Donald Trump sends a cease and desist letter to Republican Bob Good 2 weeks after he debased himself at Trump's trial


HR King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
LOL, like Iowa's own Brenna Bird, Bob Good of Virginia joined the red tie brigade and stood in a dingy hallway of the Manhattan court house to publicly support Trump. His knee bending, groveling fealty has been repaid with a cease and desist letter to stop implying Trump supports Good in his primary race.
His crime? Good supported Ron DeSantis earlier in the presidential race
Still love how he got into it with Kimmy and she immediately kissed his ring after he became a felon. Our governor is grotesque.
Just wait until the convention when Don airs his grievances and denigrates all who opposed them. And, as I’ve said before, he will make a trip to Iowa solely for the purpose of being up on stage with Kimmie so he can humiliate her in person in front of her people.
LOL, like Iowa's own Brenna Bird, Bob Good of Virginia joined the red tie brigade and stood in a dingy hallway of the Manhattan court house to publicly support Trump. His knee bending, groveling fealty has been repaid with a cease and desist letter to stop implying Trump supports Good in his primary race.
His crime? Good supported Ron DeSantis earlier in the presidential race
Carol GIF by The Last Man On Earth