Dems demand Twitter, Facebook take down edited video of Pelosi ripping up State of the Union speech


HB Legend
Dec 23, 2007
Love the response by the Facebook spokesman.

Hammill was quizzed by Facebook spokesman Andy Stone about what he found objectionable to the video: “Sorry, are you suggesting the President didn’t make those remarks and the Speaker didn’t rip the speech?”

Dems demand Twitter, Facebook take down edited video of Pelosi ripping up State of the Union speech posted by Trump
I'm not saying the video should be taken down, but it is deceptive. It makes it look like Pelosi ripped up the copy after he introduced the Tuskegee airman, etc.
It is deceptively edited. But Nancy has been around long enough to know that something like that was going to be used against her. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to rip up the speech.
Republicans, meanwhile, pushed back against the efforts by Democrats to censor the video.

“They’re arguing it’s deceptively edited to misinform and want twitter to censor it,” National Republican Senatorial Committee senior adviser Matt Whitlock tweeted. “But.. she tore the speech that had those stories. Repetition to highlight exactly what she was tearing is not 'misinformation,' these Reps are gaslighting.”
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I’m thinking I’m going to be in the minority, but I don’t think Facebook has a duty to police or censor content. Facebook is like a digital town square. If a crazy person wants to stand on the street and make up deceptive stories about Nancy, they could. They should be able to do that on Facebook too.
I’m thinking I’m going to be in the minority, but I don’t think Facebook has a duty to police or censor content. Facebook is like a digital town square. If a crazy person wants to stand on the street and make up deceptive stories about Nancy, they could. They should be able to do that on Facebook too.

Now imagine a foreign country is paying those crazies to stand in the square and scream stuff...
Now imagine a foreign country is paying those crazies to stand in the square and scream stuff...

Who cares? Why is the the job of the government to prevent dumb people from hearing stuff they might be dumb enough to believe? Because that’s what this is.

We have libel and slander laws already for that shit. The reason you want it censored or taken down is that you can’t win on the grounds of libel or slander. Suck it up.
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Was that edited? I don't remember that.

Is was constantly deceptively used in various contexts that weren’t the context in which he said it: Just like his “binders full of women” and “I like to fire people” comments were. And just like Obama’s “You didn’t build that” quote was taken out of context as well. Common practice. But still very deceptive.
Is was constantly deceptively used in various contexts that weren’t the context in which he said it: Just like his “binders full of women” and “I like to fire people” comments were. And just like Obama’s “You didn’t build that” quote was taken out of context as well. Common practice. But still very deceptive.
I agree with your other examples but not the 47%. I remember that being pretty accurate. What was deceptive about it?
With the advent of Trump, conservatives have forfeited all rights to consider anything to be inappropriate behavior.
Bullsh!t. But if you believe it, that's on you. Wait for the campaign commercials that feature Nancy doing her thing. Dems are going to hate that stuff. But, there it is.
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Nancy is an idiot. Trump's speech contained numerous references to different heroes yet she still did that shit. It's a poor look for her specifically and Dems in general.
Weird that Trump gave the Medal of Freedom to a POS like Rush Limbaugh, and not to an actual hero like Charles McGee. But, since Trump wouldn't have let McGee live in one of his buildings it isn't surprising that people are getting all wound up about a perceived slight to McGee.
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I’m thinking I’m going to be in the minority, but I don’t think Facebook has a duty to police or censor content. Facebook is like a digital town square. If a crazy person wants to stand on the street and make up deceptive stories about Nancy, they could. They should be able to do that on Facebook too.
I agree, except that people can no longer discern real and fake. Everything looks the same. I’m kind of torn. But probably too late, cat outta bag kinda thing.
Just a reminder that we have this debate juxtaposed oddly against a trial where no witnesses or documents allowed. So I love that cons want any and all video of Pelosi acting petulant while defending every obstruction of certainly much more important stuff by their party.
I love this stuff about the tearing up the speech is so bad because he talked about war heroes. Trump said he didnt think POWs were heroes and he liked people that didnt get caught. And then you made him your candidate.
Start with the fact that what he said was 100% true, even according to Politifact.
If they did they are incorrect. I don't know how you could claim what he said was 100% true. That's just ridiculous. You're not dumb. There's no way you believe that.
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Lol. I'd never actually seen this video. I couldn't help but chuckle knowing what was coming, but when she actually went over the cliff I laughed out loud.
I don’t think it was a real person falling. :)

But they did hate Paul Ryan. :p
Of course, OP celebrates his party’s attempt to fool the voters with a deceptive ad. BAU GOP

That being said, it’s politics. Suck it up dems.