Drew Ott


HB Legend
Jul 3, 2003
His biggest/best contribution to the team this year may have been before the season ever started.

Remember in the open practices when the offense looked inept? Couldn't block Ott at all?

Going against him obviously made those guys better and the results are being seen week after week.
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Interesting speculation. Does it work that way in a D1 football camp? At my HS, 1x1 drills were not position-specific but we were 1A/2A so we didn't have the numbers to match-up during individual drills. It was a hodgepodge of linemen against linemen, so you'd frequently get a center/guard working against an end. We wouldn't match-up by line position until team drills and team O/D (1s vs 2s).

Edit: In D1, I'd think they'd try to match ends against tackles and interior linemen against interior linemen.

Second edit: Now I'm only speculating based on what I've seen through mostly beer-goggles, but I think most of our OL struggles this year have been 1v1 in pass protection on the edge. I have no doubt that Drew taught the tackles something there.
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