Don Jr. seems to be doing well…

When is the last time you saw Hunter in public talking politics?
I'm not saying he's a good husband or good dad, but you never see Hunter in public. And, he's going to prison without his dad publicly trying to screw up a trial, or promising to pardon him.
Is he a better father or crack painter in your opinion?
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When is the last time you saw Hunter in public talking politics?
I'm not saying he's a good husband or good dad, but you never see Hunter in public. And, he's going to prison without his dad publicly trying to screw up a trial, or promising to pardon him.
I was being facetious.
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I mean, you’ve freely compared Don Jr. to an admitted crack addict with no prompting.

Feels like a win.
Yeah, we have a current president with a Crack head son and a former president with a Crack head son... but they only found coke in the white house while 1 was president... shocker the same people In charge of security let them take multiple shots at one of them
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I believe I've told you this before Ragnar, but just in case, did you know that facetious uses every vowel in order? Here's another word that does the same thing: abstemious. Which is something hunter biden is not.

Fun facts for you on this fine Thursday evening.
Thank you.

FTR, Hunter Biden is probably more of a dumbass than Don Jr. I just love how these types of threads go.
Doesn't seem like it. He didn't exhibit a stutter
TJ once again proving that Republicans are super awesome fun time at humor, or just another lame BoTH sIDeS!!
Shit. Lucas didn’t approve of my sarcasm.

His girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoile looks to me like she's under demonic influence. Her eyes are black.

I assume that may have rubbed off on Don Jr. since he's dating her.

I'm completely serious.
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It has to be recognizable to register. Given your history, no offense, seemed like TJ doing a TJ thing. You guys don't do nuance and humor well.
When it comes to humor there’s just no way I can realistically compete against crackhead jokes.
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I have no idea if Jr. has accomplished anything on his own, but I imagine that whatever problems and maybe successes he has are due to Sr. paving the way.
Probably not much difference with Hunter.
Growing up the child of a celebrity doesn’t work out well for everyone.
How is he proving to be a poor choice exactly?
Is this a joke? He went from the Hillbilly Elegy guy to a west coast elitist. He is against IVF which is very popular. He is tone deaf to the economic needs of average Americans.
I believe I've told you this before Ragnar, but just in case, did you know that facetious uses every vowel in order? Here's another word that does the same thing: abstemious. Which is something hunter biden is not.

Fun facts for you on this fine Thursday evening.
Best post you’ve ever posted…
How is he proving to be a poor choice exactly?

A lot of his terrible opinions have come to light with all the extra scrutiny that comes from being a VP candidate.

But to be fair we need to give him his due credit when he got it right...


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