Dueling Donors: Iowans Giving Big For New Facilities


Dec 28, 2014
Cedar Rapids
The top NCAA Division I programs are in the midst of a facilities arms race, as teams with deep-pocketed donors are competing to build bigger and better wrestling rooms and amenities.

The new facilities don't come cheap, and fundraising efforts are often part of multi-million-dollar, campus-wide campaigns. Flo's own Nomad recently recapped the escalating facility battles being waged across the collegiate landscape.

It appears that Iowa Hawkeyes fans did not want to be left out of the fun. Whether directly encouraged by Nomad's intrepid reporting or perhaps by rival Ohio State head coach Tom Ryan's tweet, Iowa booster Bob Nicolls announced that he was writing a $1 million check to the Hawkeyes program, as proudly relayed by Iowa assistant coach Ryan Morningstar in a tweet of his own.

Nicolls' call to action to his fellow Iowa supporters is being answered, as the Hawkeye Wrestling Club is also trumpeting the success of its ongoing pledge drive.

No details or building plans on the new Hawkeye wrestling facilities are available, making Nicolls' contributions to kickstart the project all the more impressive.
We will be sure to keep everyone up to date when conceptual drawings are released.
Flo had the chronology wrong. The grassroots effort by IOWA FANS preceded Bob's donation -- important difference.

Also, their speculation about what prompted Iowa fans' efforts was incorrect. It was a spontaneous effort. If anything, it was one post by Pinters that officially started the fundraising.

Flo doesn't recognize that this is a matter of the greatest fan base in college wrestling taking matters into its own hands. And Bob, while a phenomenally generous guy, is a fan like the rest of us who was inspired by his fellow Hawk fans and wanted to join in.

And if Flo thinks Bob is the only big donor among us, they're wrong yet again. There will be plenty others joining Bob, and they didn't need an article by someone at Flo (which I, for one, haven't even seen) or a tweet by Tom Ryan (never saw that either) to motivate them.
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<<Whether directly encouraged by Nomad's intrepid reporting or perhaps by rival Ohio State head coach Tom Ryan's tweet, Iowa booster Bob Nicolls announced that he was writing a $1 million check to the Hawkeyes program>>

Uh, yeah I don't remembering it happening that way. What WDMHawk said, the movement was inspired here which is why he posted his message about donating $1M on the HR. If it was inspired by Flo's reporting don't you think Bob would have mentioned it?
You are correct about you calling out Flo on the issues you raised. I was going to say something similar, but then I just thought that this is good for Hawkeye wrestling so I let it go. Does anyone have any updates on the amount of money the HWC and program is? Last I saw it was a tad over $69,000. Now if we could do another Grapple and average over 10,000 per meet...
I thought someone read an article about some other facilities and said that the Hawks could and should do better. Then everything went crazy and the money started pouring in and the excitement has risen. Am I misremembering?
No matter how it started, it is darn impressive what is happening and the enthusiasm of the Hawkeye Nation. There should be no doubt where the greatest wrestling fans in the country reside. I think the Hawkeye Nation and the Iranian delegation should have a fan contest to see who gets the world title.
I just looked back. I guess the post by Todd Conner started the ball rolling or at least got people thinking. Does that sound right? Not that it matters. It has been crazy to watch this unfold.
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Flo didn't have the chronology correct. The grassroots effort by IOWA FANS preceded Bob's donation -- important difference.

Also, their speculation about what prompted Iowa fans' efforts was totally incorrect. It was a spontaneous effort. If anything, it was one post by Pinters that officially started the fundraising.

Flo doesn't recognize that this is a matter of the greatest fan base in college wrestling taking matters into its own hands. And Bob, while a phenomenally generous guy, is a fan like the rest of us who was inspired by his fellow Hawk fans and wanted to join in.

And if Flo thinks Bob is the only big donor among us, they're wrong yet again. There will be plenty others joining Bob, and they didn't need an article by someone at Flo (which I, for one, haven't even seen) or a tweet by Tom Ryan (never saw that either) to motivate them.

Exactly right WWDM.

It seems FLO didn't know, or just ignored the spontaneous origin of the fund raising, which started on this board. The numerous small donations started by members of this forum was approaching $20K (and a tip o' the hat to pinters), before Bob added his generous donation with a pledge for more.

It's great that the fundraising is happening, and of course that's the most important thing. Hopefully it's going to get Iowa back to where it belongs.
I just looked back. I guess the post by Todd Conner started the ball rolling or at least got people thinking. Does that sound right? Not that it matters. It has been crazy to watch this unfold.
It has been neat to watch.

Really not a big deal, and I want to stay positive. Just thought it was worth clarifying, for the record.

It's great that Flo gave the Iowa movement some pub. Always good to have your facts straight if you're going to write the story, though.

It's all good!