Doug Gottlieb on Fran McCaffery

Great stuff! Fran is really misunderstood by so many. I've heard his players absolutely love him, and I think I can see why. I don't recall him throwing a player under the bus in public. He always seems to speak so highly of each of his players in public. He is typically very respectful of and speaks highly of opposing players and coaches. He appears to run a clean program. Yeah, he gets pissed at refs, but who among us with a pulse wouldn't based on what we see in games. We are lucky to have him IMO!
I think the reason so many people have a bad impression of fran is due to his irish heritage. His face turns bright red and his head looks like it's going to explode. There is no hiding it when fran is mad.
This helps make me cringe less when seeing him rip into players during time outs ;)
Coaches that ripped me a new one were the ones I liked the best and got the most out of me. Any player that’s transferred hasn’t ever said it was because of Fran, at least publicly. His players love him.
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There are different types of hyper competitive people. Guys like Michael Jordan and Lance Armstrong will do whatever it takes to win, including going scorched earth on their own teammates if need be.

Fran is a little different in that he will ride or die with his team. He treats them like family members in that if anyone attacks them, like media or refs, he will do whatever it takes to defend them. This is great in that his players seem to always love him. But it can backfire when he spends too much time fighting those battles instead of coaching the team.

Fran has a few flaws. 1. What I said earlier about directing too much energy at refs instead of his own team at times. 2. Struggling to bring in a truly elite recruit. 3. ”Forgetting” to coach defense. 4. Not using his timeouts appropriately.

But he also brings a ton of positives to the program. And a few of those flaws could be improved if he wanted to change his in game coaching habits.
Coaches that ripped me a new one were the ones I liked the best and got the most out of me. Any player that’s transferred hasn’t ever said it was because of Fran, at least publicly. His players love him.
The coach/teacher who always ripped into me the most always told us from the beginning that if he wasn’t yelling at you and pushing you harder then it was time to worry until then you know he cares and knows you can do better.
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Why do you always talk about yourself in the third perso....

Wait. Your not Fran.
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Very interesting story. I never knew Gottlieb, who never cared much for, had that connection with Fran. Small world. The world of college basketball is even smaller.