Did Hillary Get Ambushed?

If true, their arrogance is incredible.

Further proof the DNC has no control over BHO.
I dunno but I bet she dang sure jumped for joy when feguson suddenly became news again so she could get herself off the front page
From that WP link:
"With Obama's approval," this source continued, "Valerie has been holding secret meetings with Martin O'Malley [the Democratic former governor of Maryland] and [Massachusetts Sen.] Elizabeth Warren. She's promised O'Malley and Warren the full support of the White House if they will challenge Hillary for the presidential nomination."

Guess it's payback time....and Hillary is not liberal enough. Who's her worst enemy, Obama liberal Democrats or Republicans? Billary is being hit from all sides.
Looks like she'll never make it to the WH.
Originally posted by sijoint:

Originally posted by Funky Bunch:

Originally posted by sijoint:
From that WP link:
Does the right in America really consider Cain, Palin and Bachman martyrs rather then fools? Those folks did themselves in by not being ready for prime time. I mean Herman's theme song was from Pokemon, the media didn't do that to him. They reported, America decided.
Originally posted by naturalmwa: Does the right in America really consider Cain, Palin and Bachman martyrs rather then fools? Those folks did themselves in by not being ready for prime time. I mean Herman's theme song was from Pokemon, the media didn't do that to him. They reported, America decided.
As opposed to Joe Biden. He's the Einstein of political heavyweights.
Originally posted by Metuo Accipiter:
Originally posted by naturalmwa: Does the right in America really consider Cain, Palin and Bachman martyrs rather then fools? Those folks did themselves in by not being ready for prime time. I mean Herman's theme song was from Pokemon, the media didn't do that to him. They reported, America decided.
As opposed to Joe Biden. He's the Einstein of political heavyweights.
Did I post a meme about Joe getting treated unfairly? Where was that? Is the left lamenting that Joe isn't taken more seriously? I'm looking, but I don't see it. Could you link to it for me?

See the point? Thats not an equivalent example!