Donald Trump Keeps Playing ‘Woman’s Card’ Against Hillary Clinton


HB King
May 29, 2001
This is sure to make him even more popular with his angry white guy base:

Donald J. Trump, fresh off winning five primary contests, doubled down on his claim that Hillary Clinton is playing the “woman’s card” on Wednesday, and insisted that she would have few votes if she were a man.

Mr. Trump, the leading Republican presidential candidate, raised eyebrows — and even appeared to receive an eye roll, from the wife of Gov. Chris Christie, one of his top supporters — when he said in a postelection news conference that Mrs. Clinton was leading in the Democratic race because of her gender.

“If Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she would get 5 percent of the vote,” Mr. Trump said.

Despite suggestions that the remark is sexist, and it drew a quick response from Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Trump defended it during a around of television interviews on Wednesday and said that he would continue to call her out if he thought she was playing the gender card.

“She is a woman, she is playing the woman card left and right,” Mr. Trump said on CNN. “Frankly, if she didn’t, she would do very poorly. If she were a man and she was the way she is, she would get virtually no votes.”

Mr. Trump seemed to relish injecting gender politics into the race as he looks ahead to a potential general election matchup with Mrs. Clinton. In an interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America,” he claimed that women do not like Mrs. Clinton and that he has every right to attack her if she plays up the fact that she would be the first female United States president.

Mrs. Clinton addressed Mr. Trump’s new line of attack during her victory speech on Tuesday night, telling voters to “deal me in” when it comes to Mr. Trump’s suggestions that he is trying to capitalize on her gender and argued that she would be the best candidate to defend women’s rights on health and in the workplace.

In an interview with MSNBC, Mr. Trump said that he found the tone of Mrs. Clinton’s response to be irritating.

“I haven’t quite recovered, it’s early in the morning, from her shouting that message,” Mr. Trump said. “I know a lot of people would say you can’t say that about a woman because, of course, a woman doesn’t shout.”

He added, “We’re going to do very well with Hillary and with woman and as soon as we start our process against her.”
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Let's look at a few voting groups that Trump has disparaged in his campaign so far... Women, Latinos, Muslims, ultra far right conservatives, and I'm sure I've missed a few. So who does that leave for him to appeal to in a general election? Uh,... white dudes and the 1%ers. Yeah... that's a winning recipe.;)
Let's look at a few voting groups that Trump has disparaged in his campaign so far... Women, Latinos, Muslims, ultra far right conservatives, and I'm sure I've missed a few. So who does that leave for him to appeal to in a general election? Uh,... white dudes and the 1%ers. Yeah... that's a winning recipe.;)
yep, that's all who voted for him in 5 states last night, white dudes and 1%ers. yet he won ever single county in a landslide
Let's look at a few voting groups that Trump has disparaged in his campaign so far... Women, Latinos, Muslims, ultra far right conservatives, and I'm sure I've missed a few. So who does that leave for him to appeal to in a general election? Uh,... white dudes and the 1%ers. Yeah... that's a winning recipe.;)

And the 1% aren't too fond of him either!
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yep, that's all who voted for him in 5 states last night, white dudes and 1%ers. yet he won ever single county in a landslide
Once again... look at the competition he had. You just don't seem to understand the landscape here.
Once again... look at the competition he had. You just don't seem to understand the landscape here.
Or the fact that white males are the bread and butter of the GOP. One can coast to wins with just white males in the Republican primary. For the general? Not so much. Both Romney and McCain got owned by women and minorities and we all saw what happened to them. Trump's numbers with these voting blocs are even worse.
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Once again... look at the competition he had. You just don't seem to understand the landscape here.
he had wayyyyy better competition with cruz and Kasich than hills could ever dream of being. he destroys her, period. he eats chicks like that for breakfast
Hillary's high popularity with women is a myth. She has very high unfavorable ratings amongst women which will hold down voter turnout - something she desperately needs to win.

An overlooked story, however, is that Hillary Clinton, who might become the first female president in the history of the United States, isn’t far behind in her unfavorability ratings among women. Our just-released poll shows that Donald Trump has a 68 percent unfavorable rating among women. But 58 percent of women say they view Hillary Clinton unfavorably. In fact, Hillary’s unfavorable rating was two points higher among women than it was among men.

Read more at:
Another big problem Trump has is white women. Normally white women vote Republican. Romney won them by 14 points in fact. But Trump's numbers with them have been falling like a lead sled. Nearly 70% view him negatively now. Combine his likely horrible showing with white women with his almost certain horrible showing with minority women and minorities in general, and this election could be a disaster for the Republicans.
What Trump said however, had some truth to it....

Where would a middle aged, white, male, politician with Hillary's resume and baggage stand in the current election cycle?.... I think it's extremely doubtful that individual would be the presumptive nominee of the Democrat party.....
What Trump said however, had some truth to it....

Where would a middle aged, white, male, politician with Hillary's resume and baggage stand in the current election cycle?.... I think it's extremely doubtful that individual would be the presumptive nominee of the Democrat party.....
She's quite a bit past middle age.
What Trump said however, had some truth to it....

Where would a middle aged, white, male, politician with Hillary's resume and baggage stand in the current election cycle?.... I think it's extremely doubtful that individual would be the presumptive nominee of the Democrat party.....
he would be Kasich... except without the baggage
This is sure to make him even more popular with his angry white guy base:

Donald J. Trump, fresh off winning five primary contests, doubled down on his claim that Hillary Clinton is playing the “woman’s card” on Wednesday, and insisted that she would have few votes if she were a man.

Mr. Trump, the leading Republican presidential candidate, raised eyebrows — and even appeared to receive an eye roll, from the wife of Gov. Chris Christie, one of his top supporters — when he said in a postelection news conference that Mrs. Clinton was leading in the Democratic race because of her gender.

“If Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she would get 5 percent of the vote,” Mr. Trump said.

Despite suggestions that the remark is sexist, and it drew a quick response from Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Trump defended it during a around of television interviews on Wednesday and said that he would continue to call her out if he thought she was playing the gender card.

“She is a woman, she is playing the woman card left and right,” Mr. Trump said on CNN. “Frankly, if she didn’t, she would do very poorly. If she were a man and she was the way she is, she would get virtually no votes.”

Mr. Trump seemed to relish injecting gender politics into the race as he looks ahead to a potential general election matchup with Mrs. Clinton. In an interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America,” he claimed that women do not like Mrs. Clinton and that he has every right to attack her if she plays up the fact that she would be the first female United States president.

Mrs. Clinton addressed Mr. Trump’s new line of attack during her victory speech on Tuesday night, telling voters to “deal me in” when it comes to Mr. Trump’s suggestions that he is trying to capitalize on her gender and argued that she would be the best candidate to defend women’s rights on health and in the workplace.

In an interview with MSNBC, Mr. Trump said that he found the tone of Mrs. Clinton’s response to be irritating.

“I haven’t quite recovered, it’s early in the morning, from her shouting that message,” Mr. Trump said. “I know a lot of people would say you can’t say that about a woman because, of course, a woman doesn’t shout.”

He added, “We’re going to do very well with Hillary and with woman and as soon as we start our process against her.”
She would probably get no votes if she were a man, because the only reason she's in the position she's in is because she was once the first lady, and has parlayed it into a career of her own.

Trump also said that he would do "far more for women than Hillary will," and of course gave no details about what he meant by that.

I actually think my taxes and cost of living will go up less with Hillary in office, so if we have to choose one of those two...
I actually think my taxes and cost of living will go up less with Hillary in office, so if we have to choose one of those two...
seriously? why on earth would a person who promises free stuff and promises to pay for it with taxes- why would that person make your taxes go up less? are you part of the 1% ?? he he he
seriously? why on earth would a person who promises free stuff and promises to pay for it with taxes- why would that person make your taxes go up less? are you part of the 1% ?? he he he
Thanks, I recalled incorrectly regarding taxes. With HRC, it'll stay about the same for most people, and go down fairly significantly with Trump. Trump's increased trade barriers will make every day products more expensive. Not Bernie Sanders' level expensive, but more expensive. Doubtful it would be so high as to offset the tax benefit, were Trump actually to get his tax cuts through. Grain of salt though, this is the tax calculator I used:

I'm going to leave my previous comment there though, it should make for some good reaction...
He's pretty much right about that. There are a lot of feminists out there simply voting or her because of that. There are also those that are....misguided.
On the other hand, I suppose she would also pick up some votes from men who would rather lose their right to vote than cast one for a woman, and Trump would lose a handful from white supremacists if he was not an overt racist.

But they are what they are, so it is what it is.
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On the other hand, I suppose she would also pick up some votes from men who would rather lose their right to vote than cast one for a woman, and Trump would lose a handful from white supremacists if he was not an overt racist.

But they are what they are, so it is what it is.
Pretty much yeah.
This is sure to make him even more popular with his angry white guy base:

Donald J. Trump, fresh off winning five primary contests, doubled down on his claim that Hillary Clinton is playing the “woman’s card” on Wednesday, and insisted that she would have few votes if she were a man.

Mr. Trump, the leading Republican presidential candidate, raised eyebrows — and even appeared to receive an eye roll, from the wife of Gov. Chris Christie, one of his top supporters — when he said in a postelection news conference that Mrs. Clinton was leading in the Democratic race because of her gender.

“If Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she would get 5 percent of the vote,” Mr. Trump said.

Despite suggestions that the remark is sexist, and it drew a quick response from Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Trump defended it during a around of television interviews on Wednesday and said that he would continue to call her out if he thought she was playing the gender card.

“She is a woman, she is playing the woman card left and right,” Mr. Trump said on CNN. “Frankly, if she didn’t, she would do very poorly. If she were a man and she was the way she is, she would get virtually no votes.”

Mr. Trump seemed to relish injecting gender politics into the race as he looks ahead to a potential general election matchup with Mrs. Clinton. In an interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America,” he claimed that women do not like Mrs. Clinton and that he has every right to attack her if she plays up the fact that she would be the first female United States president.

Mrs. Clinton addressed Mr. Trump’s new line of attack during her victory speech on Tuesday night, telling voters to “deal me in” when it comes to Mr. Trump’s suggestions that he is trying to capitalize on her gender and argued that she would be the best candidate to defend women’s rights on health and in the workplace.

In an interview with MSNBC, Mr. Trump said that he found the tone of Mrs. Clinton’s response to be irritating.

“I haven’t quite recovered, it’s early in the morning, from her shouting that message,” Mr. Trump said. “I know a lot of people would say you can’t say that about a woman because, of course, a woman doesn’t shout.”

He added, “We’re going to do very well with Hillary and with woman and as soon as we start our process against her.”


Why does no one mention that Hillary represents the old, white, frigid bitch vote.
On the other hand, I suppose she would also pick up some votes from men who would rather lose their right to vote than cast one for a woman, and Trump would lose a handful from white supremacists if he was not an overt racist.

But they are what they are, so it is what it is.

Overt Racist? What pure BS.
This is sure to make him even more popular with his angry white guy base:

Donald J. Trump, fresh off winning five primary contests, doubled down on his claim that Hillary Clinton is playing the “woman’s card” on Wednesday, and insisted that she would have few votes if she were a man.

Mr. Trump, the leading Republican presidential candidate, raised eyebrows — and even appeared to receive an eye roll, from the wife of Gov. Chris Christie, one of his top supporters — when he said in a postelection news conference that Mrs. Clinton was leading in the Democratic race because of her gender.

“If Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she would get 5 percent of the vote,” Mr. Trump said.

Despite suggestions that the remark is sexist, and it drew a quick response from Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Trump defended it during a around of television interviews on Wednesday and said that he would continue to call her out if he thought she was playing the gender card.

“She is a woman, she is playing the woman card left and right,” Mr. Trump said on CNN. “Frankly, if she didn’t, she would do very poorly. If she were a man and she was the way she is, she would get virtually no votes.”

Mr. Trump seemed to relish injecting gender politics into the race as he looks ahead to a potential general election matchup with Mrs. Clinton. In an interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America,” he claimed that women do not like Mrs. Clinton and that he has every right to attack her if she plays up the fact that she would be the first female United States president.

Mrs. Clinton addressed Mr. Trump’s new line of attack during her victory speech on Tuesday night, telling voters to “deal me in” when it comes to Mr. Trump’s suggestions that he is trying to capitalize on her gender and argued that she would be the best candidate to defend women’s rights on health and in the workplace.

In an interview with MSNBC, Mr. Trump said that he found the tone of Mrs. Clinton’s response to be irritating.

“I haven’t quite recovered, it’s early in the morning, from her shouting that message,” Mr. Trump said. “I know a lot of people would say you can’t say that about a woman because, of course, a woman doesn’t shout.”

He added, “We’re going to do very well with Hillary and with woman and as soon as we start our process against her.”
Because he knows...

Overt Racist? What pure BS.
I don't think he's racist either, but the media has done a great job of spinning that. Despite all that though, I'm thinking him as President would be the most entertaining and I'll probably vote for him just for fun. Not that it will matter, the elites have spoken.
Unfortunately the media narrative is capable of driving a lot of under-educated voters...

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