Did Brands nickname Lee?

This thread haunts me with the memory of Maryland super fan Robin Ficker yelling "Spencer Condenser" during the first round of the 2015 NCAAs. Spencer Myers upset Telford. Bobby did wrestle all the way back to 5th and Spencer missed AA by 1 match.
This thread haunts me with the memory of Maryland super fan Robin Ficker yelling "Spencer Condenser" during the first round of the 2015 NCAAs. Spencer Myers upset Telford. Bobby did wrestle all the way back to 5th and Spencer missed AA by 1 match.

I was always extremely letdown to never see Sheptock throw a headlock.
And the thread ends via a flying squirrel. I do get confused by all them Nevills nicknames...Big Snack, Big Snake, Big Perm...I get it you're big n'at!

What's the best "real" wrestling nickname ever? Myself, I like nicknames and its always good f*# on teams