Do you network?

Hawk and Awe

HB Heisman
Sep 15, 2012
I started a few months ago at a small CPA firm and they really push marketing and networking. I'm obviously supportive of the idea and know I need to find clients to make partner - but man do I hate networking. Small talk is just so incredibly superficial and unnatural to me.

Wondering if anyone has any advice? I'm looking to find board opportunities that "organically" get me meeting the business community and have one that looks promising, but that's all I got right now. I've heard people that attend breakfast clubs and mixers - but that feels so forced and fake.
Wahawk is correct. The Chamber of Commerce in each
city is the best way to "network". It is the old version of
you scratch my back and I will scratch your back. It works
best in cities of 100,000 or less.

Attend the local high school's home football and basketball
games as often as possible. Join a local golf league. Join
a Rotary Club or similar community group. Get involved with
Habitat for Humanity or some other volunteer effort.
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How old are you? Attend some YP events. Most of everyone there is there to drink and meet others their age.

Get Married. Make Baby, preferably of male variety. Start coaching kids team. Note: Will work with female too.

Connect with professionals from other lines of work. If you're a grad/fan of decent size school that should be easy. Caveat: in decent size town.

It helps if lady/wife/partner is also a business person as you, use their contacts/connections.

CoC, as has been mentioned, is the way to go.

Stay athletic and fit. Any sport you can play and do so respectably will help.

If this isn't comfortable for you, then firm work may not be your bag.
Get a membership at the best gym, athletic club in your city. Bang the wives of doctors and lawyers who are lonely and work out in the middle of the day to fill the empty time. Get their business.
Get a membership at the best gym, athletic club in your city. Bang the wives of doctors and lawyers who are lonely and work out in the middle of the day to fill the empty time. Get their business.
QC gyms suck.
appreciate the advice thus far and I'm 30 to answer a question.

I was thinking the Chamber would be good for me and now look forward to joining. But I guess what I'm really struggling with is I think most of the conversation and people at these mixers are dbags.

How do you overcome that? Its funny because I don't have this problem with current clients and the answer is probably I just need to treat everyone that way.
Every job since the first job, I've gotten because I knew someone. I'm 50 and have worked for 7 companies, each with increasing responsibilities. Having said that, I didn't meet these people at "networking mixers", I met them through work. I'm personally not a fan of those types of random mixers as I feel like most people I'm meeting are my peers or lower and not likely to help my career. The higher up muckety mucks need to see you doing a great job at work, not meet you drinking wine at a mixer. Chamber is a good idea however.
Beyond what's been mentioned here, any kind of volunteering is a good opportunity. Get involved in youth, volunteer to be on the board, whatever. You'll meet a lot of people.
appreciate the advice thus far and I'm 30 to answer a question.

I was thinking the Chamber would be good for me and now look forward to joining. But I guess what I'm really struggling with is I think most of the conversation and people at these mixers are dbags.

How do you overcome that? Its funny because I don't have this problem with current clients and the answer is probably I just need to treat everyone that way.

30 is a good age to be part of a breakfast / social club. I don't know why you find the people to be "dbags" though? I can think of some possible reasons, but be more specific if you can? Are they bragging about their accomplishments all of the time? Are they wearing popped collars and driving cars with loud mufflers? Are they concerned with their appearance and who they are seen hanging out with? Depending on who you are, these could all be reasons why you think somebody is a "dbag", but they are different issues (to me, even though I realize an individual might qualify in all three).

Now, if you become comfortable with a group like this, your next problem becomes convincing them to move their accounting work to your firm. That's a sales job. Sounds like you relate quite well to current clients, who of course don't need to be sold on your firm. They need to be retained, of course. I think "selling" might be the thing you actually hate, as opposed to networking.
Hawk, consider it a game and they're playing the same game as you. If you're not willing to play that's completely fine, as has been said- find something outside a firm.
Beyond what's been mentioned here, any kind of volunteering is a good opportunity. Get involved in youth, volunteer to be on the board, whatever. You'll meet a lot of people.

When is there time to network when you are picking fights with the other kids parents?
Once you are introduced to someone find out where they work. Ask, "How did you get started in the (blank) business?" Then STFU and listen closely to what they say. Most will talk and talk and give you everything you need. You might further ask, "What advice would you have for a young guy like me who is trying to find new clients and eventually make partner some day?" Again, STFU and listen closely to the answer. if things are going well and the prospect is talking freely you might close with, "mr. (blank) if you were convinced that my firm could do a great job for you and your business would you honestly consider switching over to us?" If he says no, move on, and if he says yes, well then I think you know what to do next. It is that simple. Now get out there and set the world on fire!!!

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