Democratic yard signs dissappearing.

Yep. Only Pubs are stealing signs. JFC the idiocy of some people is mind blowing. My friend had his Trump flag ripped down and a rock thrown through his window 3 weeks ago. So are all Dems vandalizing pieces of trash then?
I ADMITTED it was anecdotal in the OP. **** you
Yep. Only Pubs are stealing signs. JFC the idiocy of some people is mind blowing. My friend had his Trump flag ripped down and a rock thrown through his window 3 weeks ago. So are all Dems vandalizing pieces of trash then?

**reads thread**

Apparently yes.
The home made Trump signs in SW Wisconsin are awesome. I will get some pics next time I go thru there.

They are made with a religious reverence that really shows in their work.
That’s funny, but I’m sure a lawyer would argue illegal
To that point, I have seen very few dem yard signs for any of the races yet. What are they waiting for? Very few bumper stickers either. Are they afraid of their neighbors knowing they are horrible people?:rolleyes:

Yeah, that must be it. Because they are horrible people for not voting and supporting criminals like Donald Trump, Racists like Stephen King, Pedo's like Ted Cruz. Yeah I would be embarrassed as well if I didn't support that..
Political signs, etc are an unnecessary existence.

Deal with it.
Yeah, I'm not so sure why people feel the need to put a sign up in their yard. Do they think its going to change someone's mind? "Hey honey, did you see Dick put a Trump sign up in his yard? Looks like we're voting for him this year." A guy in my town has really taken to the homemade signs this year.
Yard signs and bumper stickers are for trashy people.
Lol. If it ever stops raining I will get pics of signs from both sides on some huge estates. Perhaps trashy folks live there, but their properties are way out of your price range.
I put them up because I have a huge road frontage with a house and 4 "new looking" buildings. The grass is always meticulously mowed and trimmed. I have a lighted(lit?) flagpole with red white and blue flowers around the base.

I want people driving by to know that there are intelligent, sane people living in this area.
Replace signs, hide, when offenders grab sign in yard, shoot them dead. Castle doctrine.
Correct answer.
As teenagers we'd gather up all the political signs and put them in different friends yards, pretty funny stuff. Both parties, I guess we didn't care if it was Clinton or Bush CSB/
Clearly you didn’t, because they never ran against each other. 😉
Lol. If it ever stops raining I will get pics of signs from both sides on some huge estates. Perhaps trashy folks live there, but their properties are way out of your price range.
Not sure what the intent of this post was unless you somehow are confusing trashy only being for poors. Trump, Hillary, Kardashians, and Scott Frost all have more money than me, but no one worth a grain of salt would argue they aren't trashy or deplorable people... just like people who put up political signs in their yards and/or windows or have bumper stickers. Same-same.
Not sure what the intent of this post was unless you somehow are confusing trashy only being for poors. Trump, Hillary, Kardashians, and Scott Frost all have more money than me, but no one worth a grain of salt would argue they aren't trashy or deplorable people... just like people who put up political signs in their yards and/or windows or have bumper stickers. Same-same.
I don't know if trashy is a fair word to use, I think tacky better suits them but to each their own.

It does seem to me a lot of Trump fans love them some signage around Iowa. Seems like most Dems don't feel such a need to be so ostentatious with their choice of candidate.
Several in our neighborhood just up and vanished overnight. All of the Trump, Joni, etc. signs were still in tact. I lost 4: Biden, Greenfield, Finkenhauer, and Quinn.

Anecdotal for sure, and I sure didn't need it, but further proof to myself that republicans are gutless.