Dog owners, do you use topical flea treatment?


HB Heisman
Nov 23, 2021
Ours use Sentinel oral tablet with k9 Advantix II. I hate the topical stuff but the oral tablet doesn’t kill fleas but rather kills the eggs nor prevents ticks.

Not to mention it’s a joke how stupidly expensive this stuff is.
yeah we use a flea/tick topical from the vet on the cat & dog during spring/summer

yes, it's stupid expensive.
I get Frontline or similar from Costco.

Recently marked down $15 or $20 for the 8-pack. Maybe $65 for the 8 tubes, so full spring/summer/fall coverage (8 months)

I also skip the expensive HeartGuard tablets, that are stupid expensive.

You can get the same ivermectin sheep drench pint for about $30 (before Covid, at least), and use a small syringe to add it to food in the proper mg/kg dose. My dog gets 0.5cc/month.

Learned this from a vet-tech, who had a farm w/ other animals she treated, and so long as you properly dose (e.g. don't be off by a factor of 10), the sheep drench stuff is the same medicine. (definitely DO use HeartGuard the first year with your dog, to ensure they do not have an allergy to the ivermectin medicine, as there are other heartworm options).

One 16oz container of the ivermectin is more than enough to treat my dog his entire life here...
There is a German company called Rolf that makes a collar using a different concept that works very well. Also, if you have a dog and a cat in the same household it often works best to concentrate you flea control on the cat.
have you tried this?

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We use the Nexguard chewable flea and tick for our two dogs from about March - November. It is pretty expensive (like $75 for 3 tablets). It works well, but ticks can attach, they then die.
We use the Nexguard chewable flea and tick for our two dogs from about March - November. It is pretty expensive (like $75 for 3 tablets). It works well, but ticks can attach, they then die.
I think that’s what we use as well and use it the same months you are. That might change this year as we were noticing ticks on our dog already in February.
We mentioned it to our vet and she says they are seeing a lot more ticks year round. Doesn’t help we live by a large timber with disease carrying deer always going through our yard.
We use the Nexguard chewable flea and tick for our two dogs from about March - November. It is pretty expensive (like $75 for 3 tablets). It works well, but ticks can attach, they then die.
This is what we use. Zero flea and tick problems on our doodles. They are mostly inside dogs though.
We use the Nexguard chewable flea and tick for our two dogs from about March - November. It is pretty expensive (like $75 for 3 tablets). It works well, but ticks can attach, they then die.
Pretty sure this is what we use. He's a treeing walker coonhound so you can't keep him out of the brush.
We use the oral route for flea/tick and heartworm. Not cheap, but it works great on our dog.
We use Simpirica Trio which is a ridiculously expensive oral. Recently our older dog started exhibiting signs of seizures and the vet mentioned the data suggests the newer oral flea & tick meds reduce a dog’s ability to fight off seizures so we switched him back to topical. Discuss with your vet.
We use the Nexguard chewable flea and tick for our two dogs from about March - November. It is pretty expensive (like $75 for 3 tablets). It works well, but ticks can attach, they then die.

I use the Nexgard and Heartgard on my golden retriever. Does the job, but this has been a crazy spring with me picking ticks off of her almost every day. I've never seen it so bad. Anyway, I started ordering online from this place out of Australia or New Zealand. You can get 6 chewables for under $70 right now. They pretty much always have sales going on. It takes about a month to get it delivered, but it is way cheaper. My last order was 12 months of Nexgard and 18 months of Heartgard for a total of $225 (included shipping).

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