Do you know what Trump was found guilty of?

You are correct it is impossilbe to say. But on the heels of the Access Hollywood tape, it clearly caused panic in the Trump campaign. In other words, they didn't know for sure if voters were going to be able to hold their noses and overlook his indiscretions.
Remind all of us what happened after that tape.
Remind all of us what happened after that tape.

Trump learned that Stormy Daniels was prepared to go public with the fact he banged her in a Tahoe hotel room so he had his longtime liar-and-fixer Michael Cohen pay her off with a hush money payment and hid that payment as a phony legal fee in order to assist his campaign.

Surprised you were unaware, as Trump was just found guilty of doing that yesterday by a jury of his peers.

Trump learned that Stormy Daniels was prepared to go public with the fact he banged her in a Tahoe hotel room so he had his longtime liar-and-fixer Michael Cohen pay her off with a hush money payment and hid that payment as a phony legal fee in order to assist his campaign.

Surprised you were unaware, as Trump was just found guilty of doing that yesterday by a jury of his peers.
You forgot he was elected. Legit voters can see through the stupid shit....well most.
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Trump learned that Stormy Daniels was prepared to go public with the fact he banged her in a Tahoe hotel room so he had his longtime liar-and-fixer Michael Cohen pay her off with a hush money payment and hid that payment as a phony legal fee in order to assist his campaign.

Surprised you were unaware, as Trump was just found guilty of doing that yesterday by a jury of his peers.
Mike Cohen took out a loan on his home to pay Stormy, trump paid Cohen.
How on brand is it that the Trump voters are too dumb to understand the charges?

It’s astounding how confused the MAGA base is. They seem to have no ability to think.

Some of them truly lack the intelligence to understand anything besides what Fox, etc tell them, The rest fully understand they just don’t want to accept reality, So they flail around in their alternate reality using “alternate facts”.
Some of them truly lack the intelligence to understand anything besides what Fox, etc tell them, The rest fully understand they just don’t want to accept reality, So they flail around in their alternate reality using “alternate facts”.
Sometimes you truly don't need to be intelligent to see what is going on.
You're the one posting the nonsense here, MAGA-boi.

Trump is guilty. Reread that til it sinks in for you.
Which is it Joey? Am I a MAGA bot or a Russian bot? What is scary is how many like you really can't think. You only see black/white. You only see Joe or Trump. Dems or Maga. Exceptional USA or Russia.

Btw, which side are you on in Palestine? Bet that causes a real conflict in you. Doesn't it Joey?
And it was the same talking point then, too, MAGA-boi.
It’s never been a “talking point” for MAGA. I’ve been saying for years that Republicans botched the narrative in this case by focusing all their attention on Biden getting Shokin fired, which was understandable because Shokin was corrupt.

The real story, which Republicans inexplicably ignored, was that we replaced him with a guy who was even worse. He had zero experience as a prosecutor and didn’t even have a law degree. Ukraine’s parliament had to amend their national law before he could even be appointed. And then 6 months later he dropped all charges against the oligarch that Shokin was supposedly fired for not prosecuting aggressively enough.

We’ve had this same discussion many times before and the fact that every time we have it you act like you’re hearing this for the very first time is further proof that you never actually read my posts before replying. You just see my name next to the post and regurgitate one of your canned responses.
  • Haha
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2016 Popular Vote: Clinton 66 million, Trump 63 million
  • Hillary Clinton (Democrat): 65,853,516 votes (48.5%)
  • Donald Trump (Republican): 62,984,825 votes (46.4%)
  • Gary Johnson (Libertarian): Approximately 4.5 million votes (3.28%) 👈Mine's in here
  • Jill Stein (Green Party): Approximately 1.5 million votes (1.07%)
DT will be speaking soon if you'd like to hear what he has to say. Wonder how many networks will televise.
will ferrell lube GIF

Live look at FF, Ryan, Rifler, OneSpeed, Torbee, DogBoy, KFDisciple...prepping for Trump's grievance fest.
  • Hillary Clinton (Democrat): 65,853,516 votes (48.5%)
  • Donald Trump (Republican): 62,984,825 votes (46.4%)
  • Gary Johnson (Libertarian): Approximately 4.5 million votes (3.28%) 👈Mine's in here
  • Jill Stein (Green Party): Approximately 1.5 million votes (1.07%)
Sonofabitch! You are part of the problem! 🙂