Eight Iowa Counties Have More Voter Registrations Than Eligible Voters, 18,658 extra names

Whats your problem with showing them your drivers license ?
maybe I don't have one....maybe I dont me where in the Constitution (US or IOWA) where it says I am required to show you who I am in order to vote......that is why there are voter registration lists...A "voter ID" just plays into the conspiracists already out there...It "validates" their invalid argument.
The claims of voter fraud were false, proved untrue by public data and the state’s top election official.

That didn’t stop them from going viral, as right-wing activists took to Twitter over the weekend to spread specious allegations of trickery in Iowa’s first-in-the-nation caucuses.

The episode showcased the perils of conducting elections in the age of social media, where volume is more important than veracity.

The Iowa Democratic Party, in partnership with national Democratic officials, has labored to make the caucuses more transparent and to fend off the sort of confusion and conspiracy theories that marred the process in 2016. The Democratic National Committee has its own unit tracking viral disinformation and flagging falsehoods to campaigns, as well as to technology companies that have pledged to clean up their platforms after they were enlisted by Russian actors to boost Donald Trump in his campaign against Hillary Clinton.

But their efforts falter in the face of falsehoods pushed by users with massive online audiences, which social media platforms often refuse to remove, arguing they should not serve as the Web’s arbiters of truth. On Monday, Twitter affirmed its mostly hands-off approach, maintaining the false claims about Iowa’s voter rolls did not qualify as a form of voter suppression.

“The tweet you referenced is not in violation of our election integrity policy as it does not suppress voter turnout or mislead people about when, where, or how to vote," said spokeswoman Katie Rosborough.

Inside the quest by Iowa Democrats to protect their caucuses from disinformation and hacks

The claims on the eve of the caucuses came from a pair conservative activists.

Tom Fitton, the president of the conservative activist group Judicial Watch, wrote Sunday morning that “eight Iowa counties have more voter registrations than citizens old enough to register.”

That notion, based on a Judicial Watch report purporting to find similar irregularities in hundreds of counties across the country, is false, according to state officials and a Washington Post review of the most up-to-date data.

Of the eight Iowa counties listed by Judicial Watch, a single one — Lyon County — has more registered voters than adult residents, based on five-year estimates released by the Census Bureau in 2018. The estimates, however, do not account for population growth over the past two years. And the total number registered comprises active and inactive voters.

“Their data is flawed, and it’s unfortunate that they’ve chosen caucus day to put out this deeply flawed data,” said Kevin Hall, a spokesman for the Iowa secretary of state.

Flaws in the data did not stop other conservative activists from pushing the misleading conclusion. Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA, a group mobilizing young conservatives, followed up Sunday afternoon to proclaim that, “One day before the Iowa Caucus, it’s been revealed that EIGHT Iowa counties have more adults registered to vote than voting-aged adults living there.” He asked users to retweet to show their support for a national voter-identification law.

And retweet they did. By Monday, the two tweets together had more than 100,000 interactions, meaning retweets, likes and replies. Among the users amplifying the falsehood were Kelli Ward, the chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party, and Mimi Walters, a Republican former congresswoman from California. Analysis by VineSight, a group tracking online falsehoods, said that some of the amplification came from accounts exhibiting signs of automation and that few of the users appeared to be from Iowa.

Presented with figures that contradicted his findings, Fitton stood his ground.

“It’s all very interesting and curious, but the fact is our data shows eight counties over 100 percent,” the Judicial Watch president said in an interview.

Once the 2020 census is completed, he added, a clearer picture will emerge. “Things may have changed, and certainly things will get better or worse over the next two years, but that’s the data we’re relying on," he said, even though the data sources he cited undercut his assertions. He called his organization’s efforts to raise alarm about voter rolls a “public service.”

Turning Point USA declined to provide an on-the-record statement.

Early Monday, Iowa’s secretary of state, Republican Paul Pate, weighed in to debunk the allegation.

“False claim,” he wrote. “Here is a link to the actual county-by-county voter registration totals. They are updated monthly and available online for everyone to see.”

He included a link to his office’s website, as well as the hashtag #FakeNews.

Pate’s post gained virtually no amplification.

“The truth actually gets retweeted almost never, and the things that are the most inflammatory get the most play,” said Ann Ravel, the director of the Digital Deception project at MapLight, which tracks money in politics. She previously served on the Federal Election Commission.

Ravel accused tech companies of failing to grapple with what she says is a form of voter suppression. She said such tweets have the effect of casting doubt on the legitimacy of the political process.

“People do not have trust in institutions anymore,” she said. “This augments that.”

Iowa caucuses updates: First votes will be cast tonight

Top tech companies have maintained they are not “arbiters of truth,” in the words of Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg, adopting a hands-off approach to most speech, even outright lies. But the companies have sought to stake out a more aggressive approach to content considered to be voter suppression. Generally, Facebook, Google and Twitter prohibit users from misrepresenting how, when and where to vote, or from sharing posts, photos and videos designed to discourage people from turning out on Election Day.

Under Twitter’s rules, updated in April, the company also bans tweets that include “misleading claims about voting procedures or techniques which could dissuade voters from participating in an election.” Those who run afoul of its standards are locked out of their accounts until they delete their tweets and risk permanent suspension if they do not change their behavior.
This week, liberals have been repeating their frequent claim that voter fraud doesn’t exist. A recent Salon article argues that “voter fraud just isn’t a problem in Pennsylvania,” despite evidence to the contrary. Another article argues that voter fraud is entirely in the imagination of those who use voter ID laws to deny minorities the right to vote.

Yet as the election approaches, more and more cases of voter fraud are beginning to surface. In Colorado, multiple instances were found of dead people attempting to vote. Stunningly, “a woman named Sara Sosa who died in 2009 cast ballots in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.” In Virginia, it was found that nearly 20 voter applications were turned in under the names of dead people.

In Texas, authorities are investigating criminals who are using the technique of “vote harvesting” to illegally procure votes for their candidates. “Harvesting” is the practice of illegally obtaining the signatures of valid voters in order to vote in their name without their consent for the candidate(s) the criminal supports.

These are just some instances of voter fraud we know about. It would be silly to assume cases that have been discovered are the only cases of fraud. Indeed according to a Pew Charitable Trust report from February 2012, one in eight voter registrations are “significantly inaccurate or no longer valid.” Since there are 146 million Americans registered to vote, this translates to a stunning 18 million invalid voter registrations on the books. Further, “More than 1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters, and approximately 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state.” Numbers of this scale obviously provide ripe opportunity for fraud.
This week, liberals have been repeating their frequent claim that voter fraud doesn’t exist. A recent Salon article argues that “voter fraud just isn’t a problem in Pennsylvania,” despite evidence to the contrary. Another article argues that voter fraud is entirely in the imagination of those who use voter ID laws to deny minorities the right to vote.

Yet as the election approaches, more and more cases of voter fraud are beginning to surface. In Colorado, multiple instances were found of dead people attempting to vote. Stunningly, “a woman named Sara Sosa who died in 2009 cast ballots in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.” In Virginia, it was found that nearly 20 voter applications were turned in under the names of dead people.

In Texas, authorities are investigating criminals who are using the technique of “vote harvesting” to illegally procure votes for their candidates. “Harvesting” is the practice of illegally obtaining the signatures of valid voters in order to vote in their name without their consent for the candidate(s) the criminal supports.

These are just some instances of voter fraud we know about. It would be silly to assume cases that have been discovered are the only cases of fraud. Indeed according to a Pew Charitable Trust report from February 2012, one in eight voter registrations are “significantly inaccurate or no longer valid.” Since there are 146 million Americans registered to vote, this translates to a stunning 18 million invalid voter registrations on the books. Further, “More than 1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters, and approximately 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state.” Numbers of this scale obviously provide ripe opportunity for fraud.
2nd request in this thread. Please cite the voter fraud in the article
Barack Obama received more than 99% of the vote in more than 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio on election day. In fact, there were a substantial number of precincts where Mitt Romney got exactly zero votes. So how in the world did this happen? Third world dictators don’t even get 99% of the vote. Overall, Mitt Romney received 30.12% of the vote in Cuyahoga County. There were even a bunch of precincts in Cuyahoga County that Romney actually won. But everyone certainly expected that Cuyahoga County would be Obama territory. And in most of the precincts that is exactly what we saw – large numbers of votes for both candidates but a definite edge for Obama. However, there are more than 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County where the voting results can only be described as truly bizarre. Yes, we always knew that urban areas would lean very heavily toward Obama, but are we actually expected to believe that Obama got over 99% of the votes in those areas? In more than 50 different precincts, Romney received 2 votes or less. Considering how important the swing state of Ohio was to the national election, one would think that such improbable results would get the attention of somebody out there. Could we be looking at evidence of election fraud hidden in plain sight?
Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch on Monday announced that eight Iowa counties have more voter registrations than eligible voters.

There are at least 18,658 extra names on the voter rolls in Iowa, Judicial Watch reported.

The watchdog group also reported that Polk County has an unusually high rate of 95.9% of total eligible voters registered.

Via Judicial Watch:

Judicial Watch announced that eight Iowa counties have more voter registrations than their eligible voting-age population. According to Judicial Watch’s analysis of data released by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) in 2019 and the most recent U.S. Census Bureau’s five-year American Community Survey, eight Iowa counties are on the list of 378 counties nationwide that have more voter registrations than citizens living there who are old enough to vote, i.e., counties where registration rates exceed 100%. These 378 counties combined had about 2.5 million registrations over the 100%-registered mark. In Iowa, there are at least 18,658 “extra names” on the voting rolls in the eight counties at issue.

The chart below details the eight Iowa counties’ registration rate percentages:

Reg Rate Total Population
Dallas County 114.8 80,864
Johnson County 107.9 114,425
Lyon County 102.5 11,475
Madison County 102.5 15,720
Poweshiek County 102.1 18,428
Dickinson County 100.9 17,000
Scott County 100.8 171,493
Warren County 100.5 48,630
“Dirty voting rolls can mean dirty elections and Iowa needs to undertake a serious effort to address its voting rolls,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

This is why you need VOTER ID
That's why you need to check and purge the voter rolls regularly.
There can be, and probably are, legitimate reasons for this apparent impossibility. But it needs to be addressed.
And what bothers me more is when there are more votes actually cast in a jurisdiction than there are residents eligible to cast them.
This week, liberals have been repeating their frequent claim that voter fraud doesn’t exist. A recent Salon article argues that “voter fraud just isn’t a problem in Pennsylvania,” despite evidence to the contrary. Another article argues that voter fraud is entirely in the imagination of those who use voter ID laws to deny minorities the right to vote.

Yet as the election approaches, more and more cases of voter fraud are beginning to surface. In Colorado, multiple instances were found of dead people attempting to vote. Stunningly, “a woman named Sara Sosa who died in 2009 cast ballots in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.” In Virginia, it was found that nearly 20 voter applications were turned in under the names of dead people.

In Texas, authorities are investigating criminals who are using the technique of “vote harvesting” to illegally procure votes for their candidates. “Harvesting” is the practice of illegally obtaining the signatures of valid voters in order to vote in their name without their consent for the candidate(s) the criminal supports.

These are just some instances of voter fraud we know about. It would be silly to assume cases that have been discovered are the only cases of fraud. Indeed according to a Pew Charitable Trust report from February 2012, one in eight voter registrations are “significantly inaccurate or no longer valid.” Since there are 146 million Americans registered to vote, this translates to a stunning 18 million invalid voter registrations on the books. Further, “More than 1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters, and approximately 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state.” Numbers of this scale obviously provide ripe opportunity for fraud.

According to your linked article, 731 people in the entire State of Pennsylvania (a state with ~7.3 million registered voters) MAY HAVE cast two ballots or possibly have voted in another state in 2014. Not accused of, or proven that they did, but MAY HAVE.

That's some solid evidence right there.
Judicial Watch LOL. As has been pointed out over and over again when this wingnut propaganda is posted, this is not uncommon. People die and move out of districts all of the time without notifying their counties. Their names remain on the rolls, while people who move into the counties have their names added. Nothing to see here, and voter ID would not solve this problem even if it were one.

Yes it would solve the problem.
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what bothers me more is when there are more votes actually cast in a jurisdiction than there are residents eligible to cast them.
See my post above explaining how this happens. In many counties the Census Bureau population estimates will under or over report population (they only surveyed 2.35% of citizens in Iowa to generate the population estimate that Judicial Watch used).

You cannot rely on a survey with a self reported confidence level of 90% to make precise estimations of small populations.
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Steps to fix the issue.

1. National voter registration database. Crosschecked with the SS database for deaths. You are registered to vote at birth, with restrictions on age and eligibility determined at the local, state, and federal level, depending on the election. If you move from Iowa to Texas, you update your info when you vote. Someone trying to vote in Iowa using that identifier would not be able to vote.

2. National voter ID. Provided absolutely and completely free to every eligible voter. Unique PIN or identifier for absentee.

3. Most importantly, a system to completely bypass ID with additional verification. Sworn statement from someone. Other forms of ID. Something
So what is the liberal argument against voter ID?

How does it restrict people's voting rights?
States exclude forms of ID in a discriminatory manner. Texas allows concealed weapons permits for voting, but does not accept student ID cards. Until its voter ID law was struck down, North Carolina prohibited public assistance IDs and state employee ID cards, which are disproportionately held by Black voters. And until recently, Wisconsin permitted active duty military ID cards, but prohibited Veterans Affairs ID cards for voting.
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There is no reason to oppose voter Id unless you are protecting/fostering vote fraud

any complaints of suppression is an obvious cover for cheating.
Judicial Watch LOL. As has been pointed out over and over again when this wingnut propaganda is posted, this is not uncommon. People die and move out of districts all of the time without notifying their counties. Their names remain on the rolls, while people who move into the counties have their names added. Nothing to see here, and voter ID would not solve this problem even if it were one.
Hilarious. No surprise that roy would be a big Judicial Watch fan. Prolly a big wall believer as well.
Joel, do you honestly think Klayman or Tom Fitton would just lie and make this up ? You are being ridiculous and or dishonest.

They are probably taking this to court as they are checking the rolls in every state. Just address the facts and stop obfuscating.

Yesterday you claimed voter id wasn't necessary because Iowa only had 8 cases of voter fraud. Now we have 18000.

Good grief Joel

In case you missed ciggies article. Republican SOS says Fitton is wrong.

He’s covering his ass

he doesn’t say him many phony names are registered just that the number was wrong

there could be 16000 cases of potential vote fraud instead of 18000
According to your linked article, 731 people in the entire State of Pennsylvania (a state with ~7.3 million registered voters) MAY HAVE cast two ballots or possibly have voted in another state in 2014. Not accused of, or proven that they did, but MAY HAVE.

That's some solid evidence right there.

George Bush won the 2000 election by 537 votes.
Our boy Roy is just another easily-scammed rube. Ts and Ps on the eventual identity theft, mouth-breather.

Conservatives spread false claims on Twitter about electoral fraud as Iowans prepare to caucus
The episode showcases social media’s hands-off approach to disinformation and the possible perils ahead in a divisive election season


Supporters stand in front of a flag of Iowa ahead of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidate rally on Sunday, January 26, 2020 in Sioux City, Iowa.
Isaac Stanley-Becker and
Tony Romm
Feb. 3, 2020 at 5:06 p.m. CST

DES MOINES — The claims of electoral fraud were false, proved untrue by public data and the state’s top election official.

That didn’t stop them from going viral, as right-wing activists took to Twitter over the weekend to spread specious allegations of malfeasance on the eve of Iowa’s first-in-the-nation caucuses.

The episode showcased the perils of conducting elections in the age of social media, where volume is more important than veracity.

The Iowa Democratic Party, in partnership with national Democratic officials, has labored to make the caucuses more transparent and to fend off the sort of confusion and conspiracy theories that marred the process in 2016. The Democratic National Committee has its own unit tracking viral disinformation and flagging falsehoods to campaigns, as well as to technology companies that have pledged to clean up their platforms after they were enlisted by Russian actors to boost Donald Trump in his campaign against Hillary Clinton.

But their efforts falter in the face of falsehoods pushed by users with massive online audiences, which social media platforms often refuse to remove, arguing they should not serve as the Web’s arbiters of truth. On Monday, Twitter affirmed its mostly hands-off approach, maintaining the false claims about Iowa’s voter rolls did not qualify as a form of voter suppression.

“The tweet you referenced is not in violation of our election integrity policy as it does not suppress voter turnout or mislead people about when, where, or how to vote," said spokeswoman Katie Rosborough.

The claims came from a pair conservative activists.

Tom Fitton, the president of the conservative activist group Judicial Watch, wrote Sunday morning that “eight Iowa counties have more voter registrations than citizens old enough to register.”
That notion, based on a Judicial Watch report purporting to find similar irregularities in hundreds of counties across the country, is false, according to state officials and a Washington Post review of the most up-to-date data.

Of the eight Iowa counties listed by Judicial Watch, a single one — Lyon County — has more registered voters (8,490) than adult residents (8,430), based on five-year estimates released by the Census Bureau in 2018. The estimates, however, do not account for population growth over the past two years. And the total number of registered voters includes both active and inactive voters.

“Their data is flawed, and it’s unfortunate that they’ve chosen caucus day to put out this deeply flawed data,” said Kevin Hall, a spokesman for the Iowa secretary of state.

Flaws in the data did not stop other conservative activists from pushing the misleading conclusion. Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA, a group mobilizing young conservatives, followed up Sunday afternoon to proclaim that, “One day before the Iowa Caucus, it’s been revealed that EIGHT Iowa counties have more adults registered to vote than voting-aged adults living there.” He asked users to retweet to show their support for a national voter-identification law.

And retweet they did. By Monday, the two tweets together had more than 100,000 interactions, meaning retweets, likes and replies. Among the users amplifying the falsehood were Kelli Ward, the chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party, and Mimi Walters, a Republican former congresswoman from California. Analysis by VineSight, a group tracking online falsehoods, said that some of the amplification came from accounts exhibiting signs of automation and that few of the users appeared to be from Iowa.

Presented with figures that contradicted his findings, Fitton stood his ground.

“It’s all very interesting and curious, but the fact is our data shows eight counties over 100 percent,” the Judicial Watch president said in an interview.

A clearer picture will emerge once new analysis is available from the Election Assistance Commission, he added. “Things may have changed, and certainly things will get better or worse over the next two years, but that’s the data we’re relying on," he said. He called his organization’s efforts to raise alarm about voter rolls a “public service.”
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How does voter ID suppress voters?
It doesn't , but democrats count on a certain amount of voter fraud. Illegals vote in huge numbers in California and many other states. How did Obama win with 99% of the vote or 100% of the vote in Ohio Counties against Romney ? Dictators in 3rd world countries don't get 99% of the vote.
It doesn't , but democrats count on a certain amount of voter fraud. Illegals vote in huge numbers in California and many other states. How did Obama win with 99% of the vote or 100% of the vote in Ohio Counties against Romney ? Dictators in 3rd world countries don't get 99% of the vote.

Show those results or your obvious lie becomes undeniably obvious.
Barack Obama received more than 99% of the vote in more than 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio on election day. In fact, there were a substantial number of precincts where Mitt Romney got exactly zero votes. So how in the world did this happen? Third world dictators don’t even get 99% of the vote. Overall, Mitt Romney received 30.12% of the vote in Cuyahoga County. There were even a bunch of precincts in Cuyahoga County that Romney actually won. But everyone certainly expected that Cuyahoga County would be Obama territory. And in most of the precincts that is exactly what we saw – large numbers of votes for both candidates but a definite edge for Obama. However, there are more than 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County where the voting results can only be described as truly bizarre. Yes, we always knew that urban areas would lean very heavily toward Obama, but are we actually expected to believe that Obama got over 99% of the votes in those areas? In more than 50 different precincts, Romney received 2 votes or less. Considering how important the swing state of Ohio was to the national election, one would think that such improbable results would get the attention of somebody out there. Could we be looking at evidence of election fraud hidden in plain sight?
I am sayin' this is bullshit, roy.
Again.....if this is the case, why isn't it in the news then? The Register would love to crash this would Channel 8 and Channel 13 TV.
Again....I say this is complete bullshit flung out there by a right wing fringe political group. Why dont they go to the County Atty. and file charges? The County Atty. would absolutely have to investigate the charge.
Roy.....if it ain't you, its your sources that are completely full of shit.

Yup. Same goes for the bullshit voter suppression stories. Supposedly the Dems see all of these people disenfranchised and having their votes suppressed, yet you never see them on the news in large groups together talking about how they couldn’t vote. Weird.
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See my post above explaining how this happens. In many counties the Census Bureau population estimates will under or over report population (they only surveyed 2.35% of citizens in Iowa to generate the population estimate that Judicial Watch used).

You cannot rely on a survey with a self reported confidence level of 90% to make precise estimations of small populations.
Hey man, don't be talking statistics to Republicans. They're too f**king stupid to comprehend.
Yup. Same goes for the bullshit voter suppression stories. Supposedly the Dems see all of these people disenfranchised and having their votes suppressed, yet you never see them on the news in large groups together talking about how they couldn’t vote. Weird.
Bullshit....lots of stories out of Florida and north Carolina about folks suddenly removed from voter's rolls because of "similar names" to felons....Florida and North Carolina need to get with the times...properly fund their elections and place qualified folks in charge of them.
its just proving who you are so we don't have Vote Fraud.

How is presenting a photo id preventing you from voting ?

It may prevent you from voting multiple times or in some deceased persons name.
the new drivers licenses are pretty tough to fake Joel.

No photo ID makes vote fraud very easy.

You partisan democrats sure seem to oppose any safeguard against vote fraud
Bullshit....lots of stories out of Florida and north Carolina about folks suddenly removed from voter's rolls because of "similar names" to felons....Florida and North Carolina need to get with the times...properly fund their elections and place qualified folks in charge of them.

No stories of people en masse not being able to vote. None. And by your own measuring stick that makes the story bullshit. Sorry. Just own it. Or admit your first post is bull shit.
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I am sayin' this is bullshit, roy.
Again.....if this is the case, why isn't it in the news then? The Register would love to crash this would Channel 8 and Channel 13 TV.
Again....I say this is complete bullshit flung out there by a right wing fringe political group. Why dont they go to the County Atty. and file charges? The County Atty. would absolutely have to investigate the charge.
Roy.....if it ain't you, its your sources that are completely full of shit.
I’m registered in three of those counties Joel.
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No stories of people en masse not being able to vote. None. And by your own measuring stick that makes the story bullshit. Sorry. Just own it. Or admit your first post is bull shit.
and no stories of "en masse" voter fraud, either....Voter IDs are a complete and total waste of time...IF the state cant keep accurate voter rolls, it is ignoring its #1 duty in electioneering. If Iowa can do it...and it does, you need to ask why cant Florida, North Carolina and other states?