Duck conservative star working to make US as stupid as possible

Well, you have to give him some credit. Two years ago he would have said that two negroes broke into the house to rape some white women and emasculate the man of the house. He's really learned to tone it down.
That was a really bad analogy.

This dude is not stupid though. I would assume that he is pretty calculated on the intent of what he is saying. He wants to generate the controversy. He is baiting the left into asking him to either retract the comments or apologize and he is just waiting to unleash the bible on them.
With talk of rape and genital mutilation I think he is setting himself up for a run for the white house as the true conservative candidate. God knows, conservatives sure love their rape talk.
Originally posted by montross:
That was a really bad analogy.

This dude is not stupid though. I would assume that he is pretty calculated on the intent of what he is saying. He wants to generate the controversy. He is baiting the left into asking him to either retract the comments or apologize and he is just waiting to unleash the bible on them.
Probably right, some Christians love to take the Lord's name in vain and often get praised for the effort by other Christians.
Phil may not be stupid, but the people who responded in this thread with comments about Obama, rather than commentary on his bizarre story, certainly are.

Also, while again, he might not be stupid (he comes across pretty dumb on the show), he's clearly lost with reality and fully ignorant on what being an atheist is.

I'm guessing it makes it easier to get through life when you're completely brainwashed and can't think for yourself, and instead just follow what you're told. Maybe I can ask someone about that. Where's Dave been lately?
I think he's just a savvy businessman who knows conservatives are a soft touch so he exploits them.
Jscott = Brian Williams lol lol lol how is that crazy right winger in Chapel Hill doing
Originally posted by montross:
That was a really bad analogy.

This dude is not stupid though. I would assume that he is pretty calculated on the intent of what he is saying. He wants to generate the controversy. He is baiting the left into asking him to either retract the comments or apologize and he is just waiting to unleash the bible on them.
You are correct in that this is calculated and he is not stupid.

The only people that are stupid are the conservatives that find him to be worthy of listening to. All you have to do is wrap yourself in the flag, say you love Jesus and you can preach all the hatred and stupidity you want. That is good for a talk show deal on Fox News.

That and grow a long beard. Be sure to shed your previous Tommy Bahama gear.

People that follow this guy also think Larry the Cable guy is funny and is in fact, a cable guy.

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