Do you make your bed each morning?


HR Legend
Mar 29, 2002
Had to do this as a kid and pretty sure I stopped after college.

If we make the bed it's sometime during the day when we're cleaning up the room. But most days we don't.
Oddly, I always make it the day the maids arrive.
Nope. Basically the only time I make my bed is after I do laundry.

Or if I have a lady coming over that night (which never happens heyyooo!).
Not allowed to as I am told "I don't do it right" So the maid makes it every morning right after her shower.
I don't during the week because I'm the first up and out of the house for work.

I do on the weekends to give the Frau a break.
Always make the bed. Love the feel at the end of the day of getting into bed where the sheets are pulled tight.

EDIT - have never made OP Mom’s bed. Probably should since I’ve made many a mess there. But she never leaves the bed so I have that as my excuse.
I quit doing it daily the minute I got out of Basic/AIT. Pisses my wife off, but I'm just going to mess it up again in 16 hours
Yes. It takes about 5 seconds.

However, I'm a very sound sleeper and don't mess up the bed coverings too much. Just flip the flap back over, smooth it out and DONE.
I never made my bed until I moved in with Mr. Birch who was in the Marine Corps. He makes his side of the bed even if I'm still in mine. I never used a flat sheet either until living with him.
Makes the bed with a person still in it? Goddamn, that type of shit is so foreign to me as a slob lol. Good on him though, that’s discipline right there.