Do you know what Trump was found guilty of?

Again: MAGAs, sure.

Independents: Nope.
If Trump bragging about watching teenage girls getting dressed for his beauty pageant didn’t change their minds and Trump bragging about kissing women whenever he wants to didn’t change their minds and Trump bragging about grabbing women by the pussy didn’t change their minds, then why would a one-time dalliance with a porn star change their minds?

If Trump’s long history of marriages, infidelity, divorces, and remarriages didn’t change their minds then why would they give a shit about an 11th hour claim in the National Enquirer by a porn star that Trump would have vehemently denied?

Hillary needed another 45,000 votes in Pennsylvania and another 23,000 votes in Wisconsin and another 11,000 votes in Michigan. If she doesn’t get any one of those three things then Trump still wins.

Would Stormy going public one week before the election have been enough to make the difference?

Maybe. But also maybe not.
Rafael’s support of Trump in 2016 was tepid because they had just waged a bitter primary fight and he was still licking his wounds. So I’m not sure that really helps your point.

I understand that the cult has grown more intense over the past 8 years, but I still think it’s very possible Trump would still have won even if Stormy had gone public. We had already heard him brag about hanging out in the dressing room with naked teenage girls at his pageant. We had already heard the Access Hollywood soundbite where he bragged about grabbing women by the pussy. And his supporters didn’t seem to care.

It’s not like we didn’t know he was slimy. He had already been a public figure for over 25 years and we already knew he had a history of infidelity in previous marriages.

If the National Enquirer had purchased her story and ran it a week before the election, the vast majority of his voters would have either brushed it off as a money grab or actually considered it a badge of honor for Trump.

We’ll never know for certain, obviously. But I think Franken is making an assumption that might not be true.
Had it not been for the last minute Comey letter, the All Access video would have swung the election to Hillary imo.
For me the bigger issue isn't the criminal aspect, it's the fact Donald Trump banged a porn star while his newlywed wife stayed home with their newborn, Barron. Somehow, his voters (especially the Christian ones) seem to not even care about this. If Raegan had done that to Nancy or George to Laura there's no way their careers survive that.
It amazed me in 2016, and every day since, the things that Trump survived that would have ended the campaign/political careers of literally anyone else.
Would Stormy going public one week before the election have been enough to make the difference?

Maybe. But also maybe not.
It wasn't a chance the Trump campaign was willing to take, so they concocted a fake paper trail to cover up the hush money payment.

Ergo - guilty.
It wasn't a chance the Trump campaign was willing to take, so they concocted a fake paper trail to cover up the hush money payment.

Ergo - guilty.
I’m not disputing his guilt. I’m disputing Al Franken’s claim that Trump would have lost the 2016 election if he hadn’t paid Stormy to keep quiet.
i don't understand what point people think they're making by saying they don't understand something that can be easily found, from a variety of sources, online

It's how they "legislate", too.
LOL - the latest demonstration of your ignorance. It wasn't about taxes.

Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records after prosecutors successfully convinced a jury he disguised hush money reimbursement as legal expenses. He is the first former president to be convicted of a crime.

Each count is tied to a different business record that prosecutors demonstrated Trump is responsible for changing to conceal or commit another crime.

Those records include 11 checks paid to former lawyer Michael Cohen, 11 invoices from Michael Cohen and 12 entries in Trump's ledgers.

The jury found that Trump authorized a plan to reimburse Cohen for the $130,000 hush money payment issued to Stormy Daniels and spread the payments across 12 months disguised as legal expenses.

It can actually be prosecuted now, for the tax fraud, too.

And should be.
Sounds like you've been sent down the MAGA Rabbit-hole, too.

The crimes are clearly delineated and were decided upon by the jury.

Change where you get your news from - those sites are misleading you.

Probably the same folks who feed you bullshit about Ukraine, MAGA-boi.
Like this?

Like this?
What "crimes" are you referring to?

Removing the corrupt prosecutor was US and EU policy at the time.
Our Ukrainian ambassador even told you that.

Re-read those sentences until they sink in for you.
Take as long as you need.
What "crimes" are you referring to?

Removing the corrupt prosecutor was US and EU policy at the time.
Our Ukrainian ambassador even told you that.

Re-read those sentences until they sink in for you.
Take as long as you need.
HB was in the energy business there, no?
Sounds like you've been sent down the MAGA Rabbit-hole, too.

The crimes are clearly delineated and were decided upon by the jury.

Change where you get your news from - those sites are misleading you.

Probably the same folks who feed you bullshit about Ukraine, MAGA-boi.
You are such an ignorant useful by someone idiot. Anyway have a nice day.
I've listened to a lot of people try to explain what Trump is actually guilty of, but I get a lot of different answers. So lets find out who's right on here. Without looking it up or looking at other posts in this thread, explain what Trump was found guilty of.

If you are truly curious, read the jury instructions. The instructions are public record and I'll even provide you with a link. Enjoy the reading!

What "crimes" are you referring to?

Removing the corrupt prosecutor was US and EU policy at the time.
Our Ukrainian ambassador even told you that.

Re-read those sentences until they sink in for you.
Take as long as you need.
Was it also US and EU policy to replace him with a guy who was even more corrupt and had no law degree and zero experience as a prosecutor?
I’m not disputing his guilt. I’m disputing Al Franken’s claim that Trump would have lost the 2016 election if he hadn’t paid Stormy to keep quiet.
You are correct it is impossilbe to say. But on the heels of the Access Hollywood tape, it clearly caused panic in the Trump campaign. In other words, they didn't know for sure if voters were going to be able to hold their noses and overlook his indiscretions.
You are correct it is impossilbe to say. But on the heels of the Access Hollywood tape, it clearly caused panic in the Trump campaign. In other words, they didn't know for sure if voters were going to be able to hold their noses and overlook his indiscretions.
That’s my point. Trump and his advisors panicked and paid her off because they were worried her story might hurt him at the polls. But with the benefit of hindsight it appears that it might not have hurt him after all. And now he’s a convicted felon because of that decision. That’s why I said it’s ironic.
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That’s my point. Trump and his advisors panicked and paid her off because they were worried her story might hurt him at the polls. But with the benefit of hindsight it appears that it might not have hurt him after all. And now he’s a convicted felon because of that decision. That’s why I said it’s ironic.
Agree 100%