Don’t take fitness advice from Iowa Republicans


HB King
May 29, 2001
Iowa Republicans are having fits over fitness this week. Trouble is, they don’t know fit from Shinola. Look it up, kids.

After President Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race, due to concerns about his age and ability to beat Donald Trump, our red state trailblazers declared he’s unfit to serve six more months as president. As if anyone asked them.

“Donald Trump will be our next President. Until then, if Joe Biden can’t run for re-election, it’s clear he isn’t capable of running the country,” Gov. Kim Reynolds posted on X.

Luckily, he was capable of sending truckloads of federal aid to Iowans hit by natural disasters at Reynolds’ request. Thanks?

Biden endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris. First District Republican U.S. Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks called it the “democratic overthrow of democracy” on X.

Who knew Dr. MMM cared so much about Democratic primary voters? Never mind a majority of Democratic National Convention delegates support Harris. And what about voters who elected Biden to a full term?

“If Present Biden is not fit enough to campaign, he is not capable of holding the nuclear codes,” Miller-Meeks said. Yep, Biden may dial to order a pastrami sandwich and accidentally spark Armageddon.

Sen. Joni Ernst argues our enemies will no longer “tremble in fear of our commander in chief.” Iowa Republican chair Jeff Kaufmann called it “incredibly dangerous” for Biden to serve out his term.

“If Biden is incapable of campaigning, he isn’t fit to be Commander-in-Chief. He shouldn’t cling onto power any longer,” U.S. Rep. Ashley Hinson posted on X.

These are folks who staunchly back the least-fit president in history. And they stuck with Trump through hell and high water, no matter how recklessly he behaved. They didn’t flinch when Trump ignored the Constitution, the rule of law and democratic principles. He mocked veterans but cozied up to white supremacists. From his Iowa backers — Crickets.

He botched the nation’s pandemic response, caring more about controlling political damage than containing COVID. He extorted an ally with the hopes of digging up dirt on Biden. He lied like most people breathe.

Trump spun his biggest lie claiming the 2020 election was stolen from him. He instigated a violent attack on the U.S. Capitol by his fervent supporters with hopes of stopping the electoral vote count. Speaking of clinging to power.

I’m sure Russia is trembling at the prospect of Trump handing it Ukraine on a silver platter while kneecapping NATO. Trump’s minions have big plans for turning our government into a wholly owned subsidiary of the Heritage Foundation. And I haven’t even mentioned the felony convictions.

Trump is now the elderly, incoherent candidate. Giving him another term is what’s incredibly dangerous. And God knows what will happen if he loses.

Iowa Republicans cling tight to Trump with no concern for his mendacity. Reynolds did break with Trump and endorsed Ron DeSantis. Trump insulted her, DeSantis lost and now the governor has crawled back on the MAGA train. Political debasement is common to the Trump experience.

In terms of fitness, Trump is a greasy Big Mac. Give him another term and he will clog the arteries of democracy, until it flatlines.

(319) 398-8262;
MMM has gone full potato. She's sending me emails about backing the blue, and ending political violence, but won't respond to my emails about her supporting a rapist with 34 felony convictions who urged people to storm the Capitol.
Incidentally, have any of them checked in on Donald's mental competency lately? He's losing it.
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