

Dec 14, 2010
I've always hated Dowling, but this is the final nail in the coffin for me. Their mission statement:

Dowling Catholic High School is committed to serving the Greater Des Moines Catholic community and embracing learners of all faiths. Dowling will inspire a Christ-centered love of learning and a respect for fellow human beings through the application of moral principles, a commitment to service, and excellence in academics, athletics, the arts, and extra-curricular activities.

I hope as they continue to check social media for their applicants and current staff, they look for other signs of immorality, like someone working on the Sabbath, using the Lords name in vain, etc. Gotta love the tolerance.

Hypocrites 101
Catholics being Catholic. Probably worried he would cock block some of the priests.
So a religious institution that believes homosexuality is wrong doesn't hire someone that is gay? I'm outraged!

Just because they didn't hire a gay doesn't mean they can't treat them with respect.
Originally posted by whatsup12579er:

So a religious institution that believes homosexuality is wrong doesn't hire someone that is gay? I'm outraged!

Just because they didn't hire a gay doesn't mean they can't treat them with respect.
Yes, I'm sure I would feel very respected by them if I was that guy.
For all we know he failed the drug test or has something else in his background that disqualifies him to get the job. Just because he says he was denied employment because he is gay does not make it so.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by at4iowa:
Catholics being Catholic. Probably worried he would cock block some of the priests.
What an idiotic bigoted remark.
This post was edited on 4/7 10:16 AM by hawkssox1
I had a great experience at Dowling and truly believe it's a great institution. It is disappointing to me if this story is true, but I always remember back to what a morality teacher I had a Dowling said to a student who challenged him that the church is full of hypocrites...he said, "well, then come join us, we always have room for one more." No church is perfect, because they're all made up entirely of sinners.

The other ironic part of this is I had teachers at Dowling (and Catholic elementary) who everyone knew were gay....or at least they should have known. There were also a couple openly gay students while I was there (mid 90's)..and no one seemed to have a problem with it.
This post was edited on 4/7 10:29 AM by UNIHawkfan
Rape a child, no problem. Not only will you keep your job, we will transfer you to a different location and sweep it under the rug. Find out a good teacher is gay, no way we are hiring that sick freak! It's against Gods way.

If being against the above scenario makes me a moronic bigoted anti-Catholic, I'm flattered. One of the most corrupt organizations to ever exist. Catholics being Catholic.
I hate Dowling for any number of reasons, but this is a non-issue. They have every right to deny this guy. He probably needs to go find a job in the public sector.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by at4iowa:
Rape a child, no problem.  Not only will you keep your job, we will transfer you to a different location and sweep it under the rug.  Find out a good teacher is gay, no way we are hiring that sick freak!  It's against Gods way.  

If being against the above scenario makes me a moronic bigoted anti-Catholic, I'm flattered.  One of the most corrupt organizations to ever exist.  Catholics being Catholic.

Ignorant profiler being an ignorant profiler. Most Catholics are good people. The US government scoffs at the relatively minimal, amateur corruption at the top of the Catholic Church.

Since our government is made up of arguably our worst type of citizens, does that make all Americans corrupt scumbags?

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Never said I didn't like Catholic PEOPLE. I dislike the Catholic CHURCH for their history of covering up child rapists and general hypocrisy especially as it relates to the treatment of those who they view to be inferior citizens (gays for example).
Originally posted by at4iowa:
Never said I didn't like Catholic PEOPLE. I dislike the Catholic CHURCH for their history of covering up child rapists and general hypocrisy especially as it relates to the treatment of those who they view to be inferior citizens (gays for example).
Moderators must have something important going on to let this poison continue to be posted.
Originally posted by hawkssox1:
Originally posted by at4iowa:
Never said I didn't like Catholic PEOPLE. I dislike the Catholic CHURCH for their history of covering up child rapists and general hypocrisy especially as it relates to the treatment of those who they view to be inferior citizens (gays for example).
Moderators must have something important going on to let this poison continue to be posted.
Poison? Can you explain why my post is poison? Is it untrue? Shall I start listing specific examples?
Originally posted by at4iowa:
Never said I didn't like Catholic PEOPLE.  I dislike the Catholic CHURCH for their history of covering up child rapists and general hypocrisy especially as it relates to the treatment of those who they view to be inferior citizens (gays for example). 

What does "Catholics being catholic" mean then? Do you know how many Catholics live in the US? I'm not Catholic, but was raised that way and went to Catholic school. Not once did anyone tell me that gay people shouldn't be accepted or even to avoid being gay myself. I also have not heard one Catholic support pedophile priests. You'd think my actual experience would line up with your talking points like "Catholics being catholic" talking point. Weird.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
I'm Catholic. Catholics that I associate with are not proud of the priest issues. I don't know a single person who silently does fist bumps thinking "so glad we kept these guys in their jobs!"

Embarrassing things happen in all parts of life, in all groups, all businesses, etc. It doesn't mean the people associated with those entities are all bad. The OP knows this, but has an axe to grind and that's fine with me.
Originally posted by at4iowa:
Originally posted by hawkssox1:
Originally posted by at4iowa:
Never said I didn't like Catholic PEOPLE.  I dislike the Catholic CHURCH for their history of covering up child rapists and general hypocrisy especially as it relates to the treatment of those who they view to be inferior citizens (gays for example). 
Moderators must have something important going on to let this poison continue to be posted.
Poison?  Can you explain why my post is poison?  Is it untrue?  Shall I start listing specific examples? 

Is that a threat? I appreciate your hot headed responses, so I'm happy to continue to read your amusing posts. Let's hear the specific examples.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:
Originally posted by at4iowa:
Originally posted by hawkssox1:
Originally posted by at4iowa:
Never said I didn't like Catholic PEOPLE. Â I dislike the Catholic CHURCH for their history of covering up child rapists and general hypocrisy especially as it relates to the treatment of those who they view to be inferior citizens (gays for example).Â
Moderators must have something important going on to let this poison continue to be posted.
Poison? Â Can you explain why my post is poison? Â Is it untrue? Â Shall I start listing specific examples?Â

Is that a threat? I appreciate your hot headed responses, so I'm happy to continue to read your amusing posts. Let's hear the specific examples.

Posted from
Originally posted by at4iowa:

Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:

Originally posted by at4iowa:

Originally posted by hawkssox1:

Originally posted by at4iowa:
Never said I didn't like Catholic PEOPLE. Â I dislike the Catholic CHURCH for their history of covering up child rapists and general hypocrisy especially as it relates to the treatment of those who they view to be inferior citizens (gays for example).Â
Moderators must have something important going on to let this poison continue to be posted.
Poison? Â Can you explain why my post is poison? Â Is it untrue? Â Shall I start listing specific examples?Â

Is that a threat? I appreciate your hot headed responses, so I'm happy to continue to read your amusing posts. Let's hear the specific examples.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Well there are literally THOUSANDS of examples. Here's one:
You should join the circus because you are definitely a clown.
Originally posted by hawkssox1:
Originally posted by at4iowa:

Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:

Originally posted by at4iowa:

Originally posted by hawkssox1:

Originally posted by at4iowa:
Never said I didn't like Catholic PEOPLE. Â I dislike the Catholic CHURCH for their history of covering up child rapists and general hypocrisy especially as it relates to the treatment of those who they view to be inferior citizens (gays for example).Â
Moderators must have something important going on to let this poison continue to be posted.
Poison? Â Can you explain why my post is poison? Â Is it untrue? Â Shall I start listing specific examples?Â

Is that a threat? I appreciate your hot headed responses, so I'm happy to continue to read your amusing posts. Let's hear the specific examples.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Well there are literally THOUSANDS of examples. Here's one:
You should join the circus because you are definitely a clown.
Great rebuttal. A poster asked for a specific example and I shared one. You respond with name calling. Such a good Catholic boy you are.

Again, to clarify, I don't hate Catholic people at all. I was raised Catholic, never missed a mass through college. My parents are Catholic as are a large number of my close friends. My problem is with the Catholic church and the leaders in the church. "Catholics being Catholics" is in reference to the church behaving as it has historically with extreme hypocrisy. My cock blocking statement was rude and crass. Sorry to offend. It's a message board for cripes sake.
Originally posted by at4iowa:

Originally posted by hawkssox1:

Originally posted by at4iowa:

Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:

Originally posted by at4iowa:

Originally posted by hawkssox1:

Originally posted by at4iowa:
Never said I didn't like Catholic PEOPLE. Â I dislike the Catholic CHURCH for their history of covering up child rapists and general hypocrisy especially as it relates to the treatment of those who they view to be inferior citizens (gays for example).Â
Moderators must have something important going on to let this poison continue to be posted.
Poison? Â Can you explain why my post is poison? Â Is it untrue? Â Shall I start listing specific examples?Â

Is that a threat? I appreciate your hot headed responses, so I'm happy to continue to read your amusing posts. Let's hear the specific examples.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Well there are literally THOUSANDS of examples. Here's one:
You should join the circus because you are definitely a clown.
Great rebuttal. A poster asked for a specific example and I shared one. You respond with name calling. Such a good Catholic boy you are.

Again, to clarify, I don't hate Catholic people at all. I was raised Catholic, never missed a mass through college. My parents are Catholic as are a large number of my close friends. My problem is with the Catholic church and the leaders in the church. "Catholics being Catholics" is in reference to the church behaving as it has historically with extreme hypocrisy. My cock blocking statement was rude and crass. Sorry to offend. It's a message board for cripes sake.
A good Catholic boy no I haven't been to church in over 10 years so there goes your theory.
So what's your motivation for defending the Catholic church if you aren't Catholic? Just like to know the angle you are coming from. Thanks.
Originally posted by at4iowa:
So what's your motivation for defending the Catholic church if you aren't Catholic? Just like to know the angle you are coming from. Thanks.
Your initial post.Enough said.
Can we get back on topic boys? One of my co-workers has kids at Dowling and just got this email from the Superintendent. This is such a load of hooey. Hope this blows up in their face.

My favorite line..."talk with their children about God's love for each person..." Yep, I'll get right on that after I explain why they don't respect or love gay/lesbians.

Dear Parents -

We wanted to share with you important information about our hiring practices. As you know, Catholic schools are an extension of the church and are committed to following the church's teachings and doctrine in employment matters. Our contracts contain specific language that outline the expected code of conduct in accord with long accepted Church teaching.

The Catholic faith is central to our mission, and in order to deliver on that mission it is our expectation that staff and teachers support our moral beliefs.

Des Moines Catholic Schools go through a multi-phased hiring process which includes interviews, a traditional background check and a social media scan. If at any time during that period the candidate or the organization identifies an issue that would preclude support of Church teaching, the school cannot extend a written offer.

Recently, an individual applied for a full-time position and, after the entire application process based on the foregoing expectations was completed, a formal written contract wasn't extended owing to a personal situation that was at odds with Church teaching.

This may cause confusion for students. We believe this is an opportunity for parents to talk with their children about God's love for each person, and also about Church teaching, its tradition and how they intersect. Please know it is our goal to act consistently with the faith that is central to our lives and our mission as well as sharing in God's love for all people.

Luvern Gubbels, Ed.D

Superintendent of Des Moines Catholic Schools
This post was edited on 4/7 1:53 PM by nowalkin
You don't think the Catholic church has a history of being hypocritical? That's my point, obviously. The church tried to hide thousands of pedophiles, but won't hire a gay teacher. You don't find that hypocritical? I stand by what I said.
I had somebody forward me that email too... there has to be more to this story somehow. Otherwise, wouldn't Dowling have to start letting any teacher go that lives with somebody and isn't married, etc? Slippery slopes get slippery quickly.
I hope no one minds if I add a few facts to the discussion.

From the link.


FACT: Catholic priests abuse at a rate far lower than that of other males in the general population.
Read more

Notwithstanding the media hysteria over sex abuse in the Catholic Church, priests abuse at a rate far lower than that of other males. While even one case of abuse is too many, approximately only 4% of all active priests between 1950 and 2002 were even accused of abuse - a rate far lower than that of other males in the general population.

Newsweek magazine, April 7, 2010:
"ased on the surveys and studies conducted by different denominations over the past 30 years, experts who study child abuse say they see little reason to conclude that sexual abuse is mostly a Catholic issue. 'We don't see the Catholic Church as a hotbed of this or a place that has a bigger problem than anyone else,' said Ernie Allen, president of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children …

"Experts disagree on the rate of sexual abuse among the general American male population, but Allen says a conservative estimate is one in 10. Margaret Leland Smith, a researcher at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, says her review of the numbers indicates it's closer to one in 5 …

"Since the mid-1980s, insurance companies have offered sexual misconduct coverage as a rider on liability insurance, and their own studies indicate that Catholic churches are not higher risk than other congregations … It's been that way for decades."

USA Today, June 6, 2010:
"If anyone believes that priests offend at a higher rate than teachers or non-celibate clergy, then they should produce the evidence on which they are basing that conclusion. I know of none. Saying 'everybody knows' does not constitute scientific methodology."
- Dr. Philip Jenkins, Pennsylvania State University.

Facts for the OP.

FACT: You would never know it from the media's lurid and obsessive coverage, but the vast bulk of reported cases of abuse stem only from a historical anomaly, as most allegations occurred during only a small sliver of time during the Sexual Revolution from the 1960s to the early 1980s. And despite media suggestions of dark conspiracies and cover-ups, the Church - like every other institution at the time - simply followed the then-prevailing view of experts in the field that offenders could be successfully rehabilitated and sent accused priests off for treatment, rather than reporting them to police, which resulted in a temporary spike in recidivism.
Read more


Catholic Church Abuse Graph 1970-2009

From the 1950s through the 1970s, the Catholic Church, following the then-prevailing societal practice, sent suspected abusers to psychologists rather than calling the police.

In this respect, the Church was far from alone.

When the Church was sending accused priests to psychological treatment, "the criminal justice system was doing the very same thing with convicted offenders - sending them to treatment instead of prison."
"From the 1950's to the 1980's, these treatment-based interventions for sexual criminals were not only enormously prevalent in the United States, but surveys of ordinary citizens showed that they were enormously popular …

"[T]he science of human sexuality and sexual offending is extraordinarily young. Virtually all of the information we utilize today regarding the treatment and supervision of sexual offenders has been discovered since 1985."
- Dr. Monica Applewhite, Ph.D.

Yet in almost every media account, the media has failed to provide this important historical context that the Church was following the then-reigning advice of experts in the field to send accused priests to treatment.
"No one would hold a brain surgeon to today's standard of care for professional decisions he made in 1970. Yet the decisions made in 1970 by Catholic bishops, who routinely consulted with mental health professionals about sick priests, are being judged by today's standards. Today, the confidence of the mental health community about the likelihood of curing sexual disorders is far less than it was in 1970."
- L. Martin Nussbaum, "Changing the Rules" (America magazine, 2006)

Tragically, sending accused priests to treatment rather than reporting them to the police resulted in a high rate of recidivism among those priests. According to the 2004 John Jay College report, 149 priests were "serial abusers" (10+ victims) and accounted for an alarming 26% of all of the abuse that took place between 1950 and 2002.

Yet these 149 men represent only one-tenth of one percent of all priests who served in the Catholic Church in the United States between 1950 and 2002. Most accused priests (56%) have been the subject of only one allegation.
Originally posted by timinatoria:

I hope no one minds if I add a few facts to the discussion.

From the link.



FACT: Catholic priests abuse at a rate far lower than that of other males in the general population.
Read more

Notwithstanding the media hysteria over sex abuse in the Catholic Church, priests abuse at a rate far lower than that of other males. While even one case of abuse is too many, approximately only 4% of all active priests between 1950 and 2002 were even accused of abuse - a rate far lower than that of other males in the general population.

Newsweek magazine, April 7, 2010:
"ased on the surveys and studies conducted by different denominations over the past 30 years, experts who study child abuse say they see little reason to conclude that sexual abuse is mostly a Catholic issue. 'We don't see the Catholic Church as a hotbed of this or a place that has a bigger problem than anyone else,' said Ernie Allen, president of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children …

"Experts disagree on the rate of sexual abuse among the general American male population, but Allen says a conservative estimate is one in 10. Margaret Leland Smith, a researcher at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, says her review of the numbers indicates it's closer to one in 5 …

"Since the mid-1980s, insurance companies have offered sexual misconduct coverage as a rider on liability insurance, and their own studies indicate that Catholic churches are not higher risk than other congregations … It's been that way for decades."

USA Today, June 6, 2010:
"If anyone believes that priests offend at a higher rate than teachers or non-celibate clergy, then they should produce the evidence on which they are basing that conclusion. I know of none. Saying 'everybody knows' does not constitute scientific methodology."
- Dr. Philip Jenkins, Pennsylvania State University.

Thanks for sharing but bigots don't care about facts.

FACT: The incidence of sexual abuse by teachers in public schools today has been estimated to be "more than 100 times" that by Catholic priests, and there is alarming evidence of school officials covering up abuse and failing to report suspected cases to authorities. Yet the mainstream media has largely ignored this shocking story while still rehashing decades-old allegations of abuse by Catholic priests.
Read more

A 2004 U.S. Department of Education report reported that "the most accurate data available" reveals that "nearly 9.6 percent of [public school] students are targets of educator sexual misconduct sometime during their school career."

This result prompted Hofstra University's opine in 2006, "[T]hink the Catholic Church has a problem? The physical sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests."

A Meanwhile, that same 2004 report cited an important study from the mid-1990s:
"In an early [1994] study of 225 cases of educator sexual abuse in New York, all of the accused had admitted to sexual abuse of a student but none of the abusers was reported to authorities."

That is an important and alarming fact:
Number of abusive educators: 225
Number reported by school officials to police: 0

So, in other words, as recently as just 1994, it was the universal practice in New York among school administrators not to call police to report abusers.

The 1994 study also reported that only 1 percent of those abusive educators lost their license. In addition, most alarmingly, "25 percent received no consequence or were reprimanded informally and off-the-record. Nearly 39 percent chose to leave the district, most with positive recommendations or even retirement packages intact."
Originally posted by hawkssox1:

Originally posted by timinatoria:

Thanks for sharing but bigots don't care about facts.
Wait, which bigots are we talking about? The Catholics at Dowling that discriminated against a gay teacher or the bigots that think all Priests are child molesters? Is making a claim that Priests have been convicted of child molestation a bigoted position? Or are you talking about the "Catholics being Catholics" statement?

FACT: The Catholic Church is likely the safest environment for children today.
Read more

The Catholic Church's record of aggressive and proactive protective measures is unparalleled in any organization today. Since the beginning of the abuse crisis, the Catholic Church:

has instituted a "zero tolerance" policy in which any credibly accused priest is immediately removed from ministry. Law enforcement is also notified;has trained over 5 million children in giving them skills to protect them from abuse;has trained over 2 million adults, including 99 percent of all priests, in recognizing signs of abuse;has conducted over 2 million background checks, including those in the intensified screening process for aspiring seminarians and priests;has installed "Victim Assistance Coordinators" in every diocese, "assuring victims that they will be heard";has conducted annual independent audits of all dioceses to monitor compliance with the groundbreaking 2002 Charter for Protection of Children and Young People;has instituted in all dioceses abuse review boards - often composed of child welfare experts, child psychologists, and abuse experts - to examine any claims of abuse against priests.
No other organization even comes close to implementing the measures the Catholic Church has taken to protect children in its care. In this regard, the Catholic Church in the 21st century is the model for other institutions to follow in the safeguarding of youth.
Originally posted by nowalkin:

Wait, which bigots are we talking about? The Catholics at Dowling that discriminated against a gay teacher or the bigots that think all Priests are child molesters? Is making a claim that Priests have been convicted of child molestation a bigoted position? Or are you talking about the "Catholics being Catholics" statement?
Sorry nowalkin, I was mainly posting for at4Iowa. I forgot you were the OP.

Of course I wouldn't call the bolded quote above a bigoted position.
Originally posted by timinatoria:

Originally posted by nowalkin:

Wait, which bigots are we talking about? The Catholics at Dowling that discriminated against a gay teacher or the bigots that think all Priests are child molesters? Is making a claim that Priests have been convicted of child molestation a bigoted position? Or are you talking about the "Catholics being Catholics" statement?
Sorry nowalkin, I was mainly posting for at4Iowa. I forgot you were the OP.

Of course I wouldn't call the bolded quote above a bigoted position.
I knew who you were talking about/to, I just wanted to make sure I understood the bigot comment. It is bigoted to say "Catholics being Catholics", no doubt. I'm really trying to stay on topic with the thread though. The specific case at Dowling is outrageous to me, though I'm sensing others aren't nearly as upset as I am.
Originally posted by timinatoria:
Originally posted by nowalkin:

Wait, which bigots are we talking about? The Catholics at Dowling that discriminated against a gay teacher or the bigots that think all Priests are child molesters? Is making a claim that Priests have been convicted of child molestation a bigoted position? Or are you talking about the "Catholics being Catholics" statement?
Sorry nowalkin, I was mainly posting for at4Iowa. I forgot you were the OP.

Of course I wouldn't call the bolded quote above a bigoted position.

FACT: The website you linked was created by David F. Pierre, Jr. He is a graduate of Boston College and Catholic. He has written two books on media coverage of the Catholic child abuse scandals.

He may have just a wee bit of bias in his reporting. Thanks for the link, though. I'll take a look at his books. It sounds like interesting reading. Here is something I found regarding David Pierre. I'm not sure he should be your go to guy when it comes to defending the church.

This post was edited on 4/7 4:10 PM by at4iowa
Originally posted by at4iowa:
Rape a child, no problem. Not only will you keep your job, we will transfer you to a different location and sweep it under the rug. Find out a good teacher is gay, no way we are hiring that sick freak! It's against Gods way.

If being against the above scenario makes me a moronic bigoted anti-Catholic, I'm flattered. One of the most corrupt organizations to ever exist. Catholics being Catholic.
Translation = He couldn't afford private school so he makes shit up.
Originally posted by Arbitr8:

Originally posted by at4iowa:
Rape a child, no problem. Not only will you keep your job, we will transfer you to a different location and sweep it under the rug. Find out a good teacher is gay, no way we are hiring that sick freak! It's against Gods way.

If being against the above scenario makes me a moronic bigoted anti-Catholic, I'm flattered. One of the most corrupt organizations to ever exist. Catholics being Catholic.
Translation = He couldn't afford private school so he makes shit up.
What's he making up?
Originally posted by nowalkin:

Originally posted by Arbitr8:

Originally posted by at4iowa:
Rape a child, no problem. Not only will you keep your job, we will transfer you to a different location and sweep it under the rug. Find out a good teacher is gay, no way we are hiring that sick freak! It's against Gods way.

If being against the above scenario makes me a moronic bigoted anti-Catholic, I'm flattered. One of the most corrupt organizations to ever exist. Catholics being Catholic.
Translation = He couldn't afford private school so he makes shit up.
What's he making up?
That a child was raped at Dowling, someone was transferred and the whole issue was swept under the rug.
Originally posted by at4iowa:

Originally posted by timinatoria:

Originally posted by nowalkin:

Wait, which bigots are we talking about? The Catholics at Dowling that discriminated against a gay teacher or the bigots that think all Priests are child molesters? Is making a claim that Priests have been convicted of child molestation a bigoted position? Or are you talking about the "Catholics being Catholics" statement?
Sorry nowalkin, I was mainly posting for at4Iowa. I forgot you were the OP.

Of course I wouldn't call the bolded quote above a bigoted position.

FACT: The website you linked was created by David F. Pierre, Jr. He is a graduate of Boston College and Catholic. He has written two books on media coverage of the Catholic child abuse scandals.

He may have just a wee bit of bias in his reporting. Thanks for the link, though. I'll take a look at his books. It sounds like interesting reading. Here is something I found regarding David Pierre. I'm not sure he should be your go to guy when it comes to defending the church.

This post was edited on 4/7 4:10 PM by at4iowa
Is this one of those 'attack the source' things?

Unless you can show that the author lied about the facts he presented I don't really care about his bias or his religion or how nutty he is. If you have a link or facts that conflict with his information I'd be happy to read it. If is info is incorrect I'm interested in reading it.
Originally posted by Arbitr8:

Originally posted by nowalkin:

Originally posted by Arbitr8:

Originally posted by at4iowa:
Rape a child, no problem. Not only will you keep your job, we will transfer you to a different location and sweep it under the rug. Find out a good teacher is gay, no way we are hiring that sick freak! It's against Gods way.

If being against the above scenario makes me a moronic bigoted anti-Catholic, I'm flattered. One of the most corrupt organizations to ever exist. Catholics being Catholic.

Translation = He couldn't afford private school so he makes shit up.

What's he making up?

That a child was raped at Dowling, someone was transferred and the whole issue was swept under the rug.
Yeah, soooo, he's not talking about Dowling. Are you suggesting children weren't raped and it wasn't swept under the rug in the Catholic Church priestgate scandal?

A lot of evidence

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