Emails to Barta via open records

I wouldn't label it as fascinating when it is completely expected, but a good, relevant article nonetheless.

I'd be curious to see when he requested it and when he actually received the documents.
Access to emails to Barta for a department that receives no public support, yet then protects the annonimity of the people that sent them. Weak.

'Journalism' mixed with the belligerence of people these days write a sad commentary.

I would have a different opinion of the Gazzette if it provided names of the authors. Used to be a standard for letter submitted to papers. As is, they are just stirring the pot like we do on message boards.
Originally posted by cecilB:
Access to emails to Barta for a department that receives no public support, yet then protects the annonimity of the people that sent them. Weak.

'Journalism' mixed with the belligerence of people these days write a sad commentary.

I would have a different opinion of the Gazzette if it provided names of the authors. Used to be a standard for letter submitted to papers. As is, they are just stirring the pot like we do on message boards.
The letters weren't submitted to the paper.
Originally posted by cecilB:
Access to emails to Barta for a department that receives no public support, yet then protects the annonimity of the people that sent them. Weak.

'Journalism' mixed with the belligerence of people these days write a sad commentary.

I would have a different opinion of the Gazzette if it provided names of the authors. Used to be a standard for letter submitted to papers. As is, they are just stirring the pot like we do on message boards.
I disagree, and am in fact disgusted that The Gazette would publish people's letters verbatim. It would not take a lot of effort to figure out who some of the writers are based upon the information they shared. Maybe in today's "everything is in the public forum" world they should expect it, but I would wager none of these authors ever thought their words would make it into the newspaper under the veil of an open records request. These are not anonymous letters written in the shadows of darkness - they are delivered as private opinions to the man who is essentially the head of a private company. No one is hiding behind anything here, but they don't want their words being broadcast for the entire world to see any more than you want a private conversation with your wife to make the 6 o'clock news. The message is not intended for the audience The Gazette chose to share it with. Positioning that as "journalism" says a lot about Morehouse and the entire editorial staff, and in fact promotes a chilling effect towards anyone who might consider expressing their opinion to Barta or any other public figure in the future - which some of them probably wouldn't mind one bit.

Not to mention that copying and pasting other people's words, counting up a bunch of keyword phrases, and adding a few dozen attachments to the end of an article is about the laziest way that anyone could deliver "news". Pathetic.
Originally posted by dawgs_04:
Fascinating article

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Let's say all 250 emails that Barta recieved the week after the NB were negative (which they weren't, but we'll say they were for this discussion). That means 250 'fans' were upset enough to actually send an email expressing their disdain.
Now, Let's say there are 250,000 Hawkeye fans nationwide (this number is undoubtedly way low).

That means .001% of the fans were so upset they needed to email Barta. Doesn't sound very 'newsworthy' to me.
Sounds like the squeeky wheel is getting waaay too much oil.

I have not doubt that a good percentage of that 250 are some of the same bunch that have been crying and carrying on for months now on this site. If the rest of those complainers are as sharp as the ones on here, I wouldn't pay any attention to it if I was Barta. The rest of us 99% +, may not like everything, but we have a more realistic perspective.

This post was edited on 4/2 9:37 PM by BuddyRydell
I can buy that perspective...weak sauce is the gazette. Tabloid journalism.
The public is gleeful when FOIA is used to uncover information from within public entities. These individuals chose to send an email to a public figure within the university, and the Gazette should have printed their names and email addresses, just as they do to those who work at the university.
Originally posted by BuddyRydell:

Originally posted by dawgs_04:
Fascinating article

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Let's say all 250 emails that Barta recieved the week after the NB were negative (which they weren't, but we'll say they were for this discussion). That means 250 'fans' were upset enough to actually send an email expressing their disdain.
Now, Let's say there are 250,000 Hawkeye fans nationwide (this number is undoubtedly way low).

That means .001% of the fans were so upset they needed to email Barta. Doesn't sound very 'newsworthy' to me.
Sounds like the squeeky wheel is getting waaay too much oil.

I have not doubt that a good percentage of that 250 are some of the same bunch that have been crying and carrying on for months now on this site. If the rest of those complainers are as sharp as the ones on here, I wouldn't pay any attention to it if I was Barta. The rest of us 99% +, may not like everything, but we have a more realistic perspective.

This post was edited on 4/2 9:37 PM by BuddyRydell
That's not how media works dumbass. You think so small, you are pathetic, and you have always been small and lacking in vision. You would have thought that the JR/CJB story would have been next to nothing on national news waves. WRONG. It's on every major news sports site. The media loves itself a drama, this will provide them with much drama.
Well, it's definitely indicative of an image problem that Iowa football has right now, regardless of whether you think that the emails are reflective of a larger portion of Iowa fans or not. The Gazette gave lip service to the fact that some of the emails were obscene and that there were some supportive emails, but the main gist of the article was that the large majority of fans no longer support the program under Ferentz. The media leads with what bleeds, and they smell blood in the water. Ferentz's relationship with sportswriters in the past has not made them sympathetic. Not saying the media is justified, just saying this is what the media is portraying.

As for the content of the emails, that further illustrates what some fans are feeling. You can argue how many of those such fans there are, I'll just address what they're thinking as revealed by the emails, not the number of them that exist.

Again, there is an image problem here. Iowa's record is what it is, but those fans in the emails also brought up that they think Ferentz and the administration does not care about winning (unless it hurts ticket sales). This is no doubt false, but it is true that this is the image. Public relations gaffs life "That's Football," the Nebraska AD speaking down about Iowa football in justifying firing the winning coach after the game, and lack of emotion may have been misconstrued. But, the inability of Iowa to counter the totality of their projection of apathy through the past season has put them where they are. There are also viewpoints on Iowa only being interested in winning the "Iowa way," where you get your starting position from putting in your dues (especially in the weight room) and not if you are the best player. One more time, not saying this is true, but if you do not think these viewpoints are held outside of this website, you are as ignorant of the perception out there as the Iowa program seems to be.

Rhoads is still at ISU, and one factor for that may be the videos of his locker room speeches and his rah rah talk about ISU. On the other hand, Iowa is seen as taking the ISU game as just another game, the Nebraska day-after-Thanksgiving game as a manufactured rivalry, and Ferentz's cool and calm demeanor as apathy.

This impacts how fans enjoy Iowa Football, especially so in the 7-5 years. Football is entertainment. You can say that true fans should enjoy Iowa no matter the wins or style of play, but the allusions to Lickliter are out there. Last time, not arguing what the reality is truly, just what the perception is among some fans as shown in the emails.

And once these fans feel they are not being entertained, that's when their (very real) apathy sets in and they talk about canceling season tickets or going hunting instead of watching Iowa football. More so, they feel they are not getting their money's worth of entertainment. You can say good riddance. Or you can say that these fans are a small minority. We will see what ticket sales are this year, which will illustrate whether this is a small minority or not. And if it is sizeable, it will affect the Iowa program a great deal, whether they hire a new coach in 2016 or 2021.

In any case, winning goes a long way to overcoming PR problems (Billichek, Marshawn Lynch), so here's hoping Iowa has a good season. And if it is another 7-6 or 8-5 season, Iowa needs to do a better job of presenting itself to disgruntled fans and not let the media write the story.
I wrote an email to barta and it shows up on that list below. In no way did I ever think it would be published by the newspaper. If they had left my information on my letter I would have been extremely upset.

This does not mean I don't stand by what I said though. In fact I have been saying all the same things on here, I will tell anyone who wants to listen what my thoughts are.

I do think publishing peoples direct letter will make people think twice about voicing their thoughts on the program and I think that is a bad thing. I also think this will make national news
What a great way to silence dissent.

Meanwhile the board of regents appears to be intentionally stepping around the rules regarding their transparency requirements and the focus is on some fans emails to an ad?

12 emails have been released this year about their business. 12. With most of them being about meeting requests. Anyone think that is an accurate reflection of reality? The president of ui resigns and we pick up an entire new campus in Des moines and the board of regents didn't send any emails about it?

So why does this relate to the topic at hand? The gazette in its fourth wall of integrity decides to pursue the story of disgruntled fans rather than what appears to be deliberate misdirection by the board of regents with a foia request. Pursue angry emails to an ad or a cover up by the people that make the decisions.

I could go on about the regents and their actions but the point of my rant is that the gazette is not doing so. Instead they are reporting on communication from disgruntled fans.
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Originally posted by BuddyRydell:

Originally posted by dawgs_04:
Fascinating article

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Let's say all 250 emails that Barta recieved the week after the NB were negative (which they weren't, but we'll say they were for this discussion). That means 250 'fans' were upset enough to actually send an email expressing their disdain.
Now, Let's say there are 250,000 Hawkeye fans nationwide (this number is undoubtedly way low).

That means .001% of the fans were so upset they needed to email Barta. Doesn't sound very 'newsworthy' to me.
Sounds like the squeeky wheel is getting waaay too much oil.

I have not doubt that a good percentage of that 250 are some of the same bunch that have been crying and carrying on for months now on this site. If the rest of those complainers are as sharp as the ones on here, I wouldn't pay any attention to it if I was Barta. The rest of us 99% +, may not like everything, but we have a more realistic perspective.

This post was edited on 4/2 9:37 PM by BuddyRydell
That's not how media works dumbass. You think so small, you are pathetic, and you have always been small and lacking in vision. You would have thought that the JR/CJB story would have been next to nothing on national news waves. WRONG. It's on every major news sports site. The media loves itself a drama, this will provide them with much drama.
Aegon, you disappoint me. Just when I thought I had you trained to stop being so childishly impulsive and to present your thoughts in a more cultured tone, you resort to your old ways of the herd mentality and uncritical thinking. You're better than that son.

Uncritical Thinkers
Pretend they know more than they do, ignore their limitations, and assume their views are error-free.

Regard problems and controversial issues as nuisances or threats to their ego.

Are impatient with complexity and thus would rather remain confused than make the effort to understand.

Base judgments on first impressions and gut reactions. They are unconcerned about the amount or quality of evidence and cling to earlier views steadfastly.

Are preoccupied with self and their own opinions, and so are unwilling to pay attention to others' views. At the first sign of disagreement they tend to think, "How can I refute this?"

Ignore the need for balance and give preference to views that support their established views.

Tend to follow their feelings and act impulsively.

I'm sorry my view points threaten your fragile ego, as I think it's clear that I wasn't talking about or even interested in how the media works, and I definately wasn't talking to you. I didn't imply anything was right or wrong, just offered a different perspective. You don't even bother to rebut my data, you just think, "How can I refute this"?

I would enjoy debating how the 'media' works with you or anyone else. All I will say is that I don't give it much credence as it has become nothing more than fodder for the mindless masses and rarely based in reality. Unfortunately, you seem to be unwilling to share ideas or learn anything, so there would be no point in engaging you in friendly discourse.

The point of my post was I don't think this situation should turn into a 'reality TV show' were the 'freaks' are portrayed as the norm. Most of us don't want all the drama and try to ignore it, the 'Jersey Shore' crowd, like yourself, revel in it.

Keep working on yourself, Aegon. You are making strides and you'll get there eventually. I believe in you. I don't think you want to be part of the herd, but it's tough to take those blinders off after years of programming, but you can do it.

This post was edited on 4/3 9:11 AM by BuddyRydell
Very weak and ineffective of these fans to vent via email right after ("the week after") the Nebby loss.

Should have let emotions cool, then write a calm but direct letter and send to Barta via paper some random day in late March, explaining why you are not renewing season tickets.
Originally posted by BondHawk:

Originally posted by cecilB:
Access to emails to Barta for a department that receives no public support, yet then protects the annonimity of the people that sent them. Weak.

'Journalism' mixed with the belligerence of people these days write a sad commentary.

I would have a different opinion of the Gazzette if it provided names of the authors. Used to be a standard for letter submitted to papers. As is, they are just stirring the pot like we do on message boards.
I disagree, and am in fact disgusted that The Gazette would publish people's letters verbatim. It would not take a lot of effort to figure out who some of the writers are based upon the information they shared. Maybe in today's "everything is in the public forum" world they should expect it, but I would wager none of these authors ever thought their words would make it into the newspaper under the veil of an open records request. These are not anonymous letters written in the shadows of darkness - they are delivered as private opinions to the man who is essentially the head of a private company. No one is hiding behind anything here, but they don't want their words being broadcast for the entire world to see any more than you want a private conversation with your wife to make the 6 o'clock news. The message is not intended for the audience The Gazette chose to share it with. Positioning that as "journalism" says a lot about Morehouse and the entire editorial staff, and in fact promotes a chilling effect towards anyone who might consider expressing their opinion to Barta or any other public figure in the future - which some of them probably wouldn't mind one bit.

Not to mention that copying and pasting other people's words, counting up a bunch of keyword phrases, and adding a few dozen attachments to the end of an article is about the laziest way that anyone could deliver "news". Pathetic.
I wanted to ask Morehouse to publish emails people send him about his wonderful job.
Originally posted by BuddyRydell:

Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Originally posted by BuddyRydell:

Originally posted by dawgs_04:
Fascinating article

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Let's say all 250 emails that Barta recieved the week after the NB were negative (which they weren't, but we'll say they were for this discussion). That means 250 'fans' were upset enough to actually send an email expressing their disdain.
Now, Let's say there are 250,000 Hawkeye fans nationwide (this number is undoubtedly way low).

That means .001% of the fans were so upset they needed to email Barta. Doesn't sound very 'newsworthy' to me.
Sounds like the squeeky wheel is getting waaay too much oil.

I have not doubt that a good percentage of that 250 are some of the same bunch that have been crying and carrying on for months now on this site. If the rest of those complainers are as sharp as the ones on here, I wouldn't pay any attention to it if I was Barta. The rest of us 99% +, may not like everything, but we have a more realistic perspective.

This post was edited on 4/2 9:37 PM by BuddyRydell
That's not how media works dumbass. You think so small, you are pathetic, and you have always been small and lacking in vision. You would have thought that the JR/CJB story would have been next to nothing on national news waves. WRONG. It's on every major news sports site. The media loves itself a drama, this will provide them with much drama.
Aegon, you disappoint me. Just when I thought I had you trained to stop being so childishly impulsive and to present your thoughts in a more cultured tone, you resort to your old ways of the herd mentality and uncritical thinking. You're better than that son.

Uncritical Thinkers
Pretend they know more than they do, ignore their limitations, and assume their views are error-free.

Regard problems and controversial issues as nuisances or threats to their ego.

Are impatient with complexity and thus would rather remain confused than make the effort to understand.

Base judgments on first impressions and gut reactions. They are unconcerned about the amount or quality of evidence and cling to earlier views steadfastly.

Are preoccupied with self and their own opinions, and so are unwilling to pay attention to others' views. At the first sign of disagreement they tend to think, "How can I refute this?"

Ignore the need for balance and give preference to views that support their established views.

Tend to follow their feelings and act impulsively.

I'm sorry my view points threaten your fragile ego, as I think it's clear that I wasn't talking about or even interested in how the media works, and I definately wasn't talking to you. I didn't imply anything was right or wrong, just offered a different perspective. You don't even bother to rebut my data, you just think, "How can I refute this"?

I would enjoy debating how the 'media' works with you or anyone else. All I will say is that I don't give it much credence as it has become nothing more than fodder for the mindless masses and rarely based in reality. Unfortunately, you seem to be unwilling to share ideas or learn anything, so there would be no point in engaging you friendly discourse.

The point of my post was I don't think this situation should turn into a 'reality TV show' were the 'freaks' are portrayed as the norm. Most of us don't want all the drama and try to ignore it, the 'Jersey Shore' crowd, like yourself, revel in it.

Keep working on yourself, Aegon. You are making strides and you'll get there eventually. I believe in you. I don't think you want to be part of the herd, but it's tough to take those blinders off after years of programming, but you can do it.
Re-type all of this and try and make it less ridiculous. Then I will afford you the time for ME to read it. Until then you are back on the playground with the other kids until daddy comes to get you. Understand?
If I were picking the adjective, I'd go with "embarrassing." We come off like spoiled children.
Originally posted by Titanhawk2:

Originally posted by BondHawk:

Originally posted by cecilB:
Access to emails to Barta for a department that receives no public support, yet then protects the annonimity of the people that sent them. Weak.

'Journalism' mixed with the belligerence of people these days write a sad commentary.

I would have a different opinion of the Gazzette if it provided names of the authors. Used to be a standard for letter submitted to papers. As is, they are just stirring the pot like we do on message boards.
I disagree, and am in fact disgusted that The Gazette would publish people's letters verbatim. It would not take a lot of effort to figure out who some of the writers are based upon the information they shared. Maybe in today's "everything is in the public forum" world they should expect it, but I would wager none of these authors ever thought their words would make it into the newspaper under the veil of an open records request. These are not anonymous letters written in the shadows of darkness - they are delivered as private opinions to the man who is essentially the head of a private company. No one is hiding behind anything here, but they don't want their words being broadcast for the entire world to see any more than you want a private conversation with your wife to make the 6 o'clock news. The message is not intended for the audience The Gazette chose to share it with. Positioning that as "journalism" says a lot about Morehouse and the entire editorial staff, and in fact promotes a chilling effect towards anyone who might consider expressing their opinion to Barta or any other public figure in the future - which some of them probably wouldn't mind one bit.

Not to mention that copying and pasting other people's words, counting up a bunch of keyword phrases, and adding a few dozen attachments to the end of an article is about the laziest way that anyone could deliver "news". Pathetic.
I wanted to ask Morehouse to publish emails people send him about his wonderful job.
What again is stopping you from asking?
Originally posted by Hawk_82:
I wrote an email to barta and it shows up on that list below. In no way did I ever think it would be published by the newspaper. If they had left my information on my letter I would have been extremely upset.

This does not mean I don't stand by what I said though.
If you stand by what you mean, why would you object?

Typical f'n cry baby fan.
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Originally posted by BuddyRydell:

Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Originally posted by BuddyRydell:

Originally posted by dawgs_04:
Fascinating article

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Let's say all 250 emails that Barta recieved the week after the NB were negative (which they weren't, but we'll say they were for this discussion). That means 250 'fans' were upset enough to actually send an email expressing their disdain.
Now, Let's say there are 250,000 Hawkeye fans nationwide (this number is undoubtedly way low).

That means .001% of the fans were so upset they needed to email Barta. Doesn't sound very 'newsworthy' to me.
Sounds like the squeeky wheel is getting waaay too much oil.

I have not doubt that a good percentage of that 250 are some of the same bunch that have been crying and carrying on for months now on this site. If the rest of those complainers are as sharp as the ones on here, I wouldn't pay any attention to it if I was Barta. The rest of us 99% +, may not like everything, but we have a more realistic perspective.

This post was edited on 4/2 9:37 PM by BuddyRydell
That's not how media works dumbass. You think so small, you are pathetic, and you have always been small and lacking in vision. You would have thought that the JR/CJB story would have been next to nothing on national news waves. WRONG. It's on every major news sports site. The media loves itself a drama, this will provide them with much drama.
Aegon, you disappoint me. Just when I thought I had you trained to stop being so childishly impulsive and to present your thoughts in a more cultured tone, you resort to your old ways of the herd mentality and uncritical thinking. You're better than that son.

Uncritical Thinkers
Pretend they know more than they do, ignore their limitations, and assume their views are error-free.

Regard problems and controversial issues as nuisances or threats to their ego.

Are impatient with complexity and thus would rather remain confused than make the effort to understand.

Base judgments on first impressions and gut reactions. They are unconcerned about the amount or quality of evidence and cling to earlier views steadfastly.

Are preoccupied with self and their own opinions, and so are unwilling to pay attention to others' views. At the first sign of disagreement they tend to think, "How can I refute this?"

Ignore the need for balance and give preference to views that support their established views.

Tend to follow their feelings and act impulsively.

I'm sorry my view points threaten your fragile ego, as I think it's clear that I wasn't talking about or even interested in how the media works, and I definately wasn't talking to you. I didn't imply anything was right or wrong, just offered a different perspective. You don't even bother to rebut my data, you just think, "How can I refute this"?

I would enjoy debating how the 'media' works with you or anyone else. All I will say is that I don't give it much credence as it has become nothing more than fodder for the mindless masses and rarely based in reality. Unfortunately, you seem to be unwilling to share ideas or learn anything, so there would be no point in engaging you friendly discourse.

The point of my post was I don't think this situation should turn into a 'reality TV show' were the 'freaks' are portrayed as the norm. Most of us don't want all the drama and try to ignore it, the 'Jersey Shore' crowd, like yourself, revel in it.

Keep working on yourself, Aegon. You are making strides and you'll get there eventually. I believe in you. I don't think you want to be part of the herd, but it's tough to take those blinders off after years of programming, but you can do it.
Re-type all of this and try and make it less ridiculous. Then I will afford you the time for ME to read it. Until then you are back on the playground with the other kids until daddy comes to get you. Understand?
There you go again, acquiescing to the most callow of your emotions. I expect that kind of response from a 6th grade BD student, but I expect more from you. You're serioulsy regressing. I wish there was more I could do for you, but you have to stay devoted to expanding your insight and nurturing your capacity for critical thought.
Originally posted by ichawk24:

Originally posted by Hawk_82:
I wrote an email to barta and it shows up on that list below. In no way did I ever think it would be published by the newspaper. If they had left my information on my letter I would have been extremely upset.

This does not mean I don't stand by what I said though.
If you stand by what you mean, why would you object?

Typical f'n cry baby fan.
Because there is an appropriate time, place, and delivery for various types of communication. Otherwise we would all get rid of our email accounts and text messaging and just tweet everything instead.

If you stand by what you say on here and don't care who knows it, why don't you change your Rivals handle to the name your parents gave you?
I read the article. Not surprised the fans are sending letters like that to the AD. Hopefully we'll start seeing some changes and some results. Putting message boards aside, talking IRL, person to person talks with Iowa fans who are friends, nobody is happy about the current state of Iowa football. I'm actually happy that it is this ugly and fans are upset and p*ssed off. At least fans are showing they still care. The next step is apathy, which is the worst thing possible, and I think that is starting to creep its way into the fanbase.
Article just sums up the bad vibe around the program to end the season and drags it into spring.

Though from reading some of the emails some do it in a respectful manner and make valid points such as atmosphere/tailgating around the stadium being worse and worse, avg record with style of play (we win style doesn't matter) but most importantly the money and price of Iowa football. Our departments revenue #11, our avg season tix price #11-12 and coach top 10 with new top notch facilities and no where near top 25 program. It makes sense why people are upset. Hopefully we can pull a 2013 and turn the negative vibe around.
Originally posted by BuddyRydell:

There you go again, acquiescing to the most callow of your emotions. I expect that kind of response from a 6th grade BD student, but I expect more from you. You're serioulsy regressing. I wish there was more I could do for you, but you have to stay devoted to expanding your insight and nurturing your capacity for critical thought.
I destroyed Matt Foley, I can destroy his hell spawn Buddy as well. You do realize who has the power here and you are understanding in your place on this forum.

You are in no position to speak of regression in your current state of evolution. It is far beneath me, and you simply can't comprehend what I can. It's simple really, but then again so are you.

There is an alpha within this conversation, and an Omega, but that isn't you Buddy/Stanley/Matty. Now remember to go ahead and finish re-typing that arbitrary and inept post you had. Daddy is waiting, and he's losing his patience.

I will allow you one more response, then you are to go down the path I have sent you.
Whoa, you two gonna do some 50 shades of grey sh*t or what? Everyone is focused on the paper publishing it, which imho is nothing, they blacked your name out and there are only a couple people in the world weird enough to want/try to figure that stuff out....... The best part of this will be at the end of the year when the "we have alot of decisions to make" card comes from Barta and instead of getting a slow hire and missing a big name we, as a now heard voiced fanbase, can say you should have been looking all year. This is good things ladies and gentlemen.
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Originally posted by BuddyRydell:

There you go again, acquiescing to the most callow of your emotions. I expect that kind of response from a 6th grade BD student, but I expect more from you. You're serioulsy regressing. I wish there was more I could do for you, but you have to stay devoted to expanding your insight and nurturing your capacity for critical thought.
I destroyed Matt Foley, I can destroy his hell spawn Buddy as well. You do realize who has the power here and you are understanding in your place on this forum.

You are in no position to speak of regression in your current state of evolution. It is far beneath me, and you simply can't comprehend what I can. It's simple really, but then again so are you.

There is an alpha within this conversation, and an Omega, but that isn't you Buddy/Stanley/Matty. Now remember to go ahead and finish re-typing that arbitrary and inept post you had. Daddy is waiting, and he's losing his patience.

I will allow you one more response, then you are to go down the path I have sent you.
Ok, now you're just acting psycho again. Like when you first confronted Matt and said you wanted to beat him up, then threatened to kill him, while calling him the most vile of names, all the while, displaying some strange obsession with 'skittles'.
You're 'God' complex is quite concerning. It is normally associated with 'manic' episodes in those suffering from a Bi-Polar condition, but I think you only have these episodes when you are in your costume. It is obvious that not being able to comprehend my posts is causing you great frustration and discomfort, thus leading to the most 'reptilian' of responses. You resort to this when you know you are uncapable of debating me on topics, such as this, and X's and O's about the Iowa schemes. Hopefully, you will take off your costume, take your medications, and actually 'think' about what you are going to say next, as opposed to another childish, impulsive, unstable, inane rant.
Originally posted by BuddyRydell:

Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Originally posted by BuddyRydell:

There you go again, acquiescing to the most callow of your emotions. I expect that kind of response from a 6th grade BD student, but I expect more from you. You're serioulsy regressing. I wish there was more I could do for you, but you have to stay devoted to expanding your insight and nurturing your capacity for critical thought.
I destroyed Matt Foley, I can destroy his hell spawn Buddy as well. You do realize who has the power here and you are understanding in your place on this forum.

You are in no position to speak of regression in your current state of evolution. It is far beneath me, and you simply can't comprehend what I can. It's simple really, but then again so are you.

There is an alpha within this conversation, and an Omega, but that isn't you Buddy/Stanley/Matty. Now remember to go ahead and finish re-typing that arbitrary and inept post you had. Daddy is waiting, and he's losing his patience.

I will allow you one more response, then you are to go down the path I have sent you.
Ok, now you're just acting psycho again. Like when you first confronted Matt and said you wanted to beat him up, then threatened to kill him, while calling him the most vile of names, all the while, displaying some strange obsession with 'skittles'.
You're 'God' complex is quite concerning. It is normally associated with 'manic' episodes in those suffering from a Bi-Polar condition, but I think you only have these episodes when you are in your costume. It is obvious that not being able to comprehend my posts is causing you great frustration and discomfort, thus leading to the most 'reptilian' of responses. You resort to this when you know you are uncapable of debating me on topics, such as this, and X's and O's about the Iowa schemes. Hopefully, you will take off your costume, take your medications, and actually 'think' about what you are going to say next, as opposed to another childish, impulsive, unstable, inane rant.
Oh Matty/Stanley/Buddy, this is just not good. I gave you a chance to contribute to your own salvation and you clearly want to walk the road of fire. That's okay. I'll continue to watch over you and take notes. Until then, you are now going to have to go this alone until I decide to bring you back in.

Lots of words and nothing of substance. Learn to do better than this. You're should have been your by the way. Now get back on that yellow brick road and find that dang Wizard, and a brain, and a heart, and a home. Your courage needs to be found as well.
Originally posted by BuddyRydell:
Originally posted by dawgs_04:
Fascinating article

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Let's say all 250 emails that Barta recieved the week after the NB were negative (which they weren't, but we'll say they were for this discussion). That means 250 'fans' were upset enough to actually send an email expressing their disdain.
Now, Let's say there are 250,000 Hawkeye fans nationwide (this number is undoubtedly way low).

That means .001% of the fans were so upset they needed to email Barta. Doesn't sound very 'newsworthy' to me.
Sounds like the squeeky wheel is getting waaay too much oil.

I have not doubt that a good percentage of that 250 are some of the same bunch that have been crying and carrying on for months now on this site. If the rest of those complainers are as sharp as the ones on here, I wouldn't pay any attention to it if I was Barta. The rest of us 99% +, may not like everything, but we have a more realistic perspective.

This post was edited on 4/2 9:37 PM by BuddyRydell

You're not very good at statistics or just math in general are you?
Originally posted by HAWK-N-402 (4):
Whoa, you two gonna do some 50 shades of grey sh*t or what? Everyone is focused on the paper publishing it, which imho is nothing, they blacked your name out and there are only a couple people in the world weird enough to want/try to figure that stuff out....... The best part of this will be at the end of the year when the "we have alot of decisions to make" card comes from Barta and instead of getting a slow hire and missing a big name we, as a now heard voiced fanbase, can say you should have been looking all year. This is good things ladies and gentlemen.
Aegon's been obsessed with me for quite awhile. I've already told him I don't do the 'bromance thing'. He just won't quite stalking me and my every post.

Did you bother to read my first post on this thread? They are estimates, but quite reasonable based on the data available.
A well heard voiced fanbase? He hasn't even heard from over 90% of the fanbase.
The less than 1% that are stomping their feet and screaming do not constitute the 'fanbase'. I fear you are delusional my friend.
The small minority can email Barta, and complain on here all they'd like, but It will come down to 'butts in seats' and the big money alums. As long as there are butts in seats and big daddy is satisfied, KF will finish his contract and pass the torch.
Nothing personal, but it's a 'business' and decisions of this magnitude are not made based on the emoting of a group of screaming mimis'.
Do you have any data that supports your theory that your positon represent the 'fanbase'? An article? A survey? A petition? Anything that would lend credibility to your supposition?
Originally posted by GarryO37:

Originally posted by BuddyRydell:

Originally posted by dawgs_04:
Fascinating article

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Let's say all 250 emails that Barta recieved the week after the NB were negative (which they weren't, but we'll say they were for this discussion). That means 250 'fans' were upset enough to actually send an email expressing their disdain.
Now, Let's say there are 250,000 Hawkeye fans nationwide (this number is undoubtedly way low).

That means .001% of the fans were so upset they needed to email Barta. Doesn't sound very 'newsworthy' to me.
Sounds like the squeeky wheel is getting waaay too much oil.

I have not doubt that a good percentage of that 250 are some of the same bunch that have been crying and carrying on for months now on this site. If the rest of those complainers are as sharp as the ones on here, I wouldn't pay any attention to it if I was Barta. The rest of us 99% +, may not like everything, but we have a more realistic perspective.

This post was edited on 4/2 9:37 PM by BuddyRydell

You're not very good at statistics or just math in general are you?
You're correct. I must have inadvertantly punched in 2.5 million instead of 250K. I made a mistake. It should read .01%. Doesn't chance the premise of the post though. Thanks.
Originally posted by BuddyRydell:
Originally posted by HAWK-N-402 (4):
Whoa, you two gonna do some 50 shades of grey sh*t or what? Everyone is focused on the paper publishing it, which imho is nothing, they blacked your name out and there are only a couple people in the world weird enough to want/try to figure that stuff out....... The best part of this will be at the end of the year when the "we have alot of decisions to make" card comes from Barta and instead of getting a slow hire and missing a big name we, as a now heard voiced fanbase, can say you should have been looking all year. This is good things ladies and gentlemen.
Aegon's been obsessed with me for quite awhile. I've already told him I don't do the 'bromance thing'. He just won't quite stalking me and my every post.

Did you bother to read my first post on this thread? They are estimates, but quite reasonable based on the data available.
A well heard voiced fanbase? He hasn't even heard from over 90% of the fanbase.
The less than 1% that are stomping their feet and screaming do not constitute the 'fanbase'. I fear you are delusional my friend.
The small minority can email Barta, and complain on here all they'd like, but It will come down to 'butts in seats' and the big money alums. As long as there are butts in seats and big daddy is satisfied, KF will finish his contract and pass the torch.
Nothing personal, but it's a 'business' and decisions of this magnitude are not made based on the emoting of a group of screaming mimis'.
Do you have any data that supports your theory that your positon represent the 'fanbase'? An article? A survey? A petition? Anything that would lend credibility to your supposition?
Well this article is pretty telling in itself by the CR Gazette it illustrates the bad vibe Iowa finished the season with and the general feeling of lack of enthusiasm among many Iowa fans. Got to ask yourself a ? why does the Gazette run this and what does it hope to accomplish? My personal opinion is they are showing how many fans are losing patience and excitement with the program and the direction its heading. Just because many fans don't post their thoughts in an email to Barta or on a message board doesn't mean there aren't a lot of fans and ticket holders upset with how the program has been the last couple years and direction its heading and person leading it. I know through work and friends people dropping some tickets or all together and aren't sending anyone an email or posting about it but doesn't mean its not happening.

I do agree $ donations and attendance matter a lot. I can't speak on how donations have gone up or down last 4-5 years but look at attendance. Students down big time at Iowa (national issue not just Iowa) but Iowa isn't consistantly selling out games anymore and has been like this last couple of years. Last year with home games iowa greatly benefited from its schedule. 4 games in particular UNI, Iowa St, Wisconsin and Nebraska brought in lot of fans to games most fan bases wouldn't. In fact kind of embarassing how much red I saw last 2 games. With Iowa's boring schedule next year won't get that # from any opposing team maybe minus Minnesota. I think key is winning both ISU and Pitt cause drop one of those early ones sets a bad tone and that N. Texas game could be one where we see butts in the seat around 60K a mark that hasn't been seen since Kirk's first year or 2. Plus lose early you lose some excitement and people are going to pass up a chance at watching iowa for example play purdue in November and watch from the comforts of a bar or their living room.
Originally posted by BondHawk:

If you stand by what you say on here and don't care who knows it, why don't you change your Rivals handle to the name your parents gave you?
I never proclaimed either item, and I'm not an idiot who sent an email to a public institution whining about the football program.
Originally posted by iahawkeyes17:

Originally posted by BuddyRydell:

Originally posted by HAWK-N-402 (4):
Whoa, you two gonna do some 50 shades of grey sh*t or what? Everyone is focused on the paper publishing it, which imho is nothing, they blacked your name out and there are only a couple people in the world weird enough to want/try to figure that stuff out....... The best part of this will be at the end of the year when the "we have alot of decisions to make" card comes from Barta and instead of getting a slow hire and missing a big name we, as a now heard voiced fanbase, can say you should have been looking all year. This is good things ladies and gentlemen.
Aegon's been obsessed with me for quite awhile. I've already told him I don't do the 'bromance thing'. He just won't quite stalking me and my every post.

Did you bother to read my first post on this thread? They are estimates, but quite reasonable based on the data available.
A well heard voiced fanbase? He hasn't even heard from over 90% of the fanbase.
The less than 1% that are stomping their feet and screaming do not constitute the 'fanbase'. I fear you are delusional my friend.
The small minority can email Barta, and complain on here all they'd like, but It will come down to 'butts in seats' and the big money alums. As long as there are butts in seats and big daddy is satisfied, KF will finish his contract and pass the torch.
Nothing personal, but it's a 'business' and decisions of this magnitude are not made based on the emoting of a group of screaming mimis'.
Do you have any data that supports your theory that your positon represent the 'fanbase'? An article? A survey? A petition? Anything that would lend credibility to your supposition?
Well this article is pretty telling in itself by the CR Gazette it illustrates the bad vibe Iowa finished the season with and the general feeling of lack of enthusiasm among many Iowa fans. Got to ask yourself a ? why does the Gazette run this and what does it hope to accomplish? My personal opinion is they are showing how many fans are losing patience and excitement with the program and the direction its heading. Just because many fans don't post their thoughts in an email to Barta or on a message board doesn't mean there aren't a lot of fans and ticket holders upset with how the program has been the last couple years and direction its heading and person leading it. I know through work and friends people dropping some tickets or all together and aren't sending anyone an email or posting about it but doesn't mean its not happening.

I do agree $ donations and attendance matter a lot. I can't speak on how donations have gone up or down last 4-5 years but look at attendance. Students down big time at Iowa (national issue not just Iowa) but Iowa isn't consistantly selling out games anymore and has been like this last couple of years. Last year with home games iowa greatly benefited from its schedule. 4 games in particular UNI, Iowa St, Wisconsin and Nebraska brought in lot of fans to games most fan bases wouldn't. In fact kind of embarassing how much red I saw last 2 games. With Iowa's boring schedule next year won't get that # from any opposing team maybe minus Minnesota. I think key is winning both ISU and Pitt cause drop one of those early ones sets a bad tone and that N. Texas game could be one where we see butts in the seat around 60K a mark that hasn't been seen since Kirk's first year or 2. Plus lose early you lose some excitement and people are going to pass up a chance at watching iowa for example play purdue in November and watch from the comforts of a bar or their living room.
I agree with your sentiment; the VAST majority of folks just find it easier to not renew, not tailgate, not scalp, or even not tune in and simply let that be it. No need to fire off the emails. Hopefully they get the message when tickets are unsold and empty seats are shining in the sun. I'd add in seeing people not having fun tailgating, but they can see that in whoever does actually show up.
Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:
Originally posted by BuddyRydell:

Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Originally posted by BuddyRydell:

There you go again, acquiescing to the most callow of your emotions. I expect that kind of response from a 6th grade BD student, but I expect more from you. You're serioulsy regressing. I wish there was more I could do for you, but you have to stay devoted to expanding your insight and nurturing your capacity for critical thought.   
I destroyed Matt Foley, I can destroy his hell spawn Buddy as well. You do realize who has the power here and you are understanding in your place on this forum.

You are in no position to speak of regression in your current state of evolution. It is far beneath me, and you simply can't comprehend what I can. It's simple really, but then again so are you.

There is an alpha within this conversation, and an Omega, but that isn't you Buddy/Stanley/Matty. Now remember to go ahead and finish re-typing that arbitrary and inept post you had. Daddy is waiting, and he's losing his patience.

I will allow you one more response, then you are to go down the path I have sent you.
Ok, now you're just acting psycho again. Like when you first confronted Matt and said you wanted to beat him up, then threatened to kill him, while calling him the most vile of names, all the while, displaying some strange obsession with 'skittles'. 
You're 'God' complex is quite concerning. It is normally associated with 'manic' episodes in those suffering from a Bi-Polar condition, but I think you only have these episodes when you are in your costume. It is obvious that not being able to comprehend my posts is causing you great frustration and discomfort, thus leading to the most 'reptilian' of responses. You resort to this when you know you are uncapable of debating me on topics, such as this, and X's and O's about the Iowa schemes. Hopefully, you will take off your costume, take your medications, and actually 'think' about what you are going to say next, as opposed to another childish, impulsive, unstable, inane rant.
Oh Matty/Stanley/Buddy, this is just not good. I gave you a chance to contribute to your own salvation and you clearly want to walk the road of fire. That's okay. I'll continue to watch over you and take notes. Until then, you are now going to have to go this alone until I decide to bring you back in.

Lots of words and nothing of substance. Learn to do better than this. You're should have been your by the way.  Now get back on that yellow brick road and find that dang Wizard, and a brain, and a heart, and a home. Your courage needs to be found as well.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by iowahawkeye101:

Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Originally posted by BuddyRydell:

Originally posted by Aegon_Targaryen:

Originally posted by BuddyRydell:

There you go again, acquiescing to the most callow of your emotions. I expect that kind of response from a 6th grade BD student, but I expect more from you. You're serioulsy regressing. I wish there was more I could do for you, but you have to stay devoted to expanding your insight and nurturing your capacity for critical thought.  Â
I destroyed Matt Foley, I can destroy his hell spawn Buddy as well. You do realize who has the power here and you are understanding in your place on this forum.

You are in no position to speak of regression in your current state of evolution. It is far beneath me, and you simply can't comprehend what I can. It's simple really, but then again so are you.

There is an alpha within this conversation, and an Omega, but that isn't you Buddy/Stanley/Matty. Now remember to go ahead and finish re-typing that arbitrary and inept post you had. Daddy is waiting, and he's losing his patience.

I will allow you one more response, then you are to go down the path I have sent you.
Ok, now you're just acting psycho again. Like when you first confronted Matt and said you wanted to beat him up, then threatened to kill him, while calling him the most vile of names, all the while, displaying some strange obsession with 'skittles'.Â
You're 'God' complex is quite concerning. It is normally associated with 'manic' episodes in those suffering from a Bi-Polar condition, but I think you only have these episodes when you are in your costume. It is obvious that not being able to comprehend my posts is causing you great frustration and discomfort, thus leading to the most 'reptilian' of responses. You resort to this when you know you are uncapable of debating me on topics, such as this, and X's and O's about the Iowa schemes. Hopefully, you will take off your costume, take your medications, and actually 'think' about what you are going to say next, as opposed to another childish, impulsive, unstable, inane rant.
Oh Matty/Stanley/Buddy, this is just not good. I gave you a chance to contribute to your own salvation and you clearly want to walk the road of fire. That's okay. I'll continue to watch over you and take notes. Until then, you are now going to have to go this alone until I decide to bring you back in.

Lots of words and nothing of substance. Learn to do better than this. You're should have been your by the way. Now get back on that yellow brick road and find that dang Wizard, and a brain, and a heart, and a home. Your courage needs to be found as well.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Exactly. WTF...The guys a total nutjob. He threatened to kill me a couple months back. Now he just stalks my posts. He's on ignore now.
Folley you have now completly exposed yourself. There are only a few things sadder than a 50 year old man, glued to message boards, rebuttal ing everything that comes his way at all hours of the night..... and that is a 50 year old man who creates another profile in an aytempt to rebrand himself while doing all of said things.... again get a hobby I recommend one that you can do seperate from aragyon
Originally posted by BuddyRydell:
Oh Matty/Stanley/Buddy, this is just not good. I gave you a chance to contribute to your own salvation and you clearly want to walk the road of fire. That's okay. I'll continue to watch over you and take notes. Until then, you are now going to have to go this alone until I decide to bring you back in.

Lots of words and nothing of substance. Learn to do better than this. You're should have been your by the way. Now get back on that yellow brick road and find that dang Wizard, and a brain, and a heart, and a home. Your courage needs to be found as well.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Exactly. WTF...The guys a total nutjob. He threatened to kill me a couple months back. Now he just stalks my posts. He's on ignore now.
I've been paying attention to this since I got here. I'll be honest with ya buddy. I think he is just playing your own game against you. I've seen the MattFoley posts, and they are really juvenile to be honest. I can't say for sure if you are MattFoley or not, but if you are, you are crazy dude. You rant and rave like a class A loony, and then when someone calls you out on it, then you try and reverse position and say they are the ones doing it.

I really think that this Agon dude is just trying to play your own game against you and he is doing it with great success. I've been payn attention to both of you and he only acts crazy when he's speaking to you. You on the otherhand act crazy, despite who you are talking to.

I think it is pretty clear that you are the weird one here. You just seem to be reallly mad about something and you seem to be wanting to take it out on everyone who posts here. Anyone else who crosses you, is really just a creation of how you act on here. Take me for example,..if you weren't such an aggressive and flat out crazy type of dude, I likely wouldn't have ever made a point to communicate with ya.

Relax dude, you can try and play the 'im in control card all ya want', but you're out of control Buddy. Settle down.

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