Im not commenting on the potential field until at least July. About the only thing I’ll say is that I’ll be very surprised if it turns out to be Biden Bernie or Warren in the end.
Of those listed Beto, Klobachar, and Hickenlooper move my needle the most. Warren deserves a shot. She can embellish her genealogy if Trump can lie about EVERYTHING. Pass on Joe. Bernie isn’t a Dem. Pass. He’s done very little to help Dems down the ballot.
Hard pass on Gillenbrand.
Three white people leading. Two of them males and one a woman. Sad day for racial and gender diversity in the Dem party for sure. Only two genders and one race represented.
LA Mayor Garcetti joins Senators Kloubachar, Harris, Gillebrand, Brown - maybe Hickenlooper or Castro twin - in the basket of deplorables I am considering.