DOD UFO REPORT: No evidence of alien spacecraft, but can't rule it out

It's a little unsettling that the government/military doesn't really know what these anomalies are.

Perhaps they should make these things a higher priority going forward.
I feel the same way...the pilots that have been interviewed seem like a credible bunch and there's video/radar data to back them up. Very strange indeed.
Man those Chinese and Russians are advanced. Hypersonic weapons usually fly at mach 5 to mach 7 and have very small control surfaces due to extreme thermal stress. These things are at much higher velocities in purely non ballistic flight. I'd eat poop if it were the other two countries not to mention many of these objects were exoatmospheric, then under water, then back in the air etc, all of which would require very different and seamless propulsion technologies. Hey at least now the sheeple can sleep at night.

Nothing to see here. Move along.
Man those Chinese and Russians are advanced. Hypersonic weapons usually fly at mach 5 to mach 7 and have very small control surfaces due to extreme thermal stress. These things are at much higher velocities in purely non ballistic flight. I'd eat poop if it were the other two countries not to mention many of these objects were exoatmospheric, then under water, then back in the air etc, all of which would require very different and seamless propulsion technologies. Hey at least now the sheeple can sleep at night.

Nothing to see here. Move along.
If alien life forms were visiting, someone other than the military would have proof of it by now. And no one has. Not to mention our government is the worst on earth at keeping secrets.
Man those Chinese and Russians are advanced. Hypersonic weapons usually fly at mach 5 to mach 7 and have very small control surfaces due to extreme thermal stress. These things are at much higher velocities in purely non ballistic flight. I'd eat poop if it were the other two countries not to mention many of these objects were exoatmospheric, then under water, then back in the air etc, all of which would require very different and seamless propulsion technologies. Hey at least now the sheeple can sleep at night.

Nothing to see here. Move along.
@FSUTribe76 your presence is required here.

It's a little unsettling that the government/military doesn't really know what these anomalies are.

Perhaps they should make these things a higher priority going forward.
I would imagine they have secret teams all over this. First, they are going to want to make sure it's not a foreign adversary and if it is they will be trying to get the tech through hacking/spying. If it's not them or something we are doing and trying to keep under wraps... that leaves aliens... and I'd imagine that's even scarier to those involved if we have visitors with the intelligence and tech the likes we can't even fathom.
If alien life forms were visiting, someone other than the military would have proof of it by now. And no one has. Not to mention our government is the worst on earth at keeping secrets.
You'd be surprised. Very surprised.
I feel the same way...the pilots that have been interviewed seem like a credible bunch and there's video/radar data to back them up. Very strange indeed.
All of the plausible explanations seem outlandish. To me the 2 plausible explanations are either Aliens or someone out there has invented a aircraft which is far far more advanced than anything we have ever seen before.
You will never be able to disprove the existence of extra-terrestrial life. That's why it's a pseudoscience.
If alien life forms were visiting, someone other than the military would have proof of it by now. And no one has. Not to mention our government is the worst on earth at keeping secrets.
What kind of proof would you require from a non-military person?
If alien life forms were visiting, someone other than the military would have proof of it by now. And no one has. Not to mention our government is the worst on earth at keeping secrets.
Probably true I would agree.

But the alternative is that it's a foreign experimental aircraft that is vastly more advanced than ours. That doesn't seem like something that would stay under wraps for long either.

The third explanation is the radar data and witness statements are either all lies/forged (that they again have been able to keep perfectly secret), something they have all mis-interpreted at the same time, a strange unknown natural event, or we're all living in the matrix and the designers of the matrix are trolling us.

Every explanation seems outlandish and unlikely in it's own way.
Probably true I would agree.

But the alternative is that it's a foreign experimental aircraft that is vastly more advanced than ours. That doesn't seem like something that would stay under wraps for long either.

The third explanation is the radar data and witness statements are either all lies/forged (that they again have been able to keep perfectly secret), something they have all mis-interpreted at the same time, a strange unknown natural event, or we're all living in the matrix and the designers of the matrix are trolling us.

Every explanation seems outlandish and unlikely in it's own way.

There's a number of other possibilities as well. Interdimensional beings, earthlings from the future that have unlocked time travel, creatures that coexist with us on earth but in biomes that are still unexplored.

Who knows what's going on, but if we ever definitively answer those questions, it will be a profound, historical event.
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There's a number of other possibilities as well. Interdimensional beings, earthlings from the future that have unlocked time travel, creatures that coexist with us on earth but in biomes that are still unexplored.

Who knows what's going on, but if we ever definitively answer those questions, it will be a profound, historical event.

Fair enough but that doesn't change the fact that every explanation seems pretty fairly outlandish.
Fair enough but that doesn't change the fact that every explanation seems pretty fairly outlandish.
Many things seem initially outlandish to a bunch of glorified apes like us until we gain a deeper understanding of the world around us and how it operates. Just think of the scientific and technological advances we've made here in the last 100 years. Then consider that there may exist a similar lifeform to us somewhere in our universe (or another universe if you dig the multiverse theory) and let's say their culture has a million year head start on us. Everything about them, their beliefs, their technology, biological functions, etc. would appear godlike to us, just crazy, magical stuff.

That's why I don't discount any potential answer for being judged as outlandish in the here and now. We're probably only scratching the surface of our ultimate potential. Unfortunately our animalistic tendencies will likely undermine our ability to progress to that level.
I feel the same way...the pilots that have been interviewed seem like a credible bunch and there's video/radar data to back them up. Very strange indeed.
I would say it is an advanced super secret aircraft we have developed that is unmanned and flown like a drone. Otherwise, if the videos are accurate and they pull 100 Gs, that wouldn't turn out very well for the human body.
Many things seem initially outlandish to a bunch of glorified apes like us until we gain a deeper understanding of the world around us and how it operates. Just think of the scientific and technological advances we've made here in the last 100 years. Then consider that there may exist a similar lifeform to us somewhere in our universe (or another universe if you dig the multiverse theory) and let's say their culture has a million year head start on us. Everything about them, their beliefs, their technology, biological functions, etc. would appear godlike to us, just crazy, magical stuff.

That's why I don't discount any potential answer for being judged as outlandish in the here and now. We're probably only scratching the surface of our ultimate potential. Unfortunately our animalistic tendencies will likely undermine our ability to progress to that level.

Well I would consider them all outlandish. But I would also admit that it must be one of those outlandish answers!!
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I would say it is an advanced super secret aircraft we have developed that is unmanned and flown like a drone. Otherwise, if the videos are accurate and they pull 100 Gs, that wouldn't turn out very well for the human body.
Unless it resides inside an anti-gravity bubble and thus negates our concepts of momentum.

So the report was issued today. It’s only 9 pages but I think clarifies a few things:

1. The government cannot explain these as swamp gas or balloons or birds etc. These are really aircraft of some kind.

2. The government is not saying these are ET. There is no evidence of that. There is no evidence that they are NOT ET either.

3. The government admits these are a risk to commercial and military aviation. In some cases there have been some close calls.

4. In some cases these objects defy current assumptions on propulsion and physics.

UAP Report
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There's a number of other possibilities as well. Interdimensional beings, earthlings from the future that have unlocked time travel, creatures that coexist with us on earth but in biomes that are still unexplored.

Who knows what's going on, but if we ever definitively answer those questions, it will be a profound, historical event.
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You will never be able to disprove the existence of extra-terrestrial life. That's why it's a pseudoscience.

But we could prove it...with the next generation of telescopes.

Also, if they are aliens. They are also time travelers and have gotten around E=MC2 somehow.
But we could prove it...with the next generation of telescopes.

Also, if they are aliens. They are also time travelers and have gotten around E=MC2 somehow.
There will always be a part of the universe that is farther than our telescopes can reach. Besides, the farther we look, the farther back in time we are viewing. What was happening on a planet a million years ago isn't really informative as to what is happening now.
There will always be a part of the universe that is farther than our telescopes can reach. Besides, the farther we look, the farther back in time we are viewing. What was happening on a planet a million years ago isn't really informative as to what is happening now.

No. But we will be able to see habitable planets. Will we see life? Who knows? But there is a possibility.

These fast radio bursts are interesting as well.
No. But we will be able to see habitable planets. Will we see life? Who knows? But there is a possibility.

These fast radio bursts are interesting as well.
Right. So you can never actually disprove the existence of aliens. Just because we don't have any real evidence yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist somewhere.

My guess is there aren't many, if any other intelligent species in our galaxy. There is most certainly life of some sort on other planets though. Most likely bacteria.

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