Democrats Have A Choice: Bernie Or Mayor Pete

I don't think that we're up to that point yet. But what I've seen is that this is a 4 horse race with Pete, Bernie, Warren, and Biden. Bernie and Pete are full steam ahead like you postulated. Biden's campaign is showing cracks and Warren is treading water, but neither are out of it yet.

With 5th place in Iowa, Amy is done. No matter how many good showings in debates she won't be moving up to the point of winning primaries anywhere other than Minnesota.

Yang and Steyer are done with their barely showed up showing in Iowa.

Bloomberg is done before he even got started. I'm not sure why he waited so long to get into the game. But now he's just another old east coast white guy added to the list. Albeit a much richer one than the rest.

I think Amy and Yang stay in to try to force their hand in as a VP or cabinet nominee. I don't see Steyer or Bloomberg settling for either of those. Of the big 4, I don't see Biden or Bernie taking a VP nom or cabinet position. Pete is a definite yes to either of those if he isn't at the top of the ticket. I could also see Warren taking on one of those roles.
This is all Sanders now. When Warren drops out her supporters will move to Sanders. It will be hard for Pete to get enough traction against him.

it will be full blown socialism for the DNC in 2020. Amazing frankly
I’m not saying it is happening yet, but if Biden crashes and burns, his backers as a well as Klobuchar’s will likely migrate to Pete. It all boils down to how soon the drop outs occur once people start floundering. Does Warren maintain 3rd place status in a bunch of states? If so she may hang in the race for a long while and hurt Bernie. Does Biden get his feet under him soon? That would really hurt Pete as he may be stuck with some 3rd or 4th place finishes which would destroy his momentum.
I’m not saying it is happening yet, but if Biden crashes and burns, his backers as a well as Klobuchar’s will likely migrate to Pete. It all boils down to how soon the drop outs occur once people start floundering. Does Warren maintain 3rd place status in a bunch of states? If so she may hang in the race for a long while and hurt Bernie. Does Biden get his feet under him soon? That would really hurt Pete as he may be stuck with some 3rd or 4th place finishes which would destroy his momentum.
If Biden is 4th in New Hampshire, the DNC May want to have him drop out to help Pete. Good point.
Warren is in trouble though
I’m not so sure I fully agree that Warren’s backers just move to Bernie since they are both far left. Watching them at my caucus precinct, they seemed very different demographically. Warren’s people seemed like upscale moms while Bernie’s seemed like 20-30 year olds plus some working class men.
It’s obvious to anyone with half a brain that if they don’t rally behind Mayor Pete then Bernie runs away with it.
The real question is which candidate will be able to keep the minorities on the plantation. Blacks pretty much hate Pete, and not sure they care much about Bernie. If the Dems lose even a couple percent of the black vote, they are toast.
I’m not saying it is happening yet, but if Biden crashes and burns, his backers as a well as Klobuchar’s will likely migrate to Pete. It all boils down to how soon the drop outs occur once people start floundering. Does Warren maintain 3rd place status in a bunch of states? If so she may hang in the race for a long while and hurt Bernie. Does Biden get his feet under him soon? That would really hurt Pete as he may be stuck with some 3rd or 4th place finishes which would destroy his momentum.

I don't think it's such a sure thing that Warren's support all migrate to Bernie. While there's more people in the race (obviously), Bernie has lost literally half the people who voted for him last time. Which means to me that it wasn't so much ideology as it was "Not Hillary". I know Iowa is not representative, but it just feels to me like he just can't get past that 25-30% that is his base. This kind of very fluid dynamic going on right now seems to really favor the newcomers over the well-known. People have known Biden, Warren and Sanders for years, but there's so many still shaky on their support or completely undecided? Advantage Pete and Bloomberg.