Earlier Bruce Harreld visit to Iowa revealed


HB King
May 29, 2001
This keeps getting fishier and fishier:

Bruce Harreld flew to Iowa and met with key leaders involved in the University of Iowa presidential search in early June, weeks earlier than previously reported.

Harreld, who starts as president Monday, visited Cedar Rapids in early June to attend a meeting with Board of Regents President Bruce Rastetter and Jean Robillard, UI's vice president of medical affairs and chairman of the UI Presidential Search and Screen Committee.

Peter Matthes, UI’s interim chief of staff and a staff member assigned to the search committee, also attended. Another member of the search committee, businessman Jerre Stead, arranged the meeting, but was unable to attend.

Revelation of the earlier contact with search leaders follows a storm of criticism on campus contending that the search was unfairly tilted to Harreld long before four finalists were chosen.

Some members of the campus community have criticized Harreld directly. Others have confined their reproach to the Board of Regents and are waiting to see how well Harreld, a former IBM executive with no experience in university administration, performs in the new role.


In an hour-long, one-on-one interview Friday with The Des Moines Register, Harreld discussed his initial hesitance at UI officials' overtures toward him, the search process and how he came to decide the president's job was one he wanted.

Harreld said he had "absolutely no" interest in the job when Rastetter, who was on the search committee, called him in late spring and brought up the topic "out of the blue." Rastetter's introductory call was followed a week later by a more personal invitation from Stead, who has known Harreld professionally for more than two decades.


Bruce Harreld discusses the corporatization of the University of Iowa. David Scrivner/Iowa City Press-Citizen

How Harreld got interested in UI
It was Stead who persuaded Harreld to fly to Iowa and meet with other members of the search committee. Although Stead eventually was unable to attend the meeting, it was there that Harreld first heard something that made him want to learn more about the job — the story of UI Health Care's development and growth under Robillard's tenure.”

“(For) most organizations that change ... the motivating force for change is a crisis,” said Harreld, who taught from 2008 to 2014 at Harvard Business School. Very few organizations, he said, manage to accomplish what he calls "punctuated proactive change," in which the organization changes before being forced to do so.

Robillard, who has been one of Harreld's strong supporters on campus since the regents voted Sept. 3 on his appointment, also noticed an affinity between Harreld's theories and UIHC practices.

“(It) probably was a three- or four-hour meeting, and they spent a lot of time talking to me about organizational change,” Harreld said. “... I thought I was trying to help them figure out their search. But in the middle of this, Robillard said to me, ‘Wow. I didn’t realize that some of the things we’ve been doing at the hospital actually are just what you’ve been talking about.’”

About a week later, Robillard emailed Harreld and asked him if he would be willing to make a similar presentation to UIHC leadership. Details of that July 8 presentation, which included lunch with Rastetter and two additional search committee members, did not come out until two weeks after the regents voted to appoint Harreld as president.

A week after that revelation, the regents released documents revealing Harreld had met with an additional four regents July 30 in Ames. The meetings took place the day before the search committee began evaluating application materials.

Concerns with the search process and Harreld's qualifications led to a "no confidence" vote in regent leadership by the UI Faculty Senate. News about the early meetings has led faculty groups at other Iowa and Big Ten universities to support that vote. Regent Subhash Sahai, who did not meet with Harreld until the final Sept. 3 interviews with the regents, recently said the early meetings make the process look tainted and unfair.

A former UI Faculty Senate president said Saturday that the revelation of an even earlier meeting between Harreld and search officials demonstrates more about the flaws in the process than it does about Harreld's commitment to the job, to which he has been legally appointed.

“I’m glad Harreld voluntarily shared that information," said Sheldon Kurtz, a UI law professor. "That openness is more than we’ve gotten from the Board of Regents. If anything, the regents have done him a disservice as well as the university. They cast a cloud over him.”

Other critics among the UI faculty have expressed concerns about potential conflicts of interest arising from Harreld's longstanding relationship with Stead, who represented the UI Foundation on the search committee.

“I would say he was more of a coach,” Harreld said to a question about whether he and Stead had ever been in business together. “Yes, I think if you actually go back through, technically, he was working for an organization that was trying to sell something to us. Or I was working with an organization (trying to sell something to him). Both of us have had multiple moves. ... I view him as very much a mentor of mine at various stages of my career.”


Bruce Harreld explains his views on tenure at the University of Iowa. David Scrivner/Iowa City Press-Citizen

Growing interest leads to more meetings
After his mood changed from "not interested" to "somewhat interested," Harreld said he wrote out a list of people that he wanted to meet with to discuss the job. That list included additional regents, members of Gov. Terry Branstad's administration, Iowa State University President Steven Leath and several other people he was unable to meet with.

Harreld said his requests came from his desire to learn as much as he could about a job he'd never envisioned himself performing.

“I couldn’t get enough information," Harreld said. "I didn’t actually, ultimately make the decision whether I wanted to go forward ... until the morning of the final interview (with the regents). So, I have a long history in my mind of this process of saying, ‘No, no, no. Not interested, not interested.’”

Harreld said his apprehension about being a nontraditional candidate was the main reason he sought a phone call with Branstad, who served for six years as president of Des Moines University, a private medical school.

"I really was interested in (the question), 'Can outsiders survive in this sort of institution?'" Harreld said. "And he was resoundingly positive on that."

Since his selection by the regents, Harreld said he has been in contact with several other university presidents of public research institutions.

"The ones that are nonconventional that called me have almost all said, ‘Hey. This happened to me, too. Go meet the faculty. You’re going to be fine,'" Harreld said of the protests and backlash against his hiring.

He said he has taken that advice to heart and, over the past few weeks, has met privately with about 60 faculty members.

Although criticism of both the search process and Harreld remains intense on the UI campus, the one-on-one meetings are persuading some on campus to "give Harreld a chance," Kurtz said.

“I’ve been very impressed with his willingness to go around and visit all over the campus community,” Kurtz said. “He’s not shying away from learning.”
Give the guy a chance. At least let him get to the office and do something before you recall him.

Would all this stuff coming out matter if he was in education to start with?
Give the guy a chance. At least let him get to the office and do something before you recall him.

Would all this stuff coming out matter if he was in education to start with?
Actually, I believe it still would be an issue. The problem is the perception of receiving preferential treatment over the other candidates.

My personal belief is that had Harreld ultimately said no (in the interviews he made it clear he still wasn't sold on the position until September 3) I don't think any of the other three candidates would have been offered the position. I think Rastetter would have recalled all of them and started the search over to get another corporate executive into the mix. I don't think Rastetter ever had any intentions of selecting someone from the academic world.
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Give the guy a chance. At least let him get to the office and do something before you recall him.

Would all this stuff coming out matter if he was in education to start with?
I've said many times that I want him to succeed. But, the process was horribly flawed. And, by flawed I mean rigged. I questioned at least a month ago why don't we see a full listing of who met when? Were their contacts made without the committee's knowledge, and were contacts made using private phones and email accounts? And, here we go. Another meeting we didn't know about.
Were any of the other finalists given additional opportunities to meet with Bruce Rastetter and members of the BOR?