DeSantis, Once a ‘No’ on Storm Aid, Petitions a President He’s Bashed

Oh just go eff yourselves. Republicans controlled the freaking House of Representatives back in 2013 so Republicans had to approve the final bill, this was just DeSantis playing his usual asshole and sociopathic games.

And an individual Congress person is NEVER going to get exactly what they want on any legislation, and that does not give them any excuse or phucking "perspective" excuse when their publicity whore stunt comes back to bite them later in their political career when they're Governor of a State that's going to be repeatedly bailed out by taxpayers after natural disasters.

Eff you people. go to effing hell.

LOL at all the people opposing student loan relief who are gonna be supporting a big federal bail out for Ron in Florida.
You are an angry little elf
Fair enough. How is DeSantis proposing that Biden fund the relief that Florida is seeking?
As a governor DeSantis doesn't have access to federal purse strings,.. Biden has yet to offer his funding plan.
And, you have a link, or a video of DeSantis demanding that any dollar coming from DC is properly identified and offset with a saving or cut somewhere else?

As governor, DeSantis is no longer involved in managing federal funding..
Florida is in deep shit. It's ridden the sweet ride too long and the dog caught the car. The pristine canal-ways and rows of cookie cutter homes with manicured lawns have saturated the counties with relocated northerners trading cold winters for tropics humidity and no state income taxes. Now, it's difficult for me to sympathize. It's not like warning signs haven't been posted.

Florida will rebuild and it will be expensive,... In the end a significantly higher level of wealth will be required for those wanting to join the ranks of retired Florida home owner.