Do any of you poors invest in Masterworks?


HB King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
I did a search on Masterworks because I thought I'd mentioned this before, but I didn't find anything. I saw an article about Masterworks in Kiplinger a few months ago. On a concept level it is intriguing, you pool money to buy art. They have almost $1 billion in cash and assets at this time. You buy fractional shares and either get the proceeds when the piece of art is sold, or you can trade it to another investor.
I thought of it again because when Mrs. Lucas and I went to the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis a few weeks ago to see the Keith Haring exhibit I noticed that quite a few pieces were on loan from Masterworks. So, the artwork is out being shared, and marketed at the same time.
Side note, the Haring exhibit is excellent. If you happen to be in Minneapolis try and catch it.