DNCs Superdelegates...


HB Heisman
Mar 3, 2014
You may have heard of superdelegates before today, but you may not have realized how antithetical the idea is to democracy itself until now.

Bernie Sanders took 60% of the popular vote among the Democratic race on Tuesday, but because of the delegate process, Bernie Sanders will leave with a minimum of 13 delegates, but very likely 15. At the same time, challenger Hillary Clinton (who lost by more than a 20-point margin among the electorate) also walks aways with 15.

So how does that work?

To break it down, New Hampshire has 24 “pledged” delegates determined by the vote, of which Sanders won 13 and Clinton won 9. However, the state also put forward 8 “superdelegates,” who are insiders in the state’s Democratic party who are free to vote how they choose. Six of these are already pledged to Clinton, with the other two remaining undecided, meaning Sanders can only (at best) tie with Clinton, despite his commanding lead.

In the national race, Clinton already has 394 delegates out of a total of 4,763, compared to only 42 for Bernie Sanders. Of those pledged to Clinton, 360 are superdelegates, whereas Sanders has only picked up 8 in this category. 2,382 total delegates are needed to win the party’s nomination.
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Super delegates have been part of the Democratic nominating process for years. Every body knows about them and takes them into account in their campaign strategies. As has been stated before, the political parties have no obligation to select candidates through a democratic process. They are free to nominate candidates in any way they feel will give them the best chance of winning. The wingnut echo chamber must have just found out about super delegates and has been pushing them as the outrage of the day lately because they know the only hope they have for whichever klown leaves the Republican Klown Kar of Kandidates with the nomination to win is for him to run against Sanders.
In defense of the verac ity of the Dems nomination/election porocess, go back to 2008. Barck Obama defeated Hillary Clinton and most of the "super delegates" were leaning towards Clinton.....but they voted for Obama at the Convention. Super gelegates can change their vote preference at any time.
Granted, "super delegates" have a tendency to support "party regulars and party insiders" they don't always do so...again, refer to 2008.
If Sanders does well over the next month these "super delegates" will side with him... if Clinton does well even more will join her. They will go with the leader.

You underestimate the power of the Dark Side.

The problem will arise if the popular vote is close. Say Bernie has 52% of the voted on delegates and Hillary has 48%. One could argue there isn't going to be a giant amount of SD switch in that case. Thus giving the nomination to Hillary.
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It's not going to happen folks. It's already been said if the Dems don't see Clinton as viable as this goes on, then the super delegates and the delegates Clinton have won will pick a Biden or Kerry over Sanders. The DNC will not allow Sanders to be the nominee. The super delegate system is corrupt, plain and simple.
In defense of the verac ity of the Dems nomination/election porocess, go back to 2008. Barck Obama defeated Hillary Clinton and most of the "super delegates" were leaning towards Clinton.....but they voted for Obama at the Convention. Super gelegates can change their vote preference at any time.
Granted, "super delegates" have a tendency to support "party regulars and party insiders" they don't always do so...again, refer to 2008.
That happened after both Hillary and Barack met with Bilderberg.
It's not going to happen folks. It's already been said if the Dems don't see Clinton as viable as this goes on, then the super delegates and the delegates Clinton have won will pick a Biden or Kerry over Sanders. The DNC will not allow Sanders to be the nominee. The super delegate system is corrupt, plain and simple.

I don't think that math works. Sanders would have delegates while both would have none. I don't think super delegates could over ride their complete deficit.