End Of 2A Rights In Virginia?

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Looks like their going to try.

From your article

“Northam told CNN he will push universal background checks, as well as bans on “high volume magazines,” bump stocks, and more.”. That is not war on anything. Those are called common sense legislation. Only the fact that wingnut Republican politicians bending over for the NRA have prevented them from already becoming law.
Seeing as how the conservative SC is ok with gerrymandering, I think their priority should be to group all the rural areas in to a couple of districts and split the rest so that the dems have a 4-5% advantage in the vast majority.
From your article

“Northam told CNN he will push universal background checks, as well as bans on “high volume magazines,” bump stocks, and more.”. That is not war on anything. Those are called common sense legislation. Only the fact that wingnut Republican politicians bending over for the NRA have prevented them from already becoming law.

Seems to me that one very conservative SC justice once commented that gun regulations coming from the State legislatures is the way to regulate guns/ownership. Sounds like Virginia might be going that route.
VA isn't remotely trying to "End the 2nd Amendment."

Breitbart readers believe that average citizens should have Abrams tanks, RPG's, and surface-to-air missiles. Otherwise, the 2nd Amendment is being threatened.

A state legislature passing legislation for background checks and banning equipment that turns a rifle into a military-grade human killing machine is not removing the right to own firearms. It's making an effort to keep firearms in the hands of sane, rational people and remove the mechanisms that have one purpose- killing as many people as possible.
VA isn't remotely trying to "End the 2nd Amendment."

Breitbart readers believe that average citizens should have Abrams tanks, RPG's, and surface-to-air missiles. Otherwise, the 2nd Amendment is being threatened.

A state legislature passing legislation for background checks and banning equipment that turns a rifle into a military-grade human killing machine is not removing the right to own firearms. It's making an effort to keep firearms in the hands of sane, rational people and remove the mechanisms that have one purpose- killing as many people as possible.

I'm as pro 2-A as anyone. I don't really have that much issue with most of the proposals, as long as they are done in a responsible way. For instance, if background checks are required for private sales, there needs to be a mechanism where they are done quickly and the expense isn't any more than if the sale was done through a dealer.

Some of this is posturing. Bump stocks are already illegal at the federal level. Bump stocks don't turn an AR-15 or any other rifle into a military killing machine. Bump stocks make a rifle inherently more dangerous to fire accurately.
Looks like their going to try.

How often have we heard from the right that elections have consequences?

From your article

“Northam told CNN he will push universal background checks, as well as bans on “high volume magazines,” bump stocks, and more.”. That is not war on anything. Those are called common sense legislation. Only the fact that wingnut Republican politicians bending over for the NRA have prevented them from already becoming law.

And guess what? Listened to the governor and NPR and he said that he and his party ran on these proposals as being their #1 issue, and the voters gave them a landslide and a super-majority. He had convened a bi-partisan panel to discuss the issue last term, and the Republicans showed up only to say they wouldn't debate any gun control legislation and walked after 9 minutes. They were too scared to debate their position in public. Shows how out of touch with common sense the NRA/GOP (one in the same really) have become.
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University of Virginia cancels 21-gun salute to veterans over concern it might 'cause a panic'


© Greg Nash
The University of Virginia (UVA) canceled a 21-gun salute to veterans on Monday because of concern it could “cause a panic.”

UVA President Jim Ryan confirmed in a Facebook post that the university will remove the annual 21-gun salute from the end of its Veterans Day events, a tradition that’s been a part of the ceremony for more than a decade.

The provost’s office and the colonel of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) decided to eliminate the salute, which was intended to mark the end of a 24-hour vigil by the ROTC.

"One is that it would be disruptive to classes and two unfortunately with gun violence in the U.S., there was some concern that we would cause a panic if someone heard gunshots on grounds," Ryan told NBC29.

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