Do you know what Trump was found guilty of?

I disagree with Franken’s assertion that Trump would have lost the 2016 election if he hadn’t paid off Stormy. His supporters simply don’t care.

We’ve known for 6 years now that he paid her not to talk about their dalliance and the most ironic aspect of this whole saga is that he really didn’t even need to.

Infidelity normally hurts a candidate. But Trump’s supporters strangely consider it a badge of honor. If Trump had never given her a dime and she had gone public prior to the election, most of his supporters would have either said she was lying or would have considered Trump a hero because “Fvck yeah, he banged a porn star!”
In 2024 it seems you're right, but remember in 2016 Trump had a hard time getting the support of the evangelicals, and the race between he and Ted Cruze was fairly close.
In 2024 it seems you're right, but remember in 2016 Trump had a hard time getting the support of the evangelicals, and the race between he and Ted Cruze was fairly close.
That was the case in early 2016. But this transaction with Stormy happened in late October, just a week or so before the election. By that time Trump had pretty much locked up the evangelical vote.
That was the case in early 2016. But this transaction with Stormy happened in late October, just a week or so before the election. By that time Trump had pretty much locked up the evangelical vote.
80,000 or so votes in 3 states would have swung the election to Hillary. 80,000 people who changed their votes, or maybe just stayed at home. I do not believe the situation was the same in 2016, 2020, or today. The constant degradation of norms and values has taken a toll. Look at Ted Cruz yesterday, crawling on his belly to defend Trump after the trial put a public light on how Trump conspired with Michael Cohen and David Pecker to create stories about Ted's old man helping to kill JFK. His support in 2016 was tepid. 8 years has given the cult plenty of time to take root.
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80,000 or so votes in 3 states would have swung the election to Hillary. 80,000 people who changed they votes, or maybe just stayed at home. I do not believe the situation was the same in 2016, 2020, or today. The constant degradation of norms and values has taken a toll. Look at Ted Cruz yesterday, crawling on his belly to defend Trump after the trial put a public light on how Trump conspired with Michael Cohen and David Pecker to create stories about Ted's old man helping to kill JFK. His support in 2016 was tepid. 8 years has given the cult plenty of time to take root.
Rafael’s support of Trump in 2016 was tepid because they had just waged a bitter primary fight and he was still licking his wounds. So I’m not sure that really helps your point.

I understand that the cult has grown more intense over the past 8 years, but I still think it’s very possible Trump would still have won even if Stormy had gone public. We had already heard him brag about hanging out in the dressing room with naked teenage girls at his pageant. We had already heard the Access Hollywood soundbite where he bragged about grabbing women by the pussy. And his supporters didn’t seem to care.

It’s not like we didn’t know he was slimy. He had already been a public figure for over 25 years and we already knew he had a history of infidelity in previous marriages.

If the National Enquirer had purchased her story and ran it a week before the election, the vast majority of his voters would have either brushed it off as a money grab or actually considered it a badge of honor for Trump.

We’ll never know for certain, obviously. But I think Franken is making an assumption that might not be true.
I don't see a lot of MAGAts in here rushing to their Dear Leaders defense.

I tuned into Fox News as the verdict was being read, just to get their take. The whole time they never once wanted to talk about the facts of the case, just the fact it was all political and the outcome was predetermined.

The talking points going forward seem to be:
1. There are so many things wrong with what the compromised judge did that it will certainly be overturned on appeal.
2. No one knows what Trump is even charged with
3. Expired crimes and laws were resurrected and juiced up into felonies to go after Trump
4. Bragg ran on a platform of putting Trump in jail, so this is all political
5. This was Biden directed.
i don't understand what point people think they're making by saying they don't understand something that can be easily found, from a variety of sources, online

12 randomly selected jurors had no trouble. The evidence was presented, the law was instructed, and they reached a unanimous conclusion.

This case has been publicly discussed and dissected ad nauseum for more than a year; it has been hyper-analyzed for the last month and a half.

At this point, anyone claiming to be confused by the charges or the convictions is willfully ignorant or a stooge for propaganda.
Count me as willfully ignorant.

I don't care what the charges were and I didn't follow this trial at all. I have never voted for Trump and was never going to vote for him in the future. He showed us who he was waaaaaay before he ever ran for office.

That said, I'm still surprised that somebody in the higher political class is seemingly going to face consequences for their actions, though I'm not naive enough to think that this signals an end to the "two sets of rules" system that we have in place.
If this keeps Trump off the ballot, I'm all for it.
And here is the reason they "prosecuted" him. Joe trying in whatever manner they can.
It doesn't keep him off the ballot or disqualify him from running for President. He can still be elected President from a jail cell. They didn't prosecute him to keep him off the ballot.
I think this guy sums it up well

The problem with this is the back end.

It isn't illegal to cheat, though you are a piece of shit for doing so, looking at you Giselle.

It isn't illegal to bang a porn star, but it's super cringe so it sells.

It isn't illegal to pay said whore to not tell anyone.

It's illegal to write it incorrectly in your taxes. This was a tax crime.
  • Haha
Reactions: RileyHawk
The problem with this is the back end.

It isn't illegal to cheat, though you are a piece of shit for doing so, looking at you Giselle.

It isn't illegal to bang a porn star, but it's super cringe so it sells.

It isn't illegal to pay said whore to not tell anyone.

It's illegal to write it incorrectly in your taxes. This was a tax crime.
For me the bigger issue isn't the criminal aspect, it's the fact Donald Trump banged a porn star while his newlywed wife stayed home with their newborn, Barron. Somehow, his voters (especially the Christian ones) seem to not even care about this. If Raegan had done that to Nancy or George to Laura there's no way their careers survive that.
For me the bigger issue isn't the criminal aspect, it's the fact Donald Trump banged a porn star while his newlywed wife stayed home with their newborn, Barron. Somehow, his voters (especially the Christian ones) seem to not even care about this. If Raegan had done that to Nancy or George to Laura there's no way their careers survive that.
This fake Christians used him to get ultra right wing in the supreme court.if he gets elected again he will get one possibility 2 more. The scotus will be ultra conservative for decades.
No, they already tried that one and the SC had to step in.
Some states tried to leave him off the ballot using the third section of the 14th amendment.

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

The problem was he wasn't convicted of engaging in an insurrection.
For me the bigger issue isn't the criminal aspect, it's the fact Donald Trump banged a porn star while his newlywed wife stayed home with their newborn, Barron. Somehow, his voters (especially the Christian ones) seem to not even care about this. If Raegan had done that to Nancy or George to Laura there's no way their careers survive that.
See John Edwards or Gary Hart.
For me the bigger issue isn't the criminal aspect, it's the fact Donald Trump banged a porn star while his newlywed wife stayed home with their newborn, Barron. Somehow, his voters (especially the Christian ones) seem to not even care about this. If Raegan had done that to Nancy or George to Laura there's no way their careers survive that.
Barron is 18 years old now and the people in the relationship have found a way to get past it.

He is a piece of shit.

I'm also not a liar, I have friends, male and female, who have cheated on a spouse and I didn't stop being friends with them because of that. I don't treat like that, but, be honest, you have friends that have also.
I don't see a lot of MAGAts in here rushing to their Dear Leaders defense.

I tuned into Fox News as the verdict was being read, just to get their take. The whole time they never once wanted to talk about the facts of the case, just the fact it was all political and the outcome was predetermined.

The talking points going forward seem to be:
1. There are so many things wrong with what the compromised judge did that it will certainly be overturned on appeal.
2. No one knows what Trump is even charged with
3. Expired crimes and laws were resurrected and juiced up into felonies to go after Trump
4. Bragg ran on a platform of putting Trump in jail, so this is all political
5. This was Biden directed.
Here's why that's all fallacal....

Not one single mention of Jewish space lasers. Dumbshits at FixNews are loosing it.