Do-nothing Congress...

The Tradition

HB King
Apr 23, 2002
I for one prefer a do-nothing Congress. There are too many laws as it is. Maybe if Congress was busy repealing outdated, onerous, burdensome laws they wouldn't be busy doing nothing.

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I agree a little.

I think I like it best with a Democrat president and a split congress.

it’d be nice if these idiots at least respected one another or presented themselves as respectable. Our chosen officials seem more like movie villains than people - especially in Iowa
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But it would decrease the number of effective laws.
Hard to say really. You pass a law just to get rid of one and imagine what might happen? I’m sure Trad thinks nothing because all those laws are useless or worse. That may be true in some cases. But it’s more likely that old law was fulfilling some useful functions that matter to someone. So now you have to replace the old law. And getting new laws passed is a lot harder than it used to be. So you likely have to pass many new laws to address what one old law accomplished. Like most things Trad champions, they are more complex than he realizes.
Hard to say really. You pass a law just to get rid of one and imagine what might happen? I’m sure Trad thinks nothing because all those laws are useless or worse. That may be true in some cases. But it’s more likely that old law was fulfilling some useful functions that matter to someone. So now you have to replace the old law. And getting new laws passed is a lot harder than it used to be. So you likely have to pass many new laws to address what one old law accomplished. Like most things Trad champions, they are more complex than he realizes.

Oh, you're sooooo nuanced.

Is there any reason why Statute 18 U.S.C. § 336 makes it a federal crime to issue “any note, check, memorandum, token, or other obligation for a less sum than $1” in lieu of money?
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Sure. That would explain the $4 TRILLION budget and the death of old programs like TVA and a list too long to mention...for bandwidth's sake.
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Oh, you're sooooo nuanced.

Is there any reason why Statute 18 U.S.C. § 336 makes it a federal crime to issue “any note, check, memorandum, token, or other obligation for a less sum than $1” in lieu of money?
I have no idea. Do you?
I have received refund checks for less than $1. We hung them on the fridge as a joke. Didn't know it was a violation of federal law. Who enforces this?
Clearly some executives who hate the constitution. That’s what cons claimed recently about non enforcement of laws.
I think a do nothing Congress is built in to the checks and balances system, and it's not a bad thing. The idea is that laws don't change unless you have large diverse majorities, nor should they.

I don't think they planned on the you scratch my back I'll take money from this lobbyist and vote for your bill kind of thing we have going on now.
You never learn.
Not from you. You never answer the questions. In this case, my response was tongue in cheek. Nevertheless, you pathetically attempt to save face with deflection or bad humor.

Can you name for us all the bad laws that were repealed?
The federal government is too big and it costs too much!

I’m sure he would start with those pesky wager and labor laws. Minimum wage. Gone. Workers protection. Gone. Child labor? The free loading kids need to work. No need for any overtime. Let the corporate overlords rule. They don’t have anywhere near enough money. As long as workers can afford two cars, they need to be further oppressed.
I’m sure he would start with those pesky wager and labor laws. Minimum wage. Gone. Workers protection. Gone. Child labor? The free loading kids need to work. No need for any overtime. Let the corporate overlords rule. They don’t have anywhere near enough money. As long as workers can afford two cars, they need to be further oppressed.

I'm glad you brought that up.

The Fair Labor Standards Act was passed into law in the 1930s. It was sort of easy to enforce in a unionized factory environment where a whistle blew to tell workers when to start work and stop work.

Today when everyone has a work device in his or her (or they's) pocket, the law doesn't work so well....
Sure. That would explain the $4 TRILLION budget and the death of old programs like TVA and a list too long to mention...for bandwidth's sake.

Quit being a poor and find an ISP that doesn't cap you. Then you aren't limited on typing out your "slightly more intelligent than OiT" conspiracy nonsense.