Did Microsoft help Rubio cheat in Iowa?

Morons. If there was tampering, it wasn't very good; he finished 3rd.
actually, by finishing third, he actually won the night. trump got the shaft, cruz will go nowhere. nobody who wins iowa goes on to do anything. Rubio actually won the night.
actually, by finishing third, he actually won the night. trump got the shaft, cruz will go nowhere. nobody who wins iowa goes on to do anything. Rubio actually won the night.
Let's revisit your theory after the Rep. convention this summer. I'll eat some crow then if you're right.
Okay, infowars is a loony-toon conspiracy site. Unless someone else runs this story, consider it BS.

Secondly, Trump has huge lead in both NH and SC. If he steamrolls to victory as the polls suggest, then the rest of the field will necessarily be fighting for second place. Rubio's stronger-than-expected showing in Iowa gives him some momentum. Lets see if that translates to more support in the coming weeks.
Okay, infowars is a loony-toon conspiracy site. Unless someone else runs this story, consider it BS.

Secondly, Trump has huge lead in both NH and SC. If he steamrolls to victory as the polls suggest, then the rest of the field will necessarily be fighting for second place. Rubio's stronger-than-expected showing in Iowa gives him some momentum. Lets see if that translates to more support in the coming weeks.

You expected a legit site from the OP? #InstallPerry #$8gas
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actually, by finishing third, he actually won the night. trump got the shaft, cruz will go nowhere. nobody who wins iowa goes on to do anything. Rubio actually won the night.
It's a moral victory for Rubes, but not much else. He still needs to win actual states to get the nomination.
It's a moral victory for Rubes, but not much else. He still needs to win actual states to get the nomination.
I agree, though I think Trump is doomed campaign-wise. Eventually, Rubio/Cruz supports will flock to the other, leaving Trump in the cold. Trump will move on with his newfound name recognition in younger demographics to more reality TV and more marketability than ever.
of course I would say with a brokered convention, maybe not
I'm not sure about this. If the GOP has to go against the wishes of the voters and broker in Rubes, they'll have a civil war on their hands. Trump would run third party and Cruz might too. Brokering Rubio in there against the will of the people would be a disaster for the Republicans.
I agree, though I think Trump is doomed campaign-wise. Eventually, Rubio/Cruz supports will flock to the other, leaving Trump in the cold. Trump will move on with his newfound name recognition in younger demographics to more reality TV and more marketability than ever.
If we've learned anything this election, it's to not count Trump out. If he picks up either New Hampshire or South Carolina, he'll have the wind at his back and a legitimate claim that he's for real. But I will agree that Cruz is the big winner last night. The pressure is off him for at least New Hampshire. All he has to do is take second and he'll still be in good shape. Rubio is the guy with not much margin for error here.
I heard they helped Trump. Without Microsoft, Cheeseface would have only had 2.2%. You know, those who fall more than two standard deviations below the median for intelligence.
I'm not sure about this. If the GOP has to go against the wishes of the voters and broker in Rubes, they'll have a civil war on their hands. Trump would run third party and Cruz might too. Brokering Rubio in there against the will of the people would be a disaster for the Republicans.

If the GOP really wants to settle on a candidate, they need to thin the herd ASAP. There's an "establishment" core of Rubio, Kasich, Bush and Christie that seem to have 30-40% support. Trump is in the same neighborhood by himself. Cruz is generally a little lower, but I think the Santorum, Huckabee and Carson voters would seem more likely to break Cruz, so that makes some difference. Last night is probably an indication that Rubio is the most likely to emerge from the "establishment" side. If the herd starts to thin, someone makes a bit of a charge picking up votes and then voters can really start to look across the aisle to see who they want to support in the hopes of keeping HRC or Bernie out of the White House.

What's interesting to me is what happens if Trump struggles over the next month and gets out. I think a chunk of his support may not roll to anyone else, it may just go *poof* and vanish, leaving a smaller pie. Ditto with Sanders, IMHO.

It'll be interesting to follow, but I think it's still too early to talk about brokered conventions since there's a good 30+% of the vote out there tied up with non-viable candidates.
At my polling location I watch them hand count, and Rubio had more votes then trump. There was about 500-600 people there. Trump is just having a hard time people actually don't support him.