
It is interesting that the GOP basically willed itself into big majorities by convincing millions to vote against their own economic well-being.

The joke will ultimately be on them, though, as this was a short-term strategy that is completely unsustainable.
But the least educated put him over the top, otherwise Hil-liar-y would have won as well....